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Core i7 6700 & gtx650ti

Fabrixx Beck

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I've assembled a new pc with core i7 6700 16 gb ddr4 but have manteined my old gtx650ti 1gb. For sl I have to upgrade? I'm thinking to a 1050ti 4gb. I'm not a videogamer, only for sl. I've read about a cap of 1gb for sl and users have some problems with 980. 1060 is to high and expensive.
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Hye there.  this is my setup I run with sl,  I seriously do not lag.


CPU: Intel® Core i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4125.01 MHz)
Memory: 32680 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 14393)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2


My 980 is a FTW model 4gb. 

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Or my 650ti 1 Gb Ram is suufficent?

That surely depends on your expectations. It will certainly run Second Life, but if you go to crowded locations, or expect high framerates, or deep draw distance, or full shadows... the more work you put on the graphics, the more that card will be the evident bottleneck in SL performance.

This compares three models mentioned in the thread. (The "G3D Mark" line is the performance benchmark.)

From this benchmark it appears the 1050 isn't all that great, and the listing for its "ti" version suggests it's not worth the price difference. 

(Just in passing, I'm not sure why the 980 is even a topic if the 1060 is too expensive.)

Really, though, that CPU is going to make bottlenecks of all but the highest-end GPUs. I hope this machine is intended to do a whole lot more than Second Life to make use of such an expensive CPU. If it were me, I'd try to get by with the 650, knowing it'll be slow, until I'd saved-up enough to get the 1060 (or better), to get a little more value from that CPU.

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