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I'm sad, lol. Bring it back pls

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I still can't stop thinking and remembering the old good times at the old looking social islands when I started SL a year ago. It was amazing to be hanging around on these islands, but it seems they changed to something that doesn't remind at all to the old islands, in the past these islands were like spots for hangout and meet people and chatting, I remember when there was a nice beach with floating houses, the coolest people I've ever known in SL tended to visit these islands and hangout at that beach. Now they've changed to a place more like a Newbie Helper platforms with boring tutorials and i dont like it, when i see it it makes me feel depressed. I miss the beach and the hot spot chatting zone called Welcome Point.

 I look in the map and i find that actually there are like 9 social islands, and i want at least one of them to change to the old one. Is there a way to convince some LL admins to change some island to the old one?



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LL always changes those types of places  as they try different things to make them attractive to new people to retain them long enough that they learn at least the basics and meet people so they then can go off to the rest of the grid and live their SL.

I'm not sure but they may do some research into what might attract new comers - or maybe not and they just try random things.

The only thing you really can do is go to the suggestion page and make your case.

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I still have the ancient orientation island hud, I for some reason really want to go see the old version again.

(it's not as much of a jay-peg in this image, ignore the pixels I lost them trying to get it to work on Lithium)

Here is a jaypeg of the old island

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