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my viewers wont work anymore


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So yesterday I was having some issue's my viewers just all of a sudden stop working, it was fine earlier and always was. but now whenever I try to open any viewer it just freezes and says "Firestorm not responding". I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, its not my firestorm. yes its fully updated. I have tried using task managrr even but nothing else would be running in the background. I have tried linden labs main viewer but it does the same thing. I dont know what to do. so if anyone could help that would be great

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It's ahrd to say without more info but if Firestorm isn't responding, the most likely explanation is that your computer is kept busy with something else. If you're on Windows, type ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+shift+esc to open the task manager and see if there are any heavy processes running in the background.

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If you have recently installed a new antivirus program, or maybe your AV has just updated itself, see this link for instructions on how to tell it to let Second Life through: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539

If this does not appear to be the problem, check to see if your graphics driver was recently updated.  If so, perhaps reverting to an earlier version will help.

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