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Shoes - with NO hud

Lyra Blackthorne

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Ok, it was fun for awhile but I am soooo over shoes with huds that make wearing them a math project.  Plus, looking perfect to my own eye does not mean that others see it the same; shoes with fake toes/feet look different with each light setting.  And what is with the closed toe shoes that have huds; why do we need to mess with that if the shoe does not show toes?

Giving up on hud driven shoes means giving up a huge portion of my beloved shoe collection so, I am now the hunt for new ones.  What are your fav high-quality closed toed shoes that do not involve skin matching? Who makes your favorite mile high stiletto that you can just put on and run out the door with no worry that someone will see a dead persons foot attached to your avie?

My current favs are Gos, GField, Lusty...what are yours?

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HUDs enable the shoe-wearer to shade the skin of the foot to match the rest of the skin, color toenails, change the color of the shoes themselves or parts of the shoe (straps, buckles, etc).  HUDs are worn only during that setup phase or if the wearer whats to change something, not all of the time.

For example HUDs allow the user to match toenails to fingernails.  /me smiles

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Hmm, now I've heard everything. Can you kick some1 in the head with those shoes. I mean, do they come with a combat system? Ok, but are you saying you can't wear the shoes without a hud?

HAHa, you know, I always been happy I'm a guy in RL and don't have to deal with all the female stuff. Now, I'm happy I'm not a girl in my virtual life, lol. I don't know too many guys that would buy shoes with a hud, unless fire or something came out of them.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Maitreya GOLD shoes make matching skin tone much easier as they include a notecard in the pack with popularly used skin makers/tones and the settings to use to match the skin in the foot with the rest of the avatar.

Even with a notecard I still can't get mine to look right!  lol, but I failed math so maybe that explains it!  They do make really nice shoes though and they have some older shoes & boots that are hudless too  

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You could always look for the older versions from some of the long standing shoe designers out there.  Tesla, Zhao, J's, etc.  The last pair of non-prim open toed shoes I had were a pair of mules from Inkythings.

If it helps, you can turn on a small display that gives the number value of the color under your cursor.  I can't remember right off where it is.  Develop > Rendering Information > Show Color Under Cursor ... I think.  It pops up a set of numbers on the bottom right of you screen.  The numbers are for Red, Green and Blue. 

Just mouse over you shin and and see what the red color is, then mouse over your foot and see what that level of red is there.  Adjust one color at a time until it is less than 5 difference between the two.  Once it is set, the differences from lighting, presets or different viewers will not be noticeable except for 1.19 version viewers and under -- which could not render prim clothing of any kind properly.

And before you throw away perfectly good shoes you have already paid real money for, have you tried getting help from the store?  I know some places will match your skin tone for free.  Plus, any HUD that let's you set the RGB color in chat is easy for someone else to help you.  For instance, I could tell you what to say to get the proper match.  Then you can save the skin tone to the HUD.

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This is a derail...:womanmad:  But I am so over HUDs on jewelry too. Do I really need 16 metals and 56 gems? And do earrings really need a resizer?

I can't really tell the difference between silver, platinum, mithril or white gold. They all look silver-ish in SL. Same with gems, I have 2 or 3 favourite gems and don't need all those options. It is just a bunch of scripts that clog me down. And I hate to kill the scripts without making a backup copy. More work and more stuff to keep in my inventory. Copy it, make a folder named "backup copy of xxx", place it in the folder for backup copies and there it sits unused.

I don't like colorchange on stuff in general, to my personal preference the colors are too harsh or gaudy. If the items are left modify, I can always add on a soft greyish tint that makes the colors more muted. But since HUD items are no modify in most cases, I dislike them more and more.

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I like the huds that change the shoe colors and elements...what I don't like are the shoes with toes and feet that you have to try to match with your avies skin.  Kalnins makes great shoes for men, and I also love love their women's boots.  If you don't mind tweaking skin colors their women's sandals are lovely too...I am just tired of messing with skin tone matches personally

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Lyra Blackthorne wrote:

yep even when using the specific RBG to get the skin tone...then windlight has to be considered.  If you use rbg and set lighting correctly then feet look perfect to you...but, anyone with different light settings will see them as "off" color

True, but if you use it for taking pics (like I do a lot) then it's fine ;)


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Too true and might still use them for photos  but not going to buy more of em lol and will leave them off for public events.  I was at a fashion event not too long ago and with lag turned down graphics and windlight and there were all these beautiful women...with very ugly feet lol.

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I usually have no trouble, I try the rgb in different settings, default region, something that everyone will use, not setting the windlight only for your liking, unless it is for pictures, I find similar brand to be very good, if you have the right RGB it will usually work good

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Lyra Blackthorne wrote:

yep even when using the specific RBG to get the skin tone...then windlight has to be considered.  If you use rbg and set lighting correctly then feet look perfect to you...but, anyone with different light settings will see them as "off" color


Ok, this is bugging me.  Since windlight the environmental color matching between clothes, skins and prims should not be a problem any more.  I took some test pics to be sure.



What viewer are you using that it is giving you this problem?


If you just don't want to wear prim feet, I understand.  But if you are tossing a small fortune in bought and paid for footwear because of a glitch it might be an idea to see if we can fix the glitch.  And if I am getting pushy, just let me know.

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Huds are not that bad for me really..i like them better than presets in the shoes..freedom to adjust is great..

i would rather have them mod..but  i can understand all the call backs creators would be getting making prim toe shoes too much mod  for a lot that don't know their way around the build tools..Huds and size scripts are  just a user friendly version of mod tools with less to deal with and less headaches for creators...


it gives creators more time to deal with new creations..i'm all for that..hehehe..especially the things that have been put out the last couple of years..stuff is just getting better with way less fitting problems than we used to have..

i mean there is really some good fitting smexy stuffs for us now where we can actually get to looking like the fit in the picture that made us want the products..before it was ..omg how come they look so good in the picture..well it probably took 40 shots to get that one shot that looked like it fit so well ..that or they had to shape their body to it lol..

for me huds save more time than they waste..i'm all for getting back to the store for more shopping  instead of spending the day fitting tons of stuffs from the day before hehehe

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May I spammingly add mine..I prefer no-huds, no-scripts, and like good old fashioned flexibility to boot.

(bloody buggery that was almost the best pun I made all day, but I'm talking about shoes not boots so it doesnt count )



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