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Is it possible to have a recreational sim that pays its own way?


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I've asked only one long time multi-sim owner this question, and she gave me a flat "No". And yet, she keeps expanding. I don't think she's a millionaire, either. Sooo... I thought it might be a good idea to get a few more opinions before I throw in the towel.

Is it within the realm of possibility to purchase or rent a homestead sim, have it open to the public for recreational purposes, and set it up in such a way that the sim pays for, (or almost pays for), itself? What are a few ways this might be accomplished?

I do not want to become a real estate baron, open up a shopping mall, or become a hair or clothing manufacturer. I just have a vision, already implemented on a temporary sim, that I would like to further develop. I'm open to hearing all kinds of suggestions, (although I feel under no obligation to follow them, lol).

My vision is a fully landscaped, themed sim, and I don't have or want any partners. I only need a homestead sim, not a mainland one, but I do want a full sim. 

Would it be preferable to rent, or to buy?

Has anyone out there had any success with this kind of thing?

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I think in general no. Thats not to say it is impossoble, but most regions that rely on tips for income do not make much money. Homesteasd especially are hard to monitize becuase they have a fairly high price per prim as compared to a full region. You cannot have an estate (being a land owner who pays LL directly) without owning a full region so you will need to rent a homestead from someone.


IMHO. Do it for fun, and if you manage to make money along the way, or come closer to paying nothing all the better. Plan though to spen the $125 USD per month to pay out of your own pocket.

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I wasn't thinking of limiting potential income to donations. Surely there must be other ways to make a sim pay for itself, without filling it with hair stores, preferably.

I'd love to hear from anyone who has had any success at this sort of venture. Or even lack of success. 

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The problem is that there are already tons of lovely recreational (not commercial) sims. This is a GOOD thing. But even many of the folks that have their own sims and do sell things are actually paying for sims in part from real life income.


I agree. Just enjoy yourself -- and you can do that with a much smaller piece of land than a full sim. So less expense.


If you want lots of wide open spaces for almost no money, then maybe Opensim is what you need (not being facious here - OS works well for plenty of folks).



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Yes, I am considering making the move to another grid. But I'm still not convinced that a Second Lifer has to resign themselves to paying $125 every month out of their own pocket in order to create a sim for others to use.

Is there anyone reading who has actually tried to do what I'm asking about, and succeeded, or failed? 

I have very good reasons for wanting  a full sim, not the least of which is the ability to control the land textures. I want the space. I need it to build what I'm building. There's also lag to consider, a big issue with me. A skybox, or my little island, just isn't going to cut it.

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Years ago I owned several sims, at different times, and a large estate too.  I actually made RL profit with them.  My business partner and I at one time were even able to each have a private sim for our own residences that was paid for out of our gross receipts.  However the days of making enough money to pay for a sim are long past. 

Other that a few people that will leave a tip for the venue, nobody will pay to be entertained.  There are too many places that will do that for free.

Even if you came up with a astoundingly original and ground breaking idea and have an excellent marketing plan to get the word out, you are going to have to be prepared to pay for your sim out of pocket for up to a year.  You have to get enough paying customers to come to  your sim and that takes a while to build up.  People are fickle too.  They move on to the next 'big' thing that comes along quickly enough.

You won't get that kind of idea here.  If I had one, I'd do it myself and not tell you. :smileywink: 

I also wouldn't take on anyone that approaches you about a great idea they have because most of them are fails from the start.  If you do take on someone, they should put enough money into it to pay half and I'd also get a RL contract spelling out who pays for what and what happens if someone can't pay etc.  That contract should be enforcable in a RL court, which means getting lawyers to write it.

Going to another grid to do this isn't going to work either.  The same barriers here are there too.  The sims are a whole lot cheaper there but the population is very low and you can only count on having a few paying visitors a day for on a spectacularly good day.  Been there and done that.

I'm afraid the only way you will ever have a sim is if you are willing to pay for it yourself.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:


You won't get that kind of idea here.  If I had one, I'd do it myself and not tell you. :smileywink: 


Because Second life is a zero sum game? OK, well, It wasn't really a waste of time asking here. I certainly got the general consensus; discouragement seems to be the order of the day. Could this be part of the reason people have deserted the grid in droves, maybe? If I do manage to build my build, I'll make sure not to tell anyone.

I'm under no illusion that I possess any special genius, in particular when it comes to marketing. I am, however, a working artist, and that makes me not only exceptionally bull-headed, but, to my eternal surprise, somewhat of an optimist. Thanks for the input.


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Since you are creative, could you hold some auctions? Maybe once a month or something? It would have to be in addition to other ideas I assume. With the upcoming prim increase in a month or so to private islands and homesteads, perhaps you could even offer some rentals? If you don't want them on the land, you could make them in the sky?

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What about recouping the costs outside of the land? Either in RL or working for other SL residents? 

I am not being mean and saying "go get a job." What I'm saying is perhaps offering services or products outside of SL. I don't know the extent of your creativity outside of SL. But you could sell your crafts on a local level or make an Etsy store? I have a friend who sells reconstructed bones from roadkill on Etsy. I am not kidding. It's a passion of hers and she makes money off of it. You'd be surprised what people sell. Personally, I spend $60 on HULA HOOPS on Etsy. The maker probably makes them for a few bucks and makes a good profit!

A few times when I wanted to feel okay about funding a projects, I've also killed two birds with one stone and work on my minimalist passion by selling items I no longer want. It's a win-win in three areas: I fund the project, perhaps make even extra cash than I needed, and I declutter my home (which offers a host of benefits in itself).

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Thanks for not telling me to go piss up a rope. I truly appreciate it.

I have a few ideas in mind, yes, and honestly, if I had the cash I'd shell it out without balking. I just want to build. Renting was precisely what I had in mind, as well as selling my own stuff. Not because I'm a cheaspskate, (or unemployed), but because I can't afford even the bargain basement price of $125/month to rent a sim and I really, really, really want to keep working on the one I'm working on. For a long time. Until I'm finished would be nice.

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Commune Utopia is a good example. They just moved sims and made a great place. It's primary function is a social place but to help recoup costs, they do offer some in theme rentals in the form of tree houses. Tree houses in a commune .. makes sense! =)

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Fennet wrote:

Thanks for not telling me to go piss up a rope. I truly appreciate it.

I have a few ideas in mind, yes, and honestly, if I has the cash I'd shell it out without balking. I just want to build. Renting was precisely what I had in mind, as well as selling my own stuff. Not because I'm a cheaspskate, but because I can't afford even the bargain basement price of $125/month to rent a sim and I really, really, really want to keep working on the one I'm working on. For a long time. Until I'm finished would be nice.

Maybe it's because I don't actually create in Second Life, so I'm not afraid of competition? I don't know. It's a sad attitude. I sort of get it, but I think it's something better left unspoken if it exists at all. 


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Nalytha wrote:

Maybe it's because I don't actually create in Second Life, so I'm not afraid of competition? I don't know. It's a sad attitude. I sort of get it, but I think it's something better left unspoken if it exists at all. 


Maybe it's just because we have tried it, and sunk a lot of money into those ventures for a decade and know the nature of most people in our shared world. We might stay afloat for a while, but in 99% of cases the the guests drop off outside of a small core number.

Good luck to the OP if she thinks she can do this, and it would be wonderful to be proven wrong. She certainly has a lot of optomism to carry it a long way.

Ultimately though, people are people. People will not donate, so there must be a decent and popular shop on the region (or behind it) paying the way/or a few rentals that are always full/or the artists own work available for sale (like how Bryn Oh or Cica Ghost does it - who both make the most amazing Art sims)/or it's backed with RP that works, similar to Insilico or the amazing Revenland (check out revenland on Brei Vaukia region if you havnt already)

Of course, if the OPs sim is good, why not seek a patron? Let them put their home/club in the sim, and you get to decorate it for free. There is one sim in my community like this, it's been going for about 6 years - just swapping owners.

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