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Floating Avatar?


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Been on Second Life a lot past several days, trying to get used to it all, finding some cool locations, etc. Found some cool places finally with people actually haning around. Sometimes if there's a ton of folks though I have to leave because of lag unfortunately.


One thing I've noticed is when I sit down my avatar floats. He doesn't float standing up but anytime I sit down my avatar hovers above the chair, I don't know if this is seen on both ends, others looking at me. But either way it's very awkward to look at. 


I went to one of the movie theaters in world, floated. Didn't matter really because I was just looking around. 


I was talking to a girl, and I was floating when sitting on the couch. It's extremely annoying and kills conversation just trying to make my avatar sit like a normal person. I'm not using any costumes or anything when this happens, just a regular person. 


The only thing I don't seem to float above when sitting on are the benches around Social Island and the bean bag chairs. 

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Most furniture will have built in sit animations and will try to position your avatar correctly for that animation.  If your Animation Override is also trying to play a sit animation you get weird results.  The reason the benches at Social Island are not a problem is because they do not include any sitting animations.

If you can, turn off "sits" on you AO.  Otherwise, just toggle your AO off when you sit down.

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following up a bit on what Rhonda has mentioned


the default AO (Animation Overrider) that comes with the avatars that new resident s choose from the signup page, has no HUD control (is just a transparent worn attachment which goes automagically). Meaning is no way to manually turn it off and on from within the viewer HUD UI

to turn it Off then have to Detach it. And re Attach to turn it back On

is just another one of those things that some more thought could have gone into when designing the new resident inworld starting experience. Not only for sitting (as OP mentions) but also in some other cases. Like dancing for example when the dance animations Priority is less than or equal to the AO animations

anyways and nvm (:


a way to solve this for new residents is for them to get a HUD-exposed AO. Which can be problematic for a brand new person to do immediately. Like actually finding a AO inworld or on MP, then learning how to unbox it and wear it, enable it, etc etc


given this then the other way is

1) open Appearance (button on left your screen)

2) press Save As (button bottom of dialog)

3) enter a outfit name ("My Something Outfit" or whichever name) and Save

4) In the Appearance dialog, on My Outfits tab. You will see the Outfit (all the stuff) you have saved as "My Something Outfit"

5) Open the outfit. Will see a list of everything you are wearing (your current outfit)

6) Look for "Animation Overrider" in the list. Right-click on the name and Detach. The name will change from Bold text to Normal text. Is still part of your outfit, you just not now currently wearing it

7) To put it back on, then open Appearance, My Outfits tab. Open your "My Something Outfit". Find "Animation Overrider" in the list. Right-click on its name and Add. (make sure is Add and not Wear ok). Is now worn again

8) If when you Add (the AO) it doesnt go then you in a no-script area (the script in the AO wont start). So teleport Home, back to Social Island, and it will work again


can seem like a whole bunch of botheration nation all these steps for sure. However, as a new person then learning how to dress and undress ourselves is pretty much the next thing we all learn after the initial walk/sit/explore experience

for new people starting out, Outfits is integral to the dress/undress experience

so in a o.m.g.f.f.s.g.r.r.s.r.s.l.y.weers.te.loots.eleventy sense in not providing a HUD-exposed AO. then the loots is in how the Outfits weps work. And you can level up quicker than them other new residents, who still stuck on the g.r.r.eleventy level (:

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