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sim crossings/ handover lagging time?

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was wondering if any other pilots are exsperiencing this problem were you cross a sim and your stuck for a moment and then see your 3/4 thru the sim when you become unstuck.  i have tried this in various aircraft and get the same results. OR you pass a border at like 25 to 30 knots haft was thru the sim and you get rubberbanded back to the begining of were you entered.

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mobiusonemasterchief Infinity wrote:

was wondering if any other pilots are exsperiencing this problem were you cross a sim and your stuck for a moment and then see your 3/4 thru the sim when you become unstuck.  i have tried this in various aircraft and get the same results. OR you pass a border at like 25 to 30 knots haft was thru the sim and you get rubberbanded back to the begining of were you entered.

Constantly. The "rubber banding" is actually an illusion - when you go far "into a region" and then bounce back you're never actually in that region before you  bounce back. It takes time for the new server in the region you're entering to update your position to your viewer and while its waiting the viewer will assume you're moving the same direction and same speed. If you are and the handoff is quick the viewer's guess and the actual information from the server will match up pretty well. If you change direction/speed or the handoff is slower you'll suddenly bounce back or jump. If you go to the "Develop" menu and select "Network", turning off "Velocity Interpolate Objects" will stop the rubberbanding but leave you frozen at the region border for the full length of time the handoff takes.

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Unlike other lag issues in SL, script count can have a significant impact here. When you enter a new sim what you essentially do is log on to a different server. That means, among other things, that the new server has to load and start every single script you carry with you and that may slow down the process considerably. Avoid those vehicles that are loaded down with dozens of scripts and remove all unneccesary scripts from you avatar (including the AO - no need for that while you're sitting still in a plane) and you'll have much less problems with sim crossings.

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  • 7 months later...

Isn't there a way of preloading the scripts into the next sim before actually entering it?  Based on my vector, the current sim should know what the next sim will be in my trajectory and send the script and avatar information in advance to the next sim in line to make the sim crossing smoother. Sounds pretty straight forward to me.

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Zequ Quartz wrote:

Isn't there a way of preloading the scripts into the next sim before actually entering it?  Based on my vector, the current sim should know what the next sim will be in my trajectory and send the script and avatar information in advance to the next sim in line to make the sim crossing smoother. Sounds pretty straight forward to me.

It's not straight forward at all...


First, the simulator you are on has NO way of knowing ifyou are going to continue on that vector, change course, stop, tp to some skybox half way across the grid or just log out, so it cannot predict where you might end up next.


Second, when you exit a sim, it...


Bundles up the current state of every item in your inventory, plus the current state of every script in every attachment you are wearing, plus the current state of your base system avi, including what animation you are currently running plus the state of any rezzed ovbjects you are linked to (sitting on/in) plus the state of any scripts in said object...


All this gets squirted to an asset server, then it throws your naked bald body to the next sim, which... downloads all that stuff from the assert server, figures out what needs to be rezzed, figures out which ressed items have to be attached to you, loads up all the scripts,  feeds them their stored states, and sets them running...


Then all the scripts do their on-rez and on-attach and on-sit routines and try to pick up from where they left off...


I've sat watching an agent script count/memory use/script time time display while people tp in and out of a sim, it's kinda scary.


You'll notice that somebody with 50 scripts using 4 mb or memory with a script time of 200 ms when normally standing about, will report 4000 ms of script time when they tp in for a short period as everything starts up, it's also why people tp'ing out of a sim infront of you can cause a lag spike, as the sim stumbles a little processing the package and send bussiness.


One of the major and unavoidable causes of lag on really busy sims  such as the 4 sims of the annual hair fair, is handling all the load of thousands of people porting in and porting out all day every day on sims loaded with 49 people each...

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