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Did anyone else find this unacceptable?

Prokofy Neva

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Aethelwine wrote:

In real life the last time someone asked for my identity card to prove my age I was in my 30s and I was trying to buy cigarettes, so to at least one person I looked under 16 when I was twice that age.

What people think they see and what they are seeing is often very different.

There are some stores that just card everyone, it may not be the law but store rules. That way there is no question if someone was old enough or not, everyone is carded. Helps keep the store out of trouble.

Also to OP, I have never seen any of the avatars in question. Maybe you need to pay more attention to where you go if you don't like it.

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According to Linden Labs terms of service, regarding "Adult" content:

"Linden Lab will conduct proactive monitoring and rely on abuse reports that identify adult content or conduct that is promoted or advertised publicly. Where adult content or conduct on a region is publicly advertised or promoted, that region must be designated as Adult (or such content must be removed). We will re-designate such regions if adult content is not removed."

If I'm reading this correctly, then Linden Lab relies on abuse reports to let them know if something offends us.

Now, I have seen a lot in my life, having worked in probation, child abuse, and as an aide in a psychiatric facility, but I am still offended by some of what I have seen in the Moderate regions of Second Life, for example, most recently couples having pixel sex on Torley's Island and in the Lionheart Train Station.

I would like to promote Second Life to people in my, the AARP, generation, but I'm afraid to because I'm afraid they will be turned off by what they see.

As for the childrens' clothing - I saw nothing inappropriate in the first few pages, but a few of the models with adult faces were a bit creepy.

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The pixel sex in the open in a moderate region you should have AR'd them. That activity is only allowed in  the open in an adult region. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119

For your friends, just tell them that unless they don't mind that activity, to keep their maturity rating at General and Moderate and they, unless someone is breaking the rules, shouldn't have a problem with activities.

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The pictures you're invoking are nothing like those shown in the ads from the original poster. Anyone can see this.

Having a few holes in a shirt is NOTHING like having half a shirt or a BDSM harness and loincloth. Ridiculous to claim otherwise.

The ads are pictures of children, full stop. No where in the ad does it say anything about "teen" or "femboi" - using the female avatar doesn't mean that.

Support for ageplay dies hard in SL, not only because of its devious and zealous practitioners, who are vicious against critics, but because of people who think it's freedom of expression. LL needs to step up, as they are a private company who loses new customers because of the visibility of this stuff, and they are not obliged to provide First Amendment level expression for deviants.



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Prokofy Neva wrote:

The ads are pictures of children, full stop. 


You didn't answer the question. All you are doing is making an arbitary statement. Please say what makes you think this is an SL-Kid when he clearly isn't?


  • Is it his Pubes?
  • Is it his treasure trail?
  • Is it his eyeshadow?
  • Is it his Lip Gloss?
  • Is it his blush?
  • Is it his long head shape (Kids dont have long heads generally)
  • Is it his head to shoulder ratio - which is adult - kids have HUGE heads compared to shoulder width.
  • Is it his head to torso ratio - Which is adult. Kid torsos are 2 heads high, adults are 3 heads high. 

All I see prok is your homophobia and intolerance of people with different styles to yours.

This is not a child avatar and I would love to know why you think it is.

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Prokofy Neva wrote:

You mean just because I don't like *your* answer. Do you rule the forums?

No I don't rule the forums.  However I wasn't the only one that basically said the same thing in the answers section.  

Before I answered, I did some research re-reading the TOS and the Wiki Official Policies as well as the Knowledge Base, just in case there was something there on the subject or a new rule, and found nothing.  So it wasn't just 'my' answer it was the correct answer.  

I gave you the proof you wanted that at least two of the clothes in that pic are for sale in RL.   I am still awaiting your "proof" of a rule against them and that the answer was incorrect and that there is indeed a rule disallowing those clothes.  If you can provide official word from LL about it I will gladly change my answer and even PM the OP about the change.

You are also ignoring what Callum said about femboys being adults and using that body and wearing those types clothes.  Did you go see for yourself it its true?  I doubt it.  I guess you ignore things that don't fit your picture of what SL should be.

Once again, I find the all but the first pic distasteful for KIDS,  But if an adult femboy wants them, it is not my place to tell them they can't have them.  Only LL can.  I am also totally against any form of age play and have always reported any suspicion of it to LL.

Again, if you don't like something there is always the suggestion page.

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Prok, while I wait for your arguments why this is clearly a child, lets dissect the body proportions very finely.

The human body is VERY well defined in terms of proprtions. If you get these measurements off then the body looks unatural and weird. There is very little room for movement, a few percent at most. It's something most people who play with the sliders know instinctively because we know what looks nice to our eyes when we make our shape.

When you look at these measurements there is ZERO doubt this is an adult. ZERO.













1. Eyes (Green Line) are centre of head. This helps rule out overly bouffant hairdos. Measuring eyes to chin and duplicating that measurement upwards gives top of skull. Unless you have a deformity this is an absolute measurement. Eyes are centre of head.

2. On an adult the distance from chin to nipple is the same distance as the height of the head. On people over 6 the nipples are higher. This measurement is not clear enough as the nipples are hidden in the ad you are complaining is child pornography.

3. On an adult the distance nipple to navel is the same distance as the height of the head. In other words on an adult the navel is on the second head line. On a 10 year old the navel is higher, the second head line comes half way between groin and navel at 10 and actually is the groin line at 3. I think this line is clear in the ad even though the navel is hidden. That belt is covering the navel, the treasure trail being the best indication. We will take the red logo on the belt as being the navel, and it's on the second head line = an adult.

4. The groin (yellow line) is the third head line for an adult. For a 10 year old the third head line is half way down the thighs. There is zero mistake here, the third head line IS on the groin. This is an adult. If this was a child it would be half way down the upper leg to the knees.


Now looking at a picture (below) of a 4'6" child in the SMB body and a 6 foot adult in the SMB mesh body. Look where the yellow groin line is. On the child half way down his upper leg, on the adult - it's on the groin.

The yellow line on this SL Kid is nowhere near his groin area.

Now, go back and look at the ad above you claim is child pornograpy. Is that a child?


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wherorangi wrote:

weell !  the ad says for boys


"Boy" is a gay slang term as well. Some people spell it as "Boi" but it's the same thing. Do an adult restricted search on "boy" for any proof you should need.


wherorangi wrote:

the boy in the advert ? He is a boy. The maker of this adverted outfit also says he is a boy. So am not sure why all the texts trying to say otherwise


The first one of the 4, yes. Branley is a SL-Kid. But his swimsuit is not pornographic to any rational person.

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Callum Meriman wrote:

wherorangi wrote:

weell !  the ad says for boys


"Boy" is a gay slang term as well. Some people spell it as "Boi" but it's the same thing. Do an adult restricted search on "boy" for any proof you should need.


wherorangi wrote:


the boy in the advert ? He is a boy. The maker of this adverted outfit also says he is a boy. So am not sure why all the texts trying to say otherwise


The first one of the 4, yes. Branley is a SL-Kid. But his swimsuit is not pornographic to any rational person.

am not sure who you mean by Branley. I was refer to the boy in the advert. The boy in the g-string and bottomless chaps amd garter belt

boy means a boy. Doesnt matter if is slang or not

nor does it matter what the sexual orientation of the person viewing/referring to the boy is

for example. Toyboy. Some older hetero women have a toyboy



i have bottomless chaps, garter belts, shot belts, top and bottoms some of length that would make even a fallen nun blush. And I have a Pink Fuel skin which I really like. And heaps of chains, bands, bonds, piercings, ears and tails and collars and bling. I am a moving kink machine to look at some days

and when I see a SL child dressed in the same kink as me, then I will eject them from any SL space I have control over, and not even blink 


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Hi, I'm the original poster of that question. I'd like to clarify that the literal full name of that avatar is "#SMB Mesh Body for Kids." Even if twinks and fem boys use it, that doesn't make it not a child avatar because that's it's intended use.

Edit: I think some of y'all need to brush up on the fact that there are laws in the US (where Second Life is hosted) that disallows simulated child porn such as with child avatars. Additionally here's the page for Linden Lab's policy on child avatars.

Also, my distaste with the speedos isn't the clothing in and of itself, it's the deliberiately sculpted bulge on it. My issue with the bikini is the focus being the girl's butt.

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Magnanimousity wrote:

Hi, I'm the original poster of that question. I'd like to clarify that the literal full name of that avatar is "#SMB Mesh Body for Kids." Even if twinks and fem boys use it, that doesn't make it not a child avatar because that's it's intended use.

I'm 50 years old. I just read a "children's book." Does that make me a child?

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Hi, I'm the original poster of that question. I'd like to clarify that the literal full name of that avatar is "#SMB Mesh Body for Kids." Even if twinks and fem boys use it, that doesn't make it not a child avatar because that's it's intended use.

I'm 50 years old. I just read a "children's book." Does that make me a child?

That's false equivalence. You're not doing anything to come off as a child, people using a mesh body clearly labeled as being a child are doing something to come off as being a child.

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It's not about piety or prudishness. It's about the TOS which bans child pornography.

This is child pornography.

In the EU, as you may know, even cartoons like Hentai are ruled as child pornography, not just RL children.

And RL law isn't the issue here, as it is the Linden TOS, which was amended more than 10 years ago when EU prosecutors began to investigate Second Life.

I'm well aware of how vicious, hateful, and obsessive those who justify child pornography are. I personally don't make it a "cause". I AR it when I see it, and I show solidarity to those who AR it as the OP did.

That it continues is one of the worrisome facets of SL that costs them customers.

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Magnanimousity wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Hi, I'm the original poster of that question. I'd like to clarify that the literal full name of that avatar is "#SMB Mesh Body for Kids." Even if twinks and fem boys use it, that doesn't make it not a child avatar because that's it's intended use.

I'm 50 years old. I just read a "children's book." Does that make me a child?

That's false equivalence. You're not doing anything to come off as a child, people using a mesh body clearly labeled as being a child
doing something to come off as being a child.

It's a mesh body. Full stop. And it's one of the very few available that is useful for a slender person while also having a variety of clothing for it, which means it's useful for people who want that sort of body even if it was made for being a "child" and they aren't portraying a "child."

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Hi, I'm the original poster of that question. I'd like to clarify that the literal full name of that avatar is "#SMB Mesh Body for Kids." Even if twinks and fem boys use it, that doesn't make it not a child avatar because that's it's intended use.

I'm 50 years old. I just read a "children's book." Does that make me a child?

That's false equivalence. You're not doing anything to come off as a child, people using a mesh body clearly labeled as being a child
doing something to come off as being a child.

It's a mesh body. Full stop. And it's one of the very few available that is useful for a slender person while also having a variety of clothing for it, which means it's useful for people who want that sort of body even if it was made for being a "child" and they aren't portraying a "child."

The issue here is that the SMB body is by default a child avatar. There is nothing spcifying that the clothing I was using as an example were made explicitly for twinks/femboys, which is my issue here. I'm not arguing that people can't use it as a twink/femboy body with the shape altered, the issue comes in when there's clearly sexually inclined content made for it, because it's a child avatar by default.

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Magnanimousity wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Hi, I'm the original poster of that question. I'd like to clarify that the literal full name of that avatar is "#SMB Mesh Body for Kids." Even if twinks and fem boys use it, that doesn't make it not a child avatar because that's it's intended use.

I'm 50 years old. I just read a "children's book." Does that make me a child?

That's false equivalence. You're not doing anything to come off as a child, people using a mesh body clearly labeled as being a child
doing something to come off as being a child.

It's a mesh body. Full stop. And it's one of the very few available that is useful for a slender person while also having a variety of clothing for it, which means it's useful for people who want that sort of body even if it was made for being a "child" and they aren't portraying a "child."

The issue here is that the SMB body is by default a child avatar. There is nothing spcifying that the clothing I was using as an example were made explicitly for twinks/femboys, which is my issue here. I'm not arguing that people can't use it as a twink/femboy body with the shape altered, the issue comes in when there's clearly sexually inclined content made for it, because
it's a child avatar by default.

The default system avatar can be made into a child's body. By your logic, doesn't that mean that there's an issue when clearly sexually inclined content is made for the default avatar?

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Magnanimousity wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

The default system avatar can be made into a child's body. By your logic, doesn't that mean that there's an issue when clearly sexually inclined content is made for the

No, because the system body isn't a child by default.

How is the SMB body a child "by default"? The body needs to be worn over a shape to be usable and it will take the height of whatever shape you're wearing. If your shape is 8 feet tall, guess what? You've got a very slender 8 foot tall avatar.

The SMB mesh body with those outfits could certainly be used for prohibited behavior.

The same body and outfits with different settings can be used for non-prohibited behavior.

You can say exactly the same thing about the system avatar.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Magnanimousity wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

The default system avatar can be made into a child's body. By your logic, doesn't that mean that there's an issue when clearly sexually inclined content is made for the

No, because the system body isn't a child by default.

How is the SMB body a child "by default"? The body needs to be worn over a shape to be usable and it will take the height of whatever shape you're wearing. If your shape is 8 feet tall, guess what? You've got a very slender 8 foot tall avatar.

The SMB mesh body with those outfits could certainly be used for prohibited behavior.

The same body and outfits with different settings can be used for non-prohibited behavior.

You can say
exactly the same thing
about the system avatar.

It's made for the purpose of being a child. Anything made for it is by default made for a child avatar.

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Magnanimousity wrote:

It's made for the purpose of being a child. Anything made for it is by default made for a child avatar.

Then we're right back to my argument about reading a "children's book" as an adult. You say this doesn't make me a child because I'm using something made for a child for another purpose.

A mesh body isn't an avatar. It's a tool used to make an avatar. By itself it can't be an avatar. This particular tool was originally intended for and is well-suited for making child avatars, but that doesn't mean that everyone using it is using it for that, as you've already acknowledged.

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No matter what anyone says, an avatar is not a child.

If two adults in SL want to 'age-play' or 'role-play' their first kiss using child avatars, that is up to them. No children are involved, only adults.

An avatar cannot be a sexual object by itself, only the person wielding the avatar can do that.

A  picture of a child avatar in a bikini also is not child pornography.

One cannot tell the intent, or even assume the use of, a child avatar in SL.

THough it is not my cup of tea, unless you were to observe private SL users with child avatars and spy on them - there is no reason to suspect they are using the avatars in the parameters that a virtual world like SL allows.

If you can't look at an innocent picture (or advertisement) of clothing for a child avatar - without sexualizing it - perhaps the issue is more in your mind than it is in the sellers'.

Also, even if there were 'questionable' activity by consenting adults in SEcond Life, and whether or not I find the subject/action/fetish disgusting - I will defend any roleplay by any (ADULT VERIFIED ACCOUNT), do do what ever they please. - SECOND LIFE IS A VIRTUAL WORLD, NOT THE REAL WORLD.

Addendum: Hopefully such questionable activities should be restricted to private sims only;. I don't believe the femboi-humping dude or the dog-humping dude observed in the Premium default user homes was appropriate...

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