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What Does 50% More Prims Mean for Mainland Rentals?

Prokofy Neva

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Patch Linden has more or less confirmed what we are seeing inworld -- 50% more prims on Mainland sims. (I am seeing way more in some sims in some groups but this must be a glitch. No, I don't mean the sim's total capacity, I mean the group's total capacity.)

Naturally, island owners immediately began complaining although my God in heaven, they just had the gift of the grandfathering buy-down, and we all know that some larger owners get bulk discounts we don't get on Mainland. So let's hope they pipe down as the Mainland finally got a gift after a decade of suffering!

What does 50% more prims mean for Mainland rentals?

Well, at one level, nothing. Most landlords will likely just pass along this windfall, so that if you charged $1/prim or $1.4/prim or whatever you charge, this now becomes 1.5 prims. That's what I will do in my rentals, and perhaps it will mean that more people will rent now as they get more for their money, even on a 512 or 1024 parcel, going to 175 and 336 respectively now [corrected].

This *might* help the rentals business overall, but we'll have to see. Anyone in the rentals business knows that essentially, you are forced to go lower and lower in price because of the reduction in Mainland customers and the flight to the islands, a process of years.

I actually have more customers than I had five years ago and many new ones every month, but I have to charge less because otherwise the land won't rent, especially because other landlords keep dropping down in price, especially those who aren't trying to make costs but just want to defray their own costs of owning a sim or homesteads.

To be sure, with the plunge of 10-12 points in the LindEx, a situation which is now chronic and the "new normal," some landlords have had to raise prices, and merchants of course climb up and up with gatcha pull prices in particular ($59, $75, $85, even $100, when once it was $25).

To those who use the monopolist Casper rentals or vendors, they make a few clicks to change prices globally -- or not, merely indicating the double prims. 

To someone like me who doesn't like global systems for a lot of reasons, it's work to change each box -- or not, as global announcements in groups that everything is double is easy enough and it can be done over time.

The funny thing about all this is that most people do not use their full capacity of prims in rentals. This may be hard to believe for those who spend days chiseling at their prim counts to fit in everything they want, swapping out constantly, but I see it from the top down and I am here to tell you that most people do not use their prims; indeed more and more, they use half or less due to mesh. That's why it's an odd gift from the Lindens, in my view. A fix of the vexatious problem of not being able to put down mesh on mesh without stupid errors about how "the owner of this land does not allow it" although you are the owner would be more appreciated.

For those areas where prims are tight and you are constantly policing, it's a boon, but not really, when all your customers will instantly expect that their prims just doubled -- just as it did globally, and for you -- you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many prims, really.

If selling extra prims was one way you could extra a little more revenue out of hard-scrabble rentals on Mainland, that's over now (and for me, it was over long ago as I have pro-rated extra prims in many areas or they don't get bought).

Perhaps the Lindens hope that by doubling prims, they will double -- or triple or whatever -- content sales. Maybe so! But I can see what else might happen is that all that rather than purchases, there will be rezzing, and all that pent-up inventory will come out inworld causing more lag in collisions or scripts and people will complain more about performance. I imagine we will get an announcement about super turbo servers that can handle double prims but like all technical things, this may be relative.

I personally, for my own little creative projects and sojourns in decorating welcome more prims as anyone would. But ultimately I don't see it as an economic boom even for the Lindens, who may hope they'll sell more land or see less abandonment of land, as there are too many other deep underlying factors causing these problems.



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Prokofy Neva wrote:

What does double prims mean for Mainland rentals?

If it really is for Mainland only, it may help balance things a bit so that Mainland rentals again can compete on reasonably equal terms with island based ones. I heard that used to be possible in earlier days but that was before my time in SL so to me that alone is a brand new experience.

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Yes, I realize, but I am seeing quite wildly different numbers. I'm seeing the exact 50% increase, and I'm seeing a 10-fold increase on some sims where I know I only had a limited number of prims. So that may be a glitch. It will settle down and we'll see what the factor really is.

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Actually, this seeing of wildly different numbers was due to my own ignorance in not thinking this through.

In some areas, parcels are marked off very predictably, 512, 1024, etc. with very uniform prims and it's easy to just then figure everyone in that area now has double.

But in other areas it's much more complex with wildly varying sizes, shapes, types. And so you don't know what people will do -- double or not? move or not? But what seems like "too many prims" is just the total of everyone's extra prims, not used yet.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

Actually, this seeing of wildly different numbers was due to my own ignorance in not thinking this through.

Not sure if this will clarify things and it may be pointless since the official answer is only hours away anyway but I've kept a look at the numbers in the sims where I have land:

  • Keswick (Second Life server): 50% increase yesterday and another 50% today
  • Windermere (Second Life server): no increase yesterday, 100% today
  • Langdale (Second Life server): 50% yesteday, no change today
  • Coniston (Blue Steel): 50% today
  • Buttermere (Magnum): 50% today
  • Duzzclown (Le Tigre): 50% today

I'm also managing some land for a friend at two other sims:

  • Caldbeck (Le Tigre): 50% today
  • Torver (Magnum): 50% yesterday, 50% today

So it seems all sims are getting a 100% increase in two steps, the first step happened when they had their rollign restart, the next at some time later. The only anomaly is that Torver had its first boost on Tuesday even though it wasn't supposed to restart until Wednesday but it's possible it rolled early for some special reason, I didn't exactly keep a constant watch on that sim so I can't say.

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LOL. Well I WOULD but the article has been pulled.




Since this is a very reputable author very connected to The Lab, I think we can consider it correct though.  My lots on mainland have all been given there bonus. So we know what's happening there.


I didn't take a screenshot of the article but it did reference and thank Lindens :D, so it seems like it was slated for tomorrow and got published ahead of schedule (I have done that - not difficult) .


But just reading Chin Rey's comments she may have had misinformation - or - the plan may have changed midstream. I went to the sims with double prims but they are all  cut up in odd sizes so it is pretty impossible (if you didn't live there and know what you SHOULD have) to verify LOL.


We can wait and see. At one point a Linden did "seem to confirm" the double prim thing.


However, I have found that historically what has been planned and the final result are not always the same.

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Bloggers should not be so timid and prostrate before Linden Lab.

They should report what they know and can find out and then wait for a correction if need be.

You know, like real-life journalists unless they live in Russia or China?

I still have some sims with 50%, some with no increase, and some with seemingly more than 50% I can't figure out (and also script errors, like the KittyCats saying "parcel is full" even though there are 6000 new prims avavilable and another device constantly telling me the parcel is full but it has plenty of room (that thing was acting up before this tho).

Patch Linden confirmed that the new feature involves extra prims but he didn't say how much or whether the islands get it too.


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Prokofy Neva wrote:

Bloggers should not be so timid and prostrate before Linden Lab.

They should report what they know and can find out and then wait for a correction if need be.

So that incorrect rumors and people like you (in you post in the thread "I hope they spread it like Peanut Butter!) can spread false information?  Sorry I don't see it that way. Not everyone will see the retraction that the blogger made and wild rumours have a half life and are often repeated as fact, only to make people mad when it turns out wrong.

Maybe Inara's information is true, or maybe not but we won't know until tomorrow.

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Well I think its fabulous, Mainland gets a hard push at times but honestly this is a good thing, There are many benefits to living on Mainland tbh and I've lived in the same place for over 7 years then I moved to an island.  Didn't like the lag and moved just before this was announced and I'm overjoyed

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UVB wrote:

I agree the spreading of misinformation is not journalism it is gossip---

In this particular case it was neither, it was an accident. Inara was working on a draft for her next blog post and since she didn't know the details, she made up some "filler" data. Then she hit the "Publish" button by accident and by the time she realized the mistake, people had already started quoting her.

Could happen to anybody and at least it kept the discussion interesting. ;)

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I understand that mainland is suffering but for those of us who have owned private regions for years this is completely unreasonable. Private region owners have to wait to see if we get the increase and yet we pay $100 dollars more per sim. The cost of the private region is far more then mainland and many of us choose private so that way we are able to do things such as terraform, parcel, our own restarts and not have the lag off of other sims. After owning my sim for almost 4 yrs I know that this announcement comes as a dissapointment and I will be waiting to see what LL does for the private region owners. 

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