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Can scripts affect texture clothing?


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I'm trying to make a script that changes what texture clothing my avatar is wearing.(Not prim or mesh clothing) I can't find anything in the LSL reference that allows modification of texture clothing or the equipping/unequipping of it.

Even though I can't find it, there may be a way. Please, if anybody knows, can LSL scripts change my avatar's texture clothing?

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And then there's also RLV. I only recently started using it. I like using it when I'm rezzing something from a hud to have my avatar automatically sit on it if that is the intended purpose. You can also use it to make the avatar wear/add items, including clothing layers, skins, etc, or even entire folders

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As Ruthven said, RLV is the only* way a script can manipulate what you are wearing; system layers included. One of my most popular products on the MP is an RLV attachment (or clothing, whatever) manager HUD.

LL's official viewer won't work because it doesn't have RLV, so you would need to use a 3rd party viewer like Firestorm. Then your script basically just sends a special message, which is intercepted by the viewer and acted on. It's a bit of a faff to set up. You need to put your clothing etc in a special RLV folder - that's all that RLV can access in your inventory. Once done though, and with a system in place, it's great having the ability to change things at the press of a HUD button. I customise it all the time for different RP characters, even using it to attach and activate weapons automatically and detach others at the same time, things like that.

*llAttachToAvatar() can attach things, but only if they are rezzed in world and permissions granted. It's not a solution here.

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What does RLV stand for exactly? I admit that my scripting skill outpace my Second Life experience.


I found some threads about links that force change you to an old rabbit avatar. It was used for griefing, but could serve less obnoxiously in a personal clothing swapper. Apparently they would post a link like: secondlife:///app/wear_folder/?folder_id=bedd047e-a3d7-23e6-57bc-1ef367d848e7 


However, this gives me an untrusted browser warning and blocks the URL. Has this URL scheme been disabled because of its use in griefing?

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It stands for restrained life/love? viewer. It is used a lot for slave and master role playing wit Open Collar, but has many other benefits as described above, auto-sitting on an item, using a HUD or other scripted objects to make you change clothes, or add/remove items. Also for teleporting around.


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TysonJackLaFollette wrote:

[ .... ]

I found some threads about links that force change you to an old rabbit avatar. It was used for griefing, but could serve less obnoxiously in a personal clothing swapper. Apparently they would post a link like: 


However, this gives me an untrusted browser warning and blocks the URL. Has this URL scheme been disabled because of its use in griefing?

No.  That's what Xijia was referrring to, above.  The silly rabbit is one example of how that URI can be used.  It was an April Fools joke many years ago. (Anything can be used for griefing if you are clever enough.  :smileywink:)  The untrusted browser warning has nothing to do with that URI.  There's a system bug right now that is making some SL web addresses appear to some users as if they are operating with an obsolete certificate, so people are occasionally seeing that message when they try to access other SL web addresses too.

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Right, I know it's what Xijia was talking about. It just wasn't working, and I wondered if that story was the reason. (Pain in the butt to get the UUID of an inventory folder, by the way.) I am able to get the URL to run by right clicking and selecting 'run this command', which is nice.

Having to click a link to change outfits isn't ideal, but it's a good start.

Also, I'll definitely have a look at RLV. It sounds like it adds exactly what I need.

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