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I am getting a very weird 'Strobe' like effect with my laptop.


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I'm an I7 6700HQ CPU 2.60ghz with 16gb ram

My graphics card is an Nvidia geoforce gtx960m with 4gm vid ram, 

So this machine more than meets SL's min requirements. 

I'm sure this is a setting I need to change, but have no idea where to begin. 

I've included a picture of the effect. It strobes to black and then regular picture quickly, with prims 

blinking in and out. 

 I appreciate the suggestion, but updating didn't work, so

I added a second picture, as the problem is not solved. 

!!!! Thank you. What worked was selecting the Nvidia chip set as my preferred graphics processor!! I was not aware I even had to do that. Not only did it work, but SL automatically selected ULTRA as my basic setting, and things are running amazingly fast. THANK  YOU. 


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Dear Dissed Damsel,

While not on top of the pile that Mobile [re: low voltage] graphics chip set is still plenty good enough to run SL.


OK to dagnoise what is broken on your PC/Laptop or in that particular chipset do the following:

1) Launch SL

2) Me / Preferences / Graphics / Move the Performance Slider to the Mid position

3) Uncheck -  [ Advanced Settings... ] / [ _ ] Avatar Hardware Skinning &   [ _ ] Atmospheric Shaders

...then play in SL If it remains stable for you then you have a problem [possible bug] with your chipset. Check to see if there is a corrective firmware upgrade available from Nvidia. This is not a driver update.

BTW - if this is a Laptop then you may need to perform the following:

Laptop Users:

Laptop versions of supported graphics card may work but are NOT officially supported. You can try the steps below on how to make your laptop dedicated graphics card, the primary card:

Please open your NVIDIA Control Panel and click on 'Manage 3D settings'.

You should be able to see the drop down list for 'Preferred graphics processor', please select 'High-performance NVIDIA processor' then 'Apply' at the bottom.


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