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How do you get un-banned for bad review on product

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I'm all man.  I'm not a boy.  Just trying to get advice if there's a possibility to win this battle.  Why are you being a tough guy on the net?  Seems like you need to grow up and stop trolling.  So please, thus far the post was going well until you came along trolling.  You want to grow some, message me in-world.  We can discuss how to settle this...whatever you want to call it.  Consider this post closed.  See you in game kid.

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  • 1 year later...

I think I heard the numbers station "BUZZER" mention that phrase once. Probably misheard it on my part.

41 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Ok, either those weren't really antibiotics I took, or my vision went to hell in the few minutes I stared at this trying to decipher the code.... then gave up. O.o 



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On 11/13/2017 at 7:51 PM, Tari Landar said:

Ok, either those weren't really antibiotics I took, or my vision went to hell in the few minutes I stared at this trying to decipher the code.... then gave up. O.o 


OMG!!  This had me dying.  I'd like to introduce Shadows to you.  She's not autistic but kinda worse then autistic.  She's been stalking me for the past 5 months now harassing my RL.  We've spoken to the police department in her city about possible suicide threat.  She's also been posting my RL information in SL.  I did not know this thread was still around and active.  

No.  I'm not new around here.  Actually, I celebrated 14 years of SL with Deeds Greenacre in September.  

Yes.  I'm still banned and I don't care honestly.  I've managed to build a thriving city in SL and this fiasco is now a distance memory.  

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44 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If English is not your native language then you really need a better translator because whatever you are using is just not working.

It English is your native language, maybe reduce your drug dosage.

it's a troll being responding on OP's posts for some days... seems the forum police is on holidays, some posts got removed, but doesn't learn from it.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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On 11/16/2017 at 2:12 PM, Lord Derryth said:

OMG!!  This had me dying.  I'd like to introduce Shadows to you.  She's not autistic but kinda worse then autistic.  She's been stalking me for the past 5 months now harassing my RL.  We've spoken to the police department in her city about possible suicide threat.  She's also been posting my RL information in SL.  I did not know this thread was still around and active.  

No.  I'm not new around here.  Actually, I celebrated 14 years of SL with Deeds Greenacre in September.  

Yes.  I'm still banned and I don't care honestly.  I've managed to build a thriving city in SL and this fiasco is now a distance memory.  

Lord I what go back home to obsidian order thank to Dolli get me trouble and Sandra 

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15 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

(The most sensible stuff I've ever heard from her ;-).

One of the most compelling and illuminating computer programs I've encountered was the random text generator on Dad's PDP-11. I handed in its output, on green bar paper, for one of my homework assignments (I was home schooled). Dad read the thing over and dryly asked "Maddy? Why can't you put this kind of effort into everything you do?"

Mom and I just spent Christmas at a cousin's full house of extended family. The 20-somethings pulled out a card game called "Cards Against Humanity". Mom and I were encouraged (goaded really) to join in, so we did. As we learned, it's a fairly vulgar version of the random text generator, with cards containing fill in the blank frameworks into which you slot words and phrases from cards you pull from the answer deck. The one who pulls a framework card selects the best answers from those supplied by the others. If you supplied the best answer, you keep the framework card. When the answer deck is exhausted, the person holding the most framework cards wins.

I think the youngsters were anticipating the joy of embarrassing us, or at least Mom, who's 89. They were certainly more hell bent on getting her to join in than me. Imagine their surprise when Mom mopped the floor with them. Between the two of us, we scored nearly half the wins out of eight players. We play to win... and know our audience.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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2 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

One of the most compelling and illuminating computer programs I've encountered was the random text generator on Dad's PDP-11. I handed in its output, on green bar paper, for one of my homework assignments (I was home schooled). Dad read the thing over and dryly asked "Maddy? Why can't you put this kind of effort into everything you do?"

Mom and I just spent Christmas at a cousin's full house of extended family. The 20-somethings pulled out a card game called "Cards Against Humanity". Mom and I were encouraged (goaded really) to join in, so we did. As we learned, it's a fairly vulgar version of the random text generator, with cards containing fill in the blank frameworks blanks into which you slot words and phrases from cards you pull from the answer deck. The one who pulls a framework card selects the best answers from those supplied by the others. If you supplied the best answer, you keep the framework card. When the answer deck is exhausted, the person holding the most framework cards wins.

I think the youngsters were anticipating the joy of embarrassing us, or at least Mom, who's 89. They were certainly more hell bent on getting her to join in than me. Imagine their surprise when Mom mopped the floor with them. Between the two of us, we scored nearly half the wins out of eight players. We play to win... and know our audience.

Lord derryth my dad

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