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We are loking for DJ's to work at both STUDDED & FINDOMINA! We do not require much at all. Y
You can work when you want too as long as you do 1 scheudled event per month, and a few shifts during non-event days. 

♕ Requirements ♕

★ You MUST be 18+ in RL and SL. Age play results in a ban and a report.
★ We do not hire noob looking avatars, this means no flexi hair, no prim feet, etc. You require to have at least a mesh body, hair, and clothing.
★ English is a must, there are no translators allowed.
★ We decide if your avatar looks like a child avatar. Do not argue if we ask you to change please, we are an adult themed venue, and wish to stay open and not get in trouble by Linden Labs.
★ We hire quality, therefore please apply only if you are serious about working.

♕ Rules ♕

★ We dont take any % out of your tip jars, You keep 100%.
★ All tips and money paid for services must go through FinDoMina jars for our records.
★ We do not have set DJ times, but whenever you wish to DJ just jump on with your stream.
★ We do ask that you do at least one event a month if possible as well as two freelance sets on your own.
★ We do have events that you can sign up for to be a DJ at.
★ You are required to have your own stream
★ You must be in the staff group (land group for DJ's) as well as the VIP group to work here.
★ If you are a club owner/manager you ARE allowed to come hang out, and even work here just please do not talk about your club or wear your club tag, it's disrespectful.

If you are interested please head into either of the clubs and grab an application or message me inworld jessxx94 and I can pass one on to you.  

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