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Original Content Creators Group?


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AdamZadig wrote:

I can see how someone who doesnt want to be in such a group may feel like their work is going to be seen as not original because its not stamped by a logo but at the end of the day, do buyers even care? 

I think all of the responses here are from merchants. What do buyers really think? Would be interesting to get their point of view. 



To the bolded part, no. Buyers don't care if a merchant does not have that logo, or even any indication of "original content", as long as the work is good, people will buy it. But, people(some, a lot from my understanding, though the forums only give a very small sampling of people, it's been a long discussed problem) DO very much care, if someone *does* use those logos. That was part of what I was trying to get at, probably unsuccessfully. Using those logos will, guarantee, to keep at least some of your customer base far away from you. That is because of its history, the group that is, along witht he theory that some sort of collaborative "official" group is necessary, that creates this "bad history"(for lack of better terminology on my part). It is NOT the indication of "original content" in and of itself, but rather how one choose to go about expressing that(ie, using that group, those logos, or other similar, rather than one's own "this is all original content" indicators)...and the reason(s) why he or she does, that make a difference. That's probably about as clear as mud, though, perhaps someone can explain it better than I can :) 

As for the responses you're getting, I think sometimes people forget that merchants are also buyers, not just sellers. In fact, at times we may even buy far more merchandise than non-creators/merchants, depending on the product(s). Me, for example, i buy from other merchants for everything I want in sl. Whether it is full perm items I use as a seller, or just things I want as a resident/buyer in sl. All merchants, are also buyers, at some point.  So, at least for me, my viewpoint comes as both a fellow merchant, as well as a buyer. Like my opinion about avoiding sellers that participate in that group-that is the opinion of a customer, not a merchant. Others may have responded from a seller viewpoint only, but I have a strong suspicion that they didn't, or don't..but I could be VERY wrong on that too(and they will correct me if I am, lol).

If you want more opinions of non-merchants, this probably isn't the forum to ask, as most of the responding posters will be merchants(past, present, future, lol). I'm nto sure where one would ask such a thing though, to be honest. I just know that the majority of the posters here, are going to be creators..who are also customers :) 


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AdamZadig wrote:

What do buyers really think? Would be interesting to get their point of view. 


I have never been asked by a potential customer if my products are original. The only time buyers are interested in originality is when it comes to exclusive custom work.

The subject of original content has only ever been raised by other merchants.

But, as Tari suggested, it might be interesting if you asked in the general forum, for a different perspective.

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AdamZadig wrote:

I think all of the responses here are from merchants. What do buyers really think? Would be interesting to get their point of view. 

i am not a merchant. I have never sold anything ever

i dont care whether something is original made or made out of templates or freebies even

what I care about is:

a) the weighting of the mesh I wear. It has to conform well when my avatar animates

b) the cut of the alphas. Badly cut alphas are the pits

c) the texture work. If a texture work doesnt wow me then I dont care and wont get it

given a well-weighted, well-alphaed, well-textured template garment, vs a orginal not well anything, I will take the template garment every time 

given a meh texture on a perfectly cut and weighted original mesh garment I will walk right past it and not give it a second thought 

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My impression is that my customers generally do not want to buy anything stolen, but other than that their main concern is the quality of the product and service. That said, I think for many there is added value in owning something that all your friends do not have some version of, which from what I hear is sometimes the case with template items. Same as with RL. 

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is a funny thing about main street and high street shopping. The only difference is the price

all the people who shop on main street wear the same things sold to them by the main street shops

all the  people who shop the high street wear the same things sold to them by the high street shops

only people who wear unique stuff are those who can afford a designer to make a garment for them exclusively


high street shopping in SL. Think mesh bodies and how many different high street shops are selling mesh clothes for the latest in vogue body ? The latest in vogue place is packed with everybody in there buying all the same stuff

high street shoppers (in every world) are the biggest label snobs ever. They want others to know the labels that they are wearing more than everyone else put together. And they just have to whatever every high street shoppers fashion mag tells them

and they pay for it. Just to let everybody know that they spent a fortune on what everybody else in their circle spent a fortune on 

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i didnt mean to throw shade on the mesh body and clothes makers. and neither do you either. Was more the human phenom of the more unique we strive to be, the more we tend to conform even unintentionally. Is pretty interesting to me the dynamics of this phenom


the mesh body I think tho, was a giant leap forward and Bento is a further leap forward and is really really good. For years LL was pestered to come out with a avatar 2 model to correct the flaws in the standard/classic avatar

by accidental design almost it seems, the mesh body became avatar 2. And I think is the best thing (in a avatar 2 sense) as the resident creatives can/do/will take this in far more diverse and imaginative directions than a provider could ever do on their own

when Bento was announced the creative community (makers and accessorisers and wearers) were really happy. All over the online where SL people hang out, lots of excitement and joy. Just thinking about what they would be able to create, what they would be able to wear, and now do

i was pretty happy for all of these people and still am, even if I did try a mesh body for while and decided to go back to the standard avatar


i will probably have another go at a Bento body at some time. As I have I noticed that some of the current mesh bodies and fitmesh clothes designed for those bodies, handle body physics (fluidity of movement/animation) way better than the classic avatar does. Not meaning boing boing as such, more the subtle shift of flesh and clothing as the body moves naturally

i have always used a face animator on my avatar (along with eye sparkles and hintlights to give my face some life) and I think Bento is going to be a big facial life improvement over the classic way. Not just for mesh bodies but classic bodies/shapes also. And the thought of fingers that can wiggle and hold stuff properly is quite ooowaahh! as well


i think as well that were it not for the mesh body then Bento would not have eventuated and I think we (the classic avatar wearers who will also benefit from this) can be appreciative toward the residents (and subsequent Lindens) who pioneered and put in long hard hours to make the Bento body (the true avatar 2.x imo) a reality

appreciative for the benefits that we, the classic avatar wearers, have/will gain from their hard work for ourselves

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- being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of ( with reasonable expectation of inspiration)


- not derived or copied or translated from something else


- being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of


An original work (with the assumptions that you are inspired by other works of art, or influence) is your brain child. It is an idea of many ideas you have; perhaps visuallized with sketches and thumbnails, concept art you painted,etc. This work should have never before been seen; or perhaps a new fresh approach based on Art Deco influences.. but not replicas of existing real-world items.

Sketching, conceptualizing and implementing your own dress design for SL, developing the mesh would only qualify for 'original content' but how would you go about proving that - who would decide what is legit or not?

If 'original content' qualifications only need be 'Well, I made it myself", then there is no need for a special group, tag or symbol since EVERY creator in SL is 'original' then.

There is a difference between creating 'orginal' music, writings and poems vs doing a 'cover' of an existing music, writing or poem.

Creating a mesh of a 1956 Chevy Bel-Air, though requiring skill and some sort of unique interpretation that comes out of any artist - it is not 'original' at all. It is a replica.

Same as all the Marshall guitar amps for sale on the MP. Or the Roland and Rhodes pianos. Someone made the mesh for them, but they are not "100% original" in any way.

If you want to wear a badge like that, or promote it - then please follow it seriously, and let it dictate how you make your designs. Don't sell copies of the Pioneer DJ Mixer Station that already exists in RL, but come up with a unique design that is NOT a replica or copy, so that you can TRULY claim it is yours.

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