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Griefer attack affecting my avie and inventory.

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I have had a griefer do something to my land and any avies that visit.  When you tp to the land or log into home all your prims detach.  You can open your inventory but cannot attach, wear or rez anything from it.  If you are on ground level you get a blue drop down message saying something about 'bad lap open cartel'.  Then the particle spammer starts and moving is almost impossible.  I sent an AR but I'm sure that will get me no help.  How can I find out what is doing it and how to make it stop?  I go into highlight transparent and can find the prim the particle spam comes from but thats it.  Thanks!

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Rain Laval wrote:

I have had a griefer do something to my land and any avies that visit.  When you tp to the land or log into home all your prims detach.  You can open your inventory but cannot attach, wear or rez anything from it.  If you are on ground level you get a blue drop down message saying something about 'bad lap open cartel'.  Then the particle spammer starts and moving is almost impossible.  I sent an AR but I'm sure that will get me no help.  How can I find out what is doing it and how to make it stop?  I go into highlight transparent and can find the prim the particle spam comes from but thats it.  Thanks!

Select the Prim and then "Return" it. Depending on the Viewer you are using, the method of returning is different. Try right-clicking it first. If that doesn't work .. ummm .. anyone got a v2.x method handy?


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for version 2 click the world tab at top and go down to place profile>about Land>objects tab...down towards the bottom is a circular arrow that lists the objects on the properties by owner. Click it and then highlight the owners objects that shouldn't be on your land and hit return objects.

                                      Dim Sum Garden group banner (750x167).jpg


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Thanks for the help!  Unfortunately the spammer prim is not on my land.  Only my objects and friends objects are listed under the land tab.  The land next to mine has build turned on and the owner is never around so these lil band of moron griefers have started using it.  

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Rain Laval wrote:

I have even purchased a shield/combat hud just to try and it is dead upon landing. So that was a dud lol.  I may try to contact LL but urghhhhh.... 


Sounds like your standard self-replicating spam object.

File an AR from the location of the spamming object and include screenshot. Use live chat help if you can. LL are usually pretty good about clearing them up asap.

There's no point in trying to use other scripted devices against them because the scripts inside them are designed to use up all the sim resources, hence the lag, inability to rez attachments, etc. It's not directly affecting your inventory, the sim is just too lagged out for things to work.

If objects are coming in from your neighbour's land you can turn off "allow object entry" in your parcel options - at least that stops visual spam on your own parcel.

Oh also check the source spam object itself (just trace where all the particles are coming from) - sometimes i've found them set for sale for $0 and you can just buy and then delete.

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Zanara Zenovka wrote:

Oh also check the source spam object itself (just trace where all the particles are coming from) - sometimes i've found them set for sale for $0 and you can just buy and then delete.

Should be very carefull with buying such objects. If it manage to replicate after the owner change and some of the copies of it escape and go pollute other places. Resulting you getting reported for griefing.


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Rain Laval wrote:

I have even purchased a shield/combat hud just to try and it is dead upon landing. So that was a dud lol.  I may try to contact LL but urghhhhh.... 


You "may" try to contact LL? So basically you'd rather complain about it in here than actually contact the people who can help you? Really? 

Chat support isn't hard, you know. Sometimes takes a few minutes to get through to someone, but you make it sound like it's difficult to get help. 


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I've tried contacting them before for other issues in the past with zero help.  I did do live chat cuz you know..omg..it wasn't very hard!  Guess what!? It did nothing for me.  Someone is a bit crabby........really.

I do have object entry turned off but doesn't make a difference. 

Filed my second AR.  If its not fixed by later tonight or tomorrow morning I will try live chat again. 

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Rain Laval wrote:

I have even purchased a shield/combat hud just to try and it is dead upon landing. So that was a dud lol.  I may try to contact LL but urghhhhh.... 


I can guarantee that if you do not file an abuse report, then very little will change. And abuse reports are very simple to file.


  1. Right click the offending prim and select "Report Abuse"
  2. Select "use snapshot"
  3. Put in the prim owners name (alternately, you can use the little arrow and box icon thinger to click the thing and get that filled in for you)
  4. Select category (This would at the least be object littering, but given the affect on you and your friends, it may fall under harassment).
  5. Fill in the subject and description (for example "griefer object - particle cube" and a short description of th' trouble).
  6. Send that sucker.


It's not that difficult to file.

Now, is it possible that it won't get resolved? Sure, but in my experience, things like this can be. Will it resolved immediately? Maybe Maybe not. Will it get resolved if you don't file? Pretty much, yes. Will griping about it on the forums change things? Not really, nope.

I know it's expected to gripe about Linden Lab, particularly governance and support - but if you don't even make an attempt to engage them, how exactly can they know there's a problem that needs fixing?


ETA: Good! You have filed. Keep on it!

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  • 5 weeks later...


Tristan Avedon wrote:


Rain Laval wrote:

I have even purchased a shield/combat hud just to try and it is dead upon landing. So that was a dud lol.  I may try to contact LL but urghhhhh.... 


You "may" try to contact LL? So basically you'd rather complain about it in here than actually contact the people who can help you? Really? 

Chat support isn't hard, you know. Sometimes takes a few minutes to get through to someone, but you make it sound like it's difficult to get help. 




I understand your sentiment.  But, please remember that a lot of people's expectations concerning LL's customer service are so low based on prior encounters that many feel that they are a complete waste of time and effort.  The poster was trying to contact the only people that they felt could help them and their best source of advice and support. 

That would be us.

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