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Animator Animation problem


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Hi everyone! I'm having a huge problem (well not really huge but it's so annoying) and I need some help. First of all I use Firestorm (latest one) windows X64. 

The problem is I was trying some animations, not the AOs, the animations that come on their own and when you click them you get the "play inworld/play locally". Now I decided I didn't like them so I deleted them, however one of those animations seems to be STUCK on my avatar and it would always try to do it. If I disable my AO it will go ahead and do the animations. The only solution I found online was the Avatar Health > Stop Animations/Revoke and whenever I do it it stops. which is great HOWEVER if I teleport it would start all over again and then I have to again go to Stop Animations Revoke. 

I tried the Animation Explorer detailed menu that shows you which animations are "still playing" and allows you to also do de Revoke/Stop and it works the same way as if I go through the Avatar Health menu, so once more if I teleport it'll start again. Here's a screenshot of it. 

I tried the SL Viewer and Singularity too but they do exactly the same. It keeps happening and having to go through Stop/Revoke every time I TP is a hassle (specially since I love to explore so much). So can a kindred spirit help me? This animation is not being forced upon me by an object, it was an inventory animation and I don't have that animation anymore.   

EDIT: thank you for your answer, Amethyst, I tried it but it didn't work

EDIT 2: I seem to have fixed it!!! In case it happens to anyone again, I was sitting on an object which had a similar animation, I teleported without standing and the offending animation never tried to happen again! I guess the moral of this story is "never teleport without standing or stopping animations" XD 

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Look in your trashcan to see if the offending animation is still there.  If it is, restore it and then Play Inworld again.  Once it's playing hit the stop button.  Then send it back to your trashcan and purge it.

If that doesn't work come back and let us know so we can give further help.

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