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Linden Labs Land Sales


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3 answers to this question

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There's this:-

LIN Land Auctions

I don't know if it's what you're looking for (or, exactly, what it is). I think it's to do with Abandoned Land - the land that Linden Lab does resell.

I don't think there's a way to get an accurate list of every parcel set for sale, or those set for sale by residents (which is how most land is resold).

Fresh new land - as yet unassigned to anyone, never bought by a resident - hasn't been formed in some time and probably won't be formed again.

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it's indeed what Freya's post tells.

The ones on the auctions is the only mainland sold by LL.

But... there are thousends more sales by other residents, selling Linden mainland. Those are not listed as the auctions, but you can narrow the search for those inwold with the search function for mainland sales.

Most people buy directly form other residents, it's often cheaper than auction, ánd a lot more choice. While you still have the same safety in owning Linden land afterwards, so no landlords suddenly closing or kicking you out while your rental didn't finish.



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Another way to find land on mainland you might like is to look at the map and look at places that look empty. If you land there and the land is owned by Governor Linden, you can do a support ticket and request it being sold to you. You'll get a reply that it's set to sell to you or that it's been put on the auction list. You do have to have a premium account to get mainland land.

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