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Translations in IMs


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I spend a lot of time to copy and paste foreign languages in Google website to translate in IMs... and I would like to tell others, that they have this opportunity themselves too, so it is not always me who has 'this job', to translate from their language to English and back again.

My question is: If I send a person a link to Google translate, will the instructions on this page be shown at my native language or theirs? - And are everybody able to use this page, no matter which country they are living in, in real life?

In local chat, there is no problem, as I wear a translator which works fine... the IMs are the problem.

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Good questions.

I know when I use Google chrome and have language on a page that isn't English it automatically offers to translate it for me.  So I wouldn't be surprised if Google text appeared in the language of the country the person is in.

Perhaps other forumites who live in countries where English is not their language can answer you specifally.

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