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My Market Place doesn't work even after the instructions to correct the problem. How Do I fix this?


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I've tried to buy a neko pro Clothing Locker for 139 L$ and I can't, it gives me an Error that Market Place can't make cahnges to this invoice at this time. I can't correct it with a hard refresche <Ctrl> F5 and the error continues. I need MP, I'm a dancer with the mouine rouges and am very concerted I won't be able to put my costumes together intime to be ready for the show.  PLEASE HELP!

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In that case, follow ALL of the instructions .....

If you receive this error, please do a “hard refresh” of the page. This can be accomplished in most popular Windows based browsers by holding down Ctrl and pressing F5, and popular Mac based browsers by holding Shift and clicking reload in their browser.

If you require additional assistance, please contact our support team through the support portal at https://support.secondlife.com/

If you're a Premium member, contact Live Chat.  Otherwise, submit a support case, using the category Marketplace Issues.

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