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Deploy plans for the week of 2016-10-03

Caleb Linden

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Second Life Server (main channel)

The main channel is getting the server maintenance project, which was previously on RC BlueSteel, Magnum and LeTigre channels


Scheduled Tuesday 2016-10-04 03:00-09:00 PDT



Second Life RC BlueSteel:

No Roll




Second Life RC LeTigre:

No Roll




Second Life RC Magnum:

No Roll



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Yippee, I didn't log in and yet I can post (innit good)

So, Caleb, no Bluestools this week. :smileytongue:

ETA: So this roll fixes a BUG in a version of the server software that is no longer on the Grid...:smileysurprised:... how does that benefit us at all?


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