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Ok I did something stupid...

Willow Danube

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I put up a bid on a parcel next to me and was monitoring it since yesterday.. I woke up today to check that auction and could see that someone has outbid me. Without looking at the grid location properly I had placed a fresh new bid on another parcel next to the parcel I wanted which has of course twice the amount of bidding compared to the first one.

So, is there a way to retract this bid? Or I'm kinda stuck with it until someone who is crazy enough to raise a ridiculous amount of bids to save my neck?

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... an official SL bidding system....

See here.


I don't know what to suggest to Willow, other than trying to contact Live Chat and seeing if they have any advice.

To be honest, the only fair thing they could do would be to shrink a winning bid down to be just barely winning and hope somebody else bids over it.  The mistaken bid has already contaminated the other bidders' perception of the price, so backing it out altogether wouldn't really be fair, IMHO.  (In my experience, most of the bidding takes place in the last two minutes of these auctions anyway, so unless the mistaken bid was really aggressive, it's very likely to get overbid anyway.)

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/me strokes Willow's fevered brow and says "been there, done that".  (In real life terms 3000L$ is possibly a loss that can be weathered by losing out on a bottle of wine (I always equate my SL spending to what I would have alternatively bought in RL - my "thing" was always magazines and chocolate, and I rarely got around to reading all the magazines anyway.)

However, there is still time for you to be outbid.  And I wish you lots of luck.

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Thanks for your replies everyone...

I did what Ciaran suggested and filed a support ticket.... not crossing any fingers though.. it is the weekends!

Here's another stupid thing that I could have easily notice but didn't! The parcel is not actually 512 but 1048m....

On the hopeful side, someone may actually willing to pay more than 3000L before bidding is closed just because of its size. On the bad side, the location of the parcel may put off buyers and not warrant the extra Lindens or the montly tiers which I will need to start thinking how to come up with... abandoned is not really a choice for me...

( heh.... maybe one of my alts will need to start looking for a 'job' in Zindra)

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3000L$ for a 1024 doesn't sound half so bad :smileyhappy:

But I do think this is very crazy http://ld.auctions.secondlife.com/lin/auction/auction/view/id/3953/?SID=01c75d6a6ff547cb1defde4fe9f59d3a currently standing at 39,010L$ for a 1024, just because its on a Nautilus sim. Even if it were plated in (virtual) gold, it would only be virtual land, and not even a (virtual) sea view!

I'm all for paying into the economy, but sometimes there is a lot of "Emperor's New Clothing" going on.

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I don`t think a ticket is going to help,  you are stuck with your bid if you go buy what it says in the rules:

How do I increase my bid?

To increase your bid, go to My Bidding Activity. Choose the bid you want to increase. If you click the Bid Lot No. on the Bidding Activity page and then click Increase Bid on the following page, you will be taken to a new page where you can enter your new bid. If you click the Item Description on the Bidding Activity page, you are taken to the Listing Info page where you can click Bid Now to increase your bid. Remember all bids are final and binding. You can increase your bid at any time. Every time you increase your bid, the number of bids listed for the item will increase by one

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Willow...it's not so bad..truly..I think $L3000 for a 1024 is not the most expensive mistake to make. (My first 512 cost something like $L7000 which was reeeediculous even back then) I know it's so easy to do in the heat of the moment. Just keep in mind how nice those extra prims will be, and the initial cost will soon be forgotten.


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Am pretty sure if you do not have enough funds, the sale won't go thru. I'd transfer my balance to another account for the final day of the auction... chances are support ticket won't be looked at before the auction expires (although they have been getting quicker on the tickets)

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JubJub Forder wrote:

Am pretty sure if you do not have enough funds, the sale won't go thru. I'd transfer my balance to another account for the final day of the auction... chances are support ticket won't be looked at before the auction expires (although they have been getting quicker on the tickets)

The system won`t let you bid if you don`t have the funds, transferring them out wouldn`t help because it will still take the money and just leave you with a negative balance.


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L7000.... lol!

Now the problem is, those extra 1840m (not 1048 .. my bad) will add up to my other parcels which in total is about 1536m not including the 512m next to mine that I Really am going to buy. I just don't want to pay those extra tiers since I truly believe I have more than enough lands and prims to go crazy with. But, there is still about 7 hours to go before the finale... still hopeful.. if it is fated to be mine, then I can't run from it.

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1. If your other land is owned by you personally & not as a group, form a group & deed it to the group. This way you can hold 10% more land without paying more tier. ( All you need to form a group is one alt and $L 100..)

2. Contact the other land owners in the region & ask them if they'd like to take some of your land off your hands to lower your tier.

3. Remember that $L3000 isn't really that much money in RL, but paying tier every month adds up pretty quickly.


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well i dunno about that Peewee. It worked for me when i accidentally forgot to leave enough funds in for an auction - transaction failed.

I doubt they leave it as negative balance now...would open the system to alt abuse - one person could win all the auctions and tie that land up for months before his negative account timed out.

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