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A quick AO question

Sephina Frostbite

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i would suggest looking into putting one together yourself

suggest that Oracul (on Kuso sim inworld) have heaps of AO animations for 10L each

they also provide a free AO HUD which you can load the anims into and fill in the provided notecard with the names of the anims you have chosen

they have a lot of anims of all kinds, and lots where the hands/arms dont go near the breasts. Is just a matter of jumping on all the display & purchase stands, and going thru them and picking the ones you want. Most walk and sit anims also come in various heights. 155cm, 185cm and 215cm. And when so then you get all 3 for the 10L  

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Without opening another thread.... I wanted to ask a question also.  Hope I explain this right

I got an AO. Put it on the floor, edit, deleted a few stands (5).... but somehow I get a Error when my AO reaches those stands/poses. Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to remove poses in a AO?


Thank you 

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am not up with the Cutesy AO personally

but it will work like all other AOs

rez and edit the AO like you have done already before

in the Contents you will find a notecard which lists all of the animations used by the AO. For each state. Walk, Run, Sit, Fly, Turn, etc etc

you need to edit the notecard, and remove the names of the animations you have deleted, and save. Then reload/import the notecard after you have edited it. There should be a button on the AO HUD that will let you do this

once you get the notecard edited correctly and reloaded/imported then you wont get the error message

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if you are editing an AO hud, either you add or subtract an animation , you must edit the correspoding notecard in it. Maybe the error you are getting is like "can't find animation..." it means that there's still  animation name file on the hud's notecard that hasn't deleted or edited. 

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