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Cannot See Local Chat from Some People


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I can't see local chat from certain people. They are not blocked, because I have IM'd then to say, "I can't see what you are saying in local!"  I can see everybody else's local chat. I use Firestorm.  Can anybody think of something I may have clicked/unclicked to make this happen?  Thanks.

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3 answers to this question

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In addition to the advice already given:

If this problem only happens on Firestorm, the likely culprit is you have enabled Firestorm's spam protection & those friends you don't see local chat from posted a wall of text over your spam protection limits & the viewer has blocked their local chat.

In the top menu bar of the viewer, go to Avatar -> Preferences -> Firestorm -> Protection.

Click the "Unblock all spam sources" button & see if you can then see your friends chat.

If you have "Enable spam protection" ticked, you may wish to untick it, or raise the threshold settings.


Unlikely, but this could also be a region specific problem.

If your friends local chat is only invisible on a certain region (or parcel) and no-one else can see their local chat posts either, then your friend/s may have an object rezzed or worn on that region that's triggered the server side chat throttle. Your friend will need to find the object spamming chat & reset scripts or remove it. If all else fails a region restart will fix the problem but that may only be a temporary fix if the spamming object is still present.

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If they aren't blocked you should be able to see their chat, except if they are whispering and you are over 10 meters away OR they are speaking in a normal voice but you are over 20 meters away.

If you are close enough to them and still don't see their chat, try another viewer.  If you still can't see it, then you'll need to file a support ticket or talk to live chat, if you are premium.  If you can, join the FIrestorm support group and ask them.  It may not be a Firestorm problem, but someone may know something more about it there.  They provide excellent support for their viewer.

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