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VICE Script Help Needed!


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I am in the process of building a couple guns for my groups RP in a WW2 setting. We will be using VICE as it is what all others in the area uses. 

I am stuck on a small issue. I need to "deactivate" the gun when "sling/holster" is used. I already have the alpha toggles working, but the "draw" weapon is still "active". 

How do I make it so the animations and other scripts "stop" when I sling or holster the gun?

Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gonna try a different approach...

I am in need of an experienced scripter knowledgeable in VICE Combat. The script in question is the "VICE Trigger and HUD" script.

I am willing to pay a reasonable fee for this as this shouldn't take more than an hour at most. I would also need the script full perm for any future mods that may be needed.

I am putting together a rifle and sidearm for a group WW2 RP. The rifle and sidearm builds are completed with a "holster/sling" and "draw" versions. The alpha toggle script for each are completed and working along with the commands to "draw/sling/holster".

What I would need is the following:

RIFLE - 1903 Springfield
- Any and all "bomb/grenade/stab" related code needs to be removed.
- Command "sling" in local chat to disable the rifle when in "sling" mode. This means the HUD text needs to disappear and rifle hold animation needs to stop.
- Command "draw" in local chat to enable the rifle when in "draw" mode. This means the HUD text needs to appear and rifle hold animation needs to start.

SIDEARM - 1911 Colt
- Any and all "bomb/grenade/stab" related code needs to be removed.
- Command "holster" in local chat to disable the handgun when in "holster" mode. This means the HUD text needs to disappear and handgun hold animation needs to stop.
- Command "draw" in local chat to enable the handgun when in "draw" mode. This means the HUD text needs to appear and handgun hold animation needs to start.

Please send a notecard to me inworld with your quote.

Thanks. :)

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