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Bento and classic avatars


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Hey. I have a question about bento. Does this update will affect classical avatars? Or I will need to buy special mesh products?

I tested the Bento animation on classic avatar, which was supposed to act on my hands. And I did not see any difference. Hands were motionless. Just tried Bento animation on Bento SHAPE and there was no action.

While I did not notice any changes. Of course I use Bento viewer.


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2 answers to this question

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There is no such thing as a "Bento shape", that's just false advertising. There are avatar shapes that claim to have proportions that fit specific mesh body parts, such as Bento compatible mesh heads, better than usual but even if such a claim is true, it has nothing to do with Bento in general or any Bento functionality, it's jsut a shape that allegedly looks a bit better when combined with that specific mesh body part.

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