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Mainland and higher prims

chibiusa Ling

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I understand that they are trying to push mainland a little here by giving them an extra 2500 avaiable prims over a full region, but, do you really think thats going to encourage more people to buy a mainland sim. Looking at the facts : 

A. Mainland is a extremely laggy place, for me at least, always has been always will be

B. Trying to find somewhere on mainland that is cheap and affordable to buy as it is,  is near impossible with most avatars wanting to sell their land on at 7L Sqm if not more. I have seen several sims on mainland for sale in recent weeks with the prices ranging between 300k and 500k.....who is paying that?.

Ok you save 100usd a month on tier i get that but you dont get access to region controls, as i stated above mainland is hella lag ridden, you barely get any terrain controls, its highly overpriced by the residents who own it and if you simply rented privately you can aquire your land by just simply paying your first weeks tier. Surely they should have just boosted private regions to 22500 alongside mainland. 

What do you guys think, do you consider mainland worth it?

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A .. not true


B... not true


mainland is still OK if you can handle freedom, i have homestead, and little mainland plot.. both are lagfree.

Tiers and overpriced.. well that opinion, LL is a business so needs some income..

The  20k against 22.5 k ... you mix up two different products.. a mainland sim isn't the same as private,

and to that last, private sims get the choice to go up to 30k, for a small additional fee.

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I believe there are reasons behind the extra prims on mainland, here are my assumptions:

  • Mainland is a mess when it comes to parcel sizing and shape, it you compare it to private parcel rentals, you will see that private parcels are much more uniform in sizing and shape.
  • Abandoned land, abandoned land everywhere. This makes up unused prims on abandoned land.
  • Protected land, the can use up quite a bit of land on mainland. Roads, landmarks, Linden structures, etc. This allows for moles to use more prims without impacting neighbouring parcels.

Again these are just assumptions, but I believe this is why LL gave mainland a few extra prims.

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chibiusa Ling wrote:

I understand that they are trying to push mainland a little here by giving them an extra 2500 avaiable prims over a full region, but, do you really think thats going to encourage more people to buy a mainland sim.

A private full region will be able to be be taken to 30K prims for USD $225/month total cost soon. But no, people who want a mainland region are not doing it for the frew extra prims, they do it for the lifestyle.

chibiusa Ling wrote:

 Looking at the facts : 

A. Mainland is a extremely laggy place, always has been always will be

B. Trying to find somewhere on mainland that is cheap and affordable to buy as it is

A. Very wrong. Sorry. Mainland is no laggier than a private region. Turn your draw distance down.

B. You can find land for LIN $0.5 sqm. But you just need to look for a while. On the other hand prices can reach LIN $90+ sqm around the Blake Sea. Regions selling for LIN multi-million are not uncommon.

chibiusa Ling wrote:

Ok you save 100usd a month on tier i get that but you dont get access to region controls, as i stated above mainland is hella lag ridden, you barely get any terrain controls, its highly overpriced by the residents who own it and if you simply rented privately you can aquire your land by just simply paying your first weeks tier. Surely they should have just boosted private regions to 22500 alongside mainland. 

What do you guys think, do you consider mainland worth it?

Your statement mainland is laggy is incorrect.

Your statement mainland is USD $100 a month cheaper is mostly incorrect (Grandfathered private regions are USD $195 a month, or USD $225 a month for 30K prims)

The benefit of a private estate is that you can

  • Control who comes in
  • Offers the highest privacy possible in SL (which isn't much)
  • You can terraform how you like and not just +/- 4 metres
  • You can control the windlight region wide
  • You can set the water level to any height you desire
  • You can hide your ban and access lists from prying eyes

The Lab had to give the people on Mainland something - they can't do any of that. So they get a few extra prims instead.

chibiusa Ling wrote:

Surely they should have just boosted private regions to 22500 alongside mainland. 

What do you guys think, do you consider mainland worth it?

The resident now has two choices, each slightly tailered to their own needs. It's a good situation.

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I've owned the same chunk of mainland since 2008 and I'm happy with it. My neighbor only recently sold her parcel and she had been there since 2008 as well. Her old parcel has sold three times in less than a year. I was extra happy when I found out we recently got more prims. I like mainland. I wish tier was cheaper. If it was I would expand my parcel. I only pay $15 per month now and that's affordable.

The parcel next to me has sold endless times since I've been there. No one has ever kept it more than a few months. It's abandoned now and has been for several years.


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I''ve had a mainland parcel in the same sim since soon after I came to SL 10 years ago.  It's changed size a bit and crept along the Linden Highway slightly over the years, so I no longer own the original patch of land.

I've always been happy with mainland.  I don't find it any more laggy than islands.  I welcome the rise in prim allowance.  It actually means I could sell of part of my land and tier down a level and still have enough prims to keep my main building but I don't plan to do that.

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I think people who like mainland will go there, and other's who like private islands will continue to go there.  I don't think the prim allotments are going to make much difference.  The majority of people in SL that have land do gravitate to private estates.

I agree that some parts of mainland can be laggy as well as junky looking because it's anything goes there, but to be fair so can private sims unless the estate owner outlaws certain things and keeps on top of it. 

Right now I do have one of my homes on the Blake Sea and like it.  People in this area tend to have good builds and don't lag things out because the property costs a lot more, rent or buy, and they want to keep things under control. People in the area are sailors so they want low lag and scenic vistas.  However I prefer private estates with good covenants for most purposes. 

The biggest cause of lag is avatars though and that's true of both mainland and private estates where there are high traffic venues like clubs.

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