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Custom Joint Offsets


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Hi there,


I'm curious are custom joint offsets needed on every mesh? Past viewer versions this acted differently. But lately I'm noticing if I have say a body mesh, shirt and pants. If I upload my parts all with custom joint offsets and skin weights it seems to be stable until you try zooming with camera or hiding and showing parts of your mesh with llsetlinkprimitiveparamsfast function.


When zooming you get the old bug of avatar jumping effect. If you hide parts it's very visible to see your avatar bouncing around. If you get rid of joint offsets though and say upload a cube with the joint offsets and skin weights ONLY! then upload the body, shirt and pants the character holds up much better. No issues with hiding and showing parts and no bouncing/jumping when zooming in out of a character. The next problem is though if another creator I assume uses clothing with custom joint offsets say on a pair of pants it won't deform my character but it will deform their pants. 


So I'm curious how is this supposed to work? I'm not really getting the proper way to upload mesh characters anymore with bugs that can only be fixed if I upload my joint offsets to a cube to keep my avatar from breaking since it needs though but they become conflicting if all mesh parts have offsets creating unstable jumping etc like I already said but find this difficult to explain lol. Anyway if anyone knows what I mean and experienced same problem let me know. Or what is the best practice to upload mesh avatars? It's been awhile since I've made one and this doesn't make sense to me.

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