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animation overrider...vista


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I have a vista overrider animation...Had it for a long time.  Today it won't offer me the option to wear or add when I click on it in inventory.  I thought it might just be old so bought two inexpensive ones to try out, but they don't offer me the option to wear or add either...What's up?  Is it vista or do I have a real problem.  I'm walking around like a noob...yikes!!  Please help..please.

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Duplicate Post.  Original is at https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/my-animation-overrider-no-longer-offers-me-the-option-to-wear/qaq-p/3051455

Please do not start more than one thread with the same question. Doing that makes it hard for us to see what other people have already suggested, and it pushes other residents' questions off the page.

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