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So This is What the Lindens Were Building - My Thoughts

Prokofy Neva

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There's a blog post up now about the New Horizons community which is this secret build that Patch Linden mysteriously indicated when rumors began to go around about the new sims on the map.

It's a combination of a game and housing, something the Lindens have never done, but some of their oldbie friends have done, like the old Numbakulla which closed 5 years ago.

My thoughts:

1. The Lindens are not having a first-come, first-served system whereby anyone who wants a Linden Home and has a premium account could move in here. That might make it hard to fill up but maybe not.

2. By auctioning off 36 sims (at once? rapidly? over time?), the Lindens *might* make it seem more valuable and desired, like Nautilus or Bay City, and with that many sims prevent huge prices like $100 US or higher per lot. We'll see. If they auction them all at once, that might dilute the offering enough so that the prices won't be super high.

3. It looks like you can swap out the house style on the lot like a holodeck with the mailbox controller, and rez furniture and have security as well. So that will be attractive to some.

4. The Lindens are trying to solve the eternal problem of "what to do" and "how to make friends" by "curating" the experience.If there is a pre-made game, that will attract a certain number of people. If it has a legend, levels, takes time, that gives a reason to live near it. 

5. Every Linden game ever made has been cruel. They are all hard to play, frustrating, and you constantly have monsters in the corn fields or whatever not just take one basket you collected, but all your inventory, constantly forcing you to restart. I don't know how many people actually keep playing these games but lots of people including myself and people I know quit them because they are just too annoying. Perhaps this one will be different?

6. Every time the Lindens make a planned community, the forums laugh and say no one will go there; I have a friend who called Linden Homes "Linden Assisted Living" (she actually lived there for some years).  But look at the map, which doesn't lie, because you can't have stores (and bots) there. Green dots. Living people. A fair number of them, consistently, over time. Tyche Shepherd says in her grid survey that there are 36,000 plus Linden home lots. That's a lot! The number of premium accounts reached 100,000 some years ago and then dropped; I don't know how many there are now, but 36,000 is a lot, a good chunk of the daily log-on.

7. Why are Lindens doing this? Well, they need to update the Linden Homes experience which is tired. And they need to groom the population to herd into group Experiences in Project Sansar, like this game, then stay and socialize which is part of what gets them buying content. They meet and mate and buy skins and prefabs and so on. Note the sims are rated Adult but are set up with houses, not blank parcels where clubs might materialize.

8. Perhaps the Lindens want to "drain the swamp" of the Mainland, filled with abandoned land, smoking embers and 4chan griefers (so they think, so they see, so the forums tells them). Those of us who live and/or work on the Mainland see it very differently, but it doesn't matter. The Lindens have every reason to drain people off the Mainland as it is now AND groom people for going to their next product, which is more of a spectator sport than a do-it-yourself operation.

9. Bringing on 36 new sims with 32 or how ever many houses per sim they are going to have on them is a competition with Mainland (and private island, for that matter) rentals business, and a competition with their own customers using premium accounts outside of Linden Homes, but this is nothing new. The Lindens have always competed with their own customers and always done this. And businesses still continue because not everyone wants to play a game where they are repeatedly eaten or TPd home and have to live in a prefab that is still of the "little boxes on the hillside" variety more than not, and where even having a yardsale with their gatchas will not be allowed -- nor can they put the parcel in search.

10. I personally would not bid on these houses and use up 512 m on them if they are in the US $100 range and not the $20 range. On Nautilus, once you buy on the auction, you can resell at any price. But this is a combination of Linden Homes and auction (which I think isn't a very good idea) that will drive people to relinguish houses they paid $100 US for back to the Lab when they can't pay tier. So a black market in sales may spring up or something, it's hard to tell.

11. The area features giant stadium-like gathering centers and info hubs. I always have to smile when I see these kinds of things because people don't go in them but the Lindens never stop hoping they can influence the masses to join the Better World. The SL population is very atomized and very hard to glue together because of the anonymity factor and wildly different levels of culture and education not to mention RL geography. People tend to make friends and form fiercely loyal cliques and then viciously bounce away anyone else who comes near them with over-active security orbs. People stay with the same friends in clusters for years on end. To be sure, some people randomly go around from partner to partner or group to group or re-make alts, but the people who log on regularly and buy property tend to form very, very tight circles based on initial encounters or thematic interests and it is very hard them for them to join others or for others to break into their circle.  This is why new people are mystified and leave.

12. With a game that is hard, a community that is new and needs settling, the Lindens will rely on fanboyz or fangirlz who appear who have the time and energy to do their activities and help others get oriented -- these tight networks of people inevitably influence decision-making and the emergence of norms. The also control the forums. Lindens who tried to organize Zindra in its early days fled screaming at all the resident faction fighting; it's hard. Nautilus, Bay City and Zindra all had free flowing culture and activities within their style constraints. It sounds like New Horizons, by having the game and socializing areas, is trying to corral people into certain channels of hopefully positive behavior -- though the name will make some think of Silicon Valley human potential cults like Lifespring or Esalen.

Long experience in SL has taught me that anything the Lindens make makes people flock to it. Linden content is inevitably better than a lot of resident content. Anything with their staff attention cuts down the griefing and mayhem factors that make SL frustrating for people. So my prediction is that people will go to it, leaving older Linden Homes or Mainland where they can't get the Lindens to sell them the abandoned land, but then the game will be too hard so the Lindens will have to make an easier version of it.


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Well i did go check it out and it looks like the plots are 1024 and you don't have to use the houses you can use whatever house you want.  So i can imagine at some point it will not look like it does now.  I have to admit I kind of like the way it looks and would be disappointed to get a piece of land and then it looks nothing like the way it does now.

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I have been exploring there this evening and it looks pretty good. A little "low poly" for my tastes but some of the houses are quite nice -- and some not so much. The official post say you can use your own house but that it is "suggested" it fits within the theme which is a bit like Tomorrowland in the original Disneyland *wink* but crossed with "little boxes on the hillside". I have been trying to find the demo for how the mailbox hud works, but no luck so far.


One other thing to note. Inara Pey, in her article with help from the Lindens stated that one needed to have payment info on file as well as payment info used. My tests show that it seems like the "payment used" part is actually "lindens purchased" and not just credit card charged for premium membership.  Here is what I wrote on her blog.


Apparently the info you were given on access isn’t quite working as it was designed? Or as you were told?

I have “info used status” and got this message: [21:00] *** IMPORTANT INFORMATION **: You can receive gifts for completing all the quests here. If you would like to collect the daily L$ reward for completing quests instead, you need to verify your account by visiting https://accounts.secondlife.com/billing_information, and making a one-time minimum required purchase of L$.

Wondering just what was going on, I had a friend who is a current premium member try and she got no message. (She had at one time VERY long ago purchased Lindens.) Then I had ANOTHER current premium member try, one who has payment info used status but has never actually purchased lindens, just paid his premium fees. He got that same message that I did. One more non-linden buyer tried and again had to purchase lindens before “playing”.

So it appears there is a bit more needed to be able to enjoy the experience. That should keep the crowds down a bit. *wink*. Actually there are only a few folks there at the moment. I am trying to find the house demo area but so far that hasn’t happened.

I didn’t know anyone who has purchased lindens but isn't a premium member so can’t report on that scenario. Since I have no intention of buying lindens I don’t need LOL I won’t be playing. I guess I could OBSERVE and I may do just that. A friend of mine who was interested (past premium member) will no doubt pass too.

A little odd really since folks had to give their credit cards in order to pay their premium fees and sometimes tier. If someone JUST needs to have info on file still ( I don’t know if my friends still do since I think they pay their premium with lindens now) then that is one thing. I guess the buying is to check and see if the current info is correct? Not sure but I think this is going to hurt the acceptance or the new experience. Hmmmmm.

Thanks for the post!


Edit. Found the payout portals and there is this sign, so that's the deal.


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A day in the life of a Linden. (All names are absolutely fictional and are not lindens who work for the lab [any more])


M Linden: We are bleeding customers. So, how can we get more money Jack?

Jack Linden: Well, we could ask them to pay $600 to lower the teir on their estates

6 months later

M Linden: Jack, that boost was nice, but our tier incomings are less each month. How can we get more money?

Jack Linden: Well, Nautilus and Bay city did well, let's make another like that and auction the land off

M Linden: Think there will be enough prims for them?

Jack Linden: Let's bump mainland up to 22.5K and tell the estates soon

M Linden: Ah, so these auction plots will be desirable

Jack Linden: Yep, and the estate people will never see their increase

M Linden: And it will keep us going to Sansar

6 months later

M Linden: Oh, exciting days, Sansar is open. Kath, how many people logged in there

Kath Linden: None M, so few people had VR headsets, those few who did vomited during login

M Linden: Is there anything we can do to save the millions we wasted

Kath Linden: We could redesign the viewer UI and remove people's picks.

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I like the new residential areas, but I'm glad to hear that you can put up your own house if you don't like what is already there. The roads are nice, and the fact that the residential area surrounds a quest area may draw more customers. I'll be interested to see how the auctions go.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

7. Why are Lindens doing this? Well, they need to update the Linden Homes experience which is tired. And they need to groom the population to herd into group Experiences in Project Sansar, like this game, then stay and socialize which is part of what gets them buying content. They meet and mate and buy skins and prefabs and so on. Note the sims are rated Adult but are set up with houses, not blank parcels where clubs might materialize.

Exactly. It feels like a demo of how they hope third parties will set up Sansar experiences for fun and profit, so that the Lab can collect something on content sales to participants in those experiences.

The ability to use your own house is less likely to be a problem here than it is in other "themed" parts of Mainland because any of the swappable supplied Horizons houses don't count against the parcel Land Impact limits, unlike any owner-supplied replacements. If that works as intended, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something similar to rejuvenate the old Linden Homes continents.

Obviously I'm disappointed it turned out to be this, without the boost to 1024sq.m. bonus tier for Premiums. If these actually sell and get some folks to tier-up to replace their 512 Linden Homes it will be a pretty magical extraction of revenue from the old platform. Seems a bit of a gamble, but it might work.

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Finally found the info hub -- not completely active it seems at the moment. Here is some of the information from the notecard.


The land can be single owner or group residence. 

From the notecard:

Your Horizons parcel is a 32 m x 32 m square, with a land area of 1024 sq m. Anywhere else in Mainland regions, a parcel that size would have a Land Impact allowance of 351. In Horizons, however, your parcel has a L.I. allowance of 702.  You can do a lot of building and decorating with an allowance that size.

You have two options for building:

        1. You may build your own house or other building on the parcel or
        2.  You may use a Horizons Home.

If you build your own home, you have freedom to choose the style and size of the building, as long as it fits on the parcel and is within your L.I. allowance.
If you choose to use a Horizons Home:
        *  Your Horizons Home is free of charge and will not count against the L.I. allowance for your parcel.
        *  You may choose among 6 standard styles
        *  You may place any one of them in a preset location on the parcel, and you may change the style as often as you like
        *  You may choose from a menu of colors and style options for the house, and you may change them as often as you like.

You may change your mind about whether to use a Horizons Home or build your own at any time, as often as you like.

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So I visited the area today and see that my expectations and comments above were all pretty much on point.

New Horizons was clearly made to both groom the population to Project Sansar, i.e. Experiences and communities loosely built around themes and even residences, and to try to drain away people from the Mainland -- and possibly dilute the over-heated Zindra land market.

The New Horizons game is intricate and you can pick just explorer mode but you will still be sent home/killed by falling rocks etc. I saw some people happily playing but others frustrated in the usual way with LL games. It has prizes and payouts but I am fairly certainly I will not burn time on any of this.

As for the housing, it's a little better in person than in the picture, but the rugs are god-awful too-realistic with that too-big weave, and you can only colour them. The Lindens really need to offer different floor textures, not just colours, i.e. stone terrace, wood, etc.  I don't see why they couldn't.

It's nice to have the modding ability -- you can change the houses and the wall colour. I found the demo near one of the infohubs on the corners. I thought it would also rez out furniture but I don't see that capacity.

The houses don't count on your count so that may help people to keep them (I do that myself on some sims in my rentals). You get 702 prims on a 1024 which is a lot, so not 50% more but even more. It occurred to me that the Lindens started with this concept, then worked backward to giving Mainland at least 50% to prevent howling.

The Adult classification is a minus for me because in practice in means you land at the infohub and find naked people, people doing and saying more stupid things than elsewhere, and various sex bots, etc. That's not really what I'm looking for in a virtual experience, although of course others would be. I imagine the Lindens gave it that label simply not to have to police it more.

I am curious about how they plan to enforce the soft norm of telling people they should stay in theme if they swap out the house. I imagine they will be happy to see residents' associations such as sprang up in Nautilus and Bay to do that for them through browbeating, bans, boycotting, whatever. The residents' associations of the past had no power to force compliance other than those methods, and some of these were awfully oppressive, like a co-op board in RL. Plus some of them got in with the Lindens responsible for managing the areas and held sway -- the usual SL problem in an environment with no free press or justice system.

At the end of the day, Nautilus in particular got horribly devalued because the Lindens did not enforce any building code. So idiots built huge towers or ugly black boxes although you could get free homes there. I don't want to spend even US $20 if I then have to watch as an idiot puts up a giant phallic symbol or squat black box or spinning junk next to my lovely new Jetsons' home. It's unlikely Linden will expend staff time on enforcing a code but sometimes if you just ask, you get compliance -- and asking means not only staying in theme but setting the standard of not building over 2 storys.

I see some of the lots have auction numbers and some don't, which means they may not auction it all at once. But then that means they might be grabbed by a few oligarchs for $100 US or more and resold at even more.

They have newly-designed Linden trees and mesh, but the anims to the public furniture have nothing in it like the best content out there today from the resident market.

As with all SL things, some locations will be more desirable, or names of sims will be more popular or whatever so a range of prices will emerge.

I haven't found yet whether you can re-rent these parcels if you buy them although you can re-sell them. It's not clear but presumably you can because the info card clearly states that you can re-sell them. So then the question is whether you can also have a store or club here and commercial activity.

It's funny to look just under this New Horizons continent and see Zindra with a zillion yellow patches indicating land for sale, and land for sale at ridiculously high prices that obviously people aren't paying.

What's interesting about Zindra these days is there are a lot of green dots, but stacked up at clubs and stores, and inert if you go and visit them -- they're bots.

Perhaps the Lindens could make a rule to keep scripted agents out of New Horizons.

And again, the Lindens may have wanted to bring down Zindra prices with this new Adult offering that will dilute the market.

People who have become jaded at the bots in Zindra and high land prices might see New Horizons as an opportunity to get something more affordable IF the usual land barons don't monopolize the auctions.

YES, this will be a blow to landlords and prefab makers at some level, although I can't imagine it will put us out of business because I can't see that people will flood there en masse and more will even be built. I think it's a niche within a niche -- premium account holders who want an adult sim and a Linden Home combined with better features but who don't want to pay the tier of a private island or better mainland rental. So expect lots of naked young males hitting on you. With the requirements of payment information and purchase of Lindens noted by others in this thread, the Lindens weed out the day-old alts and for that matter, the poorer Europeans and Latin Americans. These people will remain my customers. Oldbies will shrug at the idea of being herded into crowded adult sims with naked newbies flying around and ugly builds and will stay in the nicer areas of the mainland. 

With 30 houses per sim and 32 sims, it's 960 slots that might take away from older established Mainland rentals or even Linden Homes and Zindra -- the Lindens always find funny ways to compete not only with their residents but their own offerings. But they will see it as diversification that enables retention. Will it? Well, watch the green dots...



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Interesting. Somehow I hadn't quite registered that it's double-prim. (Of course it's totally not true that "[a]nywhere else in Mainland regions" is single-primmed.) So those 700 prims will go a long way. The houses aren't that amazing at about 30-50 LI depending on model, so I think there's an opportunity here for replacement prefabs.

Haven't noticed any content bundles with textures and stuff used by the Moles, as we got in Bay City, Nautilus, and Zindra. But haven't really searched the infohubs yet. That stuff can be useful for prefab-makers in trying to blend-in. At the very least, the terrain texture of the build bases -- indeed, those square and round bases themselves -- would be good for that.

There's some weirdness in the build, too. If you look in wireframe, apparently the roadways and sidewalks are at least partially prims,, but the build is a little unintuitive, with separate prims where it's not obvious they shouldn't be combined.

If you zoom in on the curved sections of the sidewalks and look at the texture, it gets the UV map distortion of a Tube face -- but the normalmap isn't aligned with the diffusemap, which is just an odd thing to happen. (I was looking in Horizons Mercury and Horizons Halley, in case they corrected it in other regions.) Same distortion on the curved sections of the Canal Boardwalks, but those materials maps are aligned.

Apparently some of these are intended to be commercial? The Brava Sturdy's mesh is called "Horizons - Shop1", the Mar Vista's is " - Shop2" and the Brava Cygni's is "- Shop3", whatever that means.

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On the game....well the first 4 levels were fun, but the 5th challenge is a mind numbing grind of starting from the beginnning. I have all but given up...theree is no pattern to any of the tasks. Without a pattern to follow you are left to guess and cheat your way through by adjusting your cam as best possible. Sadly this game is as poorly designed as the previous. It looks nice and should be fun but it isnt.

The homes though are another story. I fear that they will have the prices artifically elevated by land bots sneaking into grab parcels on auction at the last second to turn them for a profit. There are some pretty nice spots especially if you can grab 2 or 3 parcels near each other. 702 prims is nice but finding themed housing that is nice and fits a 32x32 is going to be difficult. having two side byt side would help a lot. I also worry about the lack of deed restrictions somewhat, but perhaps that wont come to pass. 

I would love to move to Horizons and will be trying my luck at the auction come Friday but I wont be looking to pay many 1000's of lindens for these parcels.  I think the idea of mainland comminuty is a great one perhaps this will come to pass in Horizons.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

So, 64 houses per region.


I'm wondering if it's worth the bother to make a series of houses specially to match the region. It's easy enough a style to follow and houses of this complexity shouldn't be more than 10-12 LI but there may not be big enough a market,

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seanabrady wrote:

On the game....well the first 4 levels were fun, but the 5th challenge is a mind numbing grind of starting from the beginnning. I have all but given up...theree is no pattern to any of the tasks. Without a pattern to follow you are left to guess and cheat your way through by adjusting your cam as best possible. Sadly this game is as poorly designed as the previous. It looks nice and should be fun but it isnt.

The homes though are another story. I fear that they will have the prices artifically elevated by land bots sneaking into grab parcels on auction at the last second to turn them for a profit. There are some pretty nice spots especially if you can grab 2 or 3 parcels near each other. 702 prims is nice but finding themed housing that is nice and fits a 32x32 is going to be difficult. having two side byt side would help a lot. I also worry about the lack of deed restrictions somewhat, but perhaps that wont come to pass. 

I would love to move to Horizons and will be trying my luck at the auction come Friday but I wont be looking to pay many 1000's of lindens for these parcels.  I think the idea of mainland comminuty is a great one perhaps this will come to pass in Horizons.

Like anything else, if what you are creating is just a job, if you are not inspired, if you do not love what you are making -- it will be a flop.

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It seems a bit vague from the official statements (including the video on housing) whether staying to the theme will be mandatory or just "advised". That would make a big difference in my mind.

Went back and watched it (painfully for a machinimatographer) again.  It does say same as mainland so that certainly sounds like residential or commercial.  And it doesn't say MANATORY theme -- hence most likely not worth making more house choices.

It also explains in a quick text addition that "double prims" means  DOUBLE the original 234 of a 1024 lot -- which no one has anymore so I was considering (not noticing the text overlay) that  it was double what a mainland lot would be.  So I was WRONG about that and will go back and edity my earlier comment.  

Keep on reading.


Having reviewed all this LOL -  I am not seeing the giant draw. According to Patch, private lands will have the ability to be double prim in a few months.   BUT if there are only 24 houses per sim. ...


OK. I went back over as I am a curious gal and while I wasn't able to count how many houses on a sim I am going to take your word at the 24 since you should know :D.  There is a TON of water and roads and parks and such which does make it much nicer and the main reason why I have enjoyed living in double prim private lands -- that buffer thing. 

BUT while I was there I looked at the land tab, and I WAS RIGHT about the prim count.  It is DOUBLE what a regular mainland 1024 would be now - 702.  So pretty confusing especially since the video says differently.


Here's the photo:

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I read the article, and watched the video, but it is not clear if these new parcels are zoned "Residential Only". I checked Auction Parcel #5 and there is no covenant. Does anyone know?

I know that the "Linden suburbs" are "resident only" but places like Nautilus also seem to have commercial builds. Does anyone know if I could put up a "Tourist Information Office" up in the new area?



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I counted 32 houses on the sim I was looking at closely which is why I said 32. Perhaps some sims have less if they also have the infohub on them.

There aren't covenants because it is Mainland which has no covenant.

Lindens made the Linden Homes for residence only, with no commercial activity allowed and not any ability to put a parcel in search.

But if you buy these parcels instead of just lease them, then I think it would be hard for the Lindens to stop people from making them stores and putting them in search -- even harder than forcing them to have only the Jetsons' homes.

I also looked at the about land menu on multiple lots and it distinctly says 702. Not 234 x 2 or 468 -- double what 1024 has normally (what it had before the 50% increase) but TRIPLE -- 702, with the house not counting. Go and look.


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Prokofy Neva wrote:

I counted 32 houses on the sim I was looking at closely which is why I said 32. Perhaps some sims have less if they also have the infohub on them.

No, they have 24 each. It's much easier to count on the map than on site but you can also do a prim count reality check, with 32 702 prim parcels there would only ahve been 36 prims left in the sim for the roads, the plants, the houses and everything else Ancient and Abnor Moles have put there.

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Chic Aeon wrote:

BUT while I was there I looked at the land tab, and I WAS RIGHT about the prim count.  
It is DOUBLE what a regular mainland 1024 would be now - 702.
 So pretty confusing especially since the video says differently.

Nothing new there. It's the same setup as Nautilus and Bay City and, if I understand correctly, some private as estates as well. More than half the sim is public land with a fairly low prim use and the sapre prims form there are reassigned to the house parcels.

That being said, isn't it about time we stopped being obsessed by prim count? Take a look at old sims like Pyri Peaks, Vintage Village or Damania for example. People were able to build like that with 15,000 prims back when size limit was 10 m and there was no mesh. With quality mesh and other modern building techinques these sims could have been done at 1500 prims each. WIth modern building techinques, higher sim prim limit and double parcel prim quota you effectively have 30 times as much land impact per square meter as they had back then and I simply can't understand how it can possibly be room for that much content unless you stack sky platforms so close you could jump from one to the next.

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It's a bit confusing - but you can only obtain a Horizon parcel thru the Land Auction, bidding on a particular lot?   If you have a current Linden home - you would need to abandon that FIRST - then get the new Horizon lot?   Tier amount would be $5 USD a month?  And this begins on November 18?   If anybody can answer, to be sure I understand this correctly.

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Eclair Martinek wrote:

It's a bit confusing - but you can only obtain a Horizon parcel thru the Land Auction, bidding on a particular lot?   If you have a current Linden home - you would need to abandon that FIRST - then get the new Horizon lot?   Tier amount would be $5 USD a month?  And this begins on November 18?   If anybody can answer, to be sure I understand this correctly.

As far as I can tell, there is no requirement that you would need to abandon a Linden Home if you already had one.  However,  the monthly tier amount will be based on what other mainland (including Linden Home) parcels you may already own.  For example, if you kept your Linden Home and bought a Horizons lot (and owned no other mainlaind) you tier would be $8 month.  If you only own the Horizon lot, you tier would be $5 month.  

It appears that initially the lots will be obtaining thru the Land Auction, but later on down the road, there could be opportunities where the land owner puts the lot up for direct sale (like is done with other mainland parcels).  It's too early to tell whether down the road, lots may be rented out (by the land owner).  I didn't see anything explicit about whether or not the lots could be rented out, but the ability to deed the land to a group and the tools for controlling the themed house by members of a group sounds like it would make renting it out feasible. 

The 18th sounds right for when I think the auction begins, though I can't recall where I read or heard that date.

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ChinRey wrote:

unless you stack sky platforms

That's another difference between these and Linden Homes, right? I don't see anything precluding sky builds here.

Also, apropos nothing: I wonder if they'll wait until they get these all auctioned-off before they turn on the prim boost for Estates.

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I don't think we will know until "we know" since the information we could base things on (official video for one) seems to be incorrect in some areas (the prim count for sure) At the end of the video it has a long list of scrolling text that says it is adult land and is "just like regular mainland" except for terraforming and a few other things and that you can't "move" the Linden houses or change their orientation. That SUGGESTS that it is commercial as well as residential. 


Since it is mainland they would be no covenant. 

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