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Daily TP spams over months from TRAMPS

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Hello everyone,

Since almost 2 months iam suffering from daily teleport invites to a Sim called TRAMPS #1... by different avis sending me those invites everyday.
What i did was reporting those avis and blocking them (since they don't answer me when i kindly ask to stop sending me invites) but then, a few days later there are 2-3 new names which send me teleports again.
I do block them and then the next inviters comes. I IMed the person that seems to manage this place, called "MissEvangeliques" with a direct (not unpolite) message to stop spam me with TP's no answer from her, instead a ban from the sim which i noticed days later.
Since i don't intend to go to that place i don't care that, i just care for the indirect answer behind this. After this i Imed the Owner of the sim from who i did not get any response since then (should be 3 weeks ago).
Just now i got TP invited from 2 different avis of them again.

What can i do now? i mean it won't stop and blocking doesn't help since they send them with new/different avis. Since i got this daily since 2 months now i feel deeply harassed.

Thanks for your time

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That place is well known for constant  spam teleports sent by bots.

The bot accounts don't seem to remain active for very long. I guess they either get ban hammered quickly for spamming or the owners delete them because most people block after the first unwanted teleport.

If you use Firestorm, you can block all teleport offers (or just TP offers from non-friends) when you don't have an active IM session with the TP sender. This will nicely block the Tramps TP spam.

Top menu bar, Comm -> Online status -> Enable "Reject teleport offers & requests."

Preferences -> Privacy -> Autoresponse 2 -> Automatic response to all avatars when in Reject Teleport Offers mode (spam them back ;))

Optional: Don't reject teleport offers (and send response)  from people on friends list.

Those options were added to Firestorm after many complaints about trhe TP spam being sent from Tramps.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

That place is well known for constant  spam teleports sent by bots.

The bot accounts don't seem to remain active for very long. I guess they either get ban hammered quickly for spamming or the owners delete them because most people block after the first unwanted teleport.

If you use Firestorm, you can block all teleport offers (or just TP offers from non-friends) when you don't have an active IM session with the TP sender. This will nicely block the Tramps TP spam.

Top menu bar, Comm -> Online status -> Enable "Reject teleport offers & requests."

Preferences -> Privacy -> Autoresponse 2 -> Automatic response to all avatars when in Reject Teleport Offers mode (spam them back

Optional: Don't reject teleport offers (and send response)  from people on friends list.

Those options were added to Firestorm after many complaints about trhe TP spam being sent from Tramps.

Learn something new each day. Thanks Whirly!

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Talligurl wrote:

your suffering? really? I get them to but I just ignore them. 

Evidently most prefer not to ignore them since the Firestorm team had to design a feature specifically to deal with the annoyance from this group -- since LL would not.

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While I do agree LL should do something about Tramps and their spam bots(They register a new account every day or so, as such it is impossible to block them). You can stop them from spamming you.

Go to their place, cause problems and break their rules, get yourself banned from the sim(Estate banned, not parcel banned. Taunt them from outside the parcel if they parcel ban you). They will ban you from tramps but they will also remove you from the spam list. Yes it is a poor work-around since LL has refused to ban them for over 6+ months, but it works.

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Chaser Zaks wrote:

While I do agree LL should do something about Tramps and their spam bots(They register a new account every day or so, as such it is impossible to block them). You can stop them from spamming you.

Go to their place, cause problems and break their rules, get yourself banned from the sim(Estate banned, not parcel banned. Taunt them from outside the parcel if they parcel ban you). They will ban you from tramps but they will also remove you from the spam list. Yes it is a poor work-around since LL has refused to ban them for over 6+ months, but it works.

I did that. Decided to accept the tp one time so that I could voice my complaint vividly, shouting.

I got banned. The teleport offers continued. The only result is you get denied entry, but the tp spam continues.

It really can be a hassle depending on the user and what they are doing.

The new Firestorm preferences were the only way I found to stop them.

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BarcodeBrian wrote:

Chaser Zaks wrote:

While I do agree LL should do something about Tramps and their spam bots(They register a new account every day or so, as such it is impossible to block them). You can stop them from spamming you.

Go to their place, cause problems and break their rules, get yourself banned from the sim(Estate banned, not parcel banned. Taunt them from outside the parcel if they parcel ban you). They will ban you from tramps but they will also remove you from the spam list. Yes it is a poor work-around since LL has refused to ban them for over 6+ months, but it works.

I did that. Decided to accept the tp one time so that I could voice my complaint vividly, shouting.

I got banned. The teleport offers continued. The only result is you get denied entry, but the tp spam continues.

It really can be a hassle depending on the user and what they are doing.

The new Firestorm preferences were the only way I found to stop them.

Give it a day or two, maybe a week. Bots have to update their lists.

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Chaser Zaks wrote:

BarcodeBrian wrote:

Chaser Zaks wrote:

While I do agree LL should do something about Tramps and their spam bots(They register a new account every day or so, as such it is impossible to block them). You can stop them from spamming you.

Go to their place, cause problems and break their rules, get yourself banned from the sim(Estate banned, not parcel banned. Taunt them from outside the parcel if they parcel ban you). They will ban you from tramps but they will also remove you from the spam list. Yes it is a poor work-around since LL has refused to ban them for over 6+ months, but it works.

I did that. Decided to accept the tp one time so that I could voice my complaint vividly, shouting.

I got banned. The teleport offers continued. The only result is you get denied entry, but the tp spam continues.

It really can be a hassle depending on the user and what they are doing.

The new Firestorm preferences were the only way I found to stop them.

Give it a day or two, maybe a week. Bots have to update their lists.

It lasted for a couple of months before I used the new Firestorm settings, and I therefore have no reason to give it any time at all. There is no reason to think those Bots will update any lists. The owner of them might, eventually, but if it happened anywhere near that quickly you wouldn't have seen these threads.

I originally blocked all teleport requests until I needed to have them available - and when enabled again weeks later, they returned.

Impatience of the spammed is not a factor here. Please don't pretend it is. Multiple threads and a new Firestorm preference were not created frivolously. Did you read the whole thread, or any others?


ETA: The title of this thread alone, with the original and Whirly's post really said a lot. They were not wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

a thing is that the spammer most likely has nothing to do with the club ownership

is most likely just some butthurt guy who got banned from there, and has been on a baww ever since, trying to bring that club into disrepute

given the volume of spams then I think is more a butthurt bawbag doing it than the club owner(s). Spamming the JIRA in the 1000s and 1000s is a defo butthurt move 

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wherorangi wrote:

a thing is that the spammer most likely has nothing to do with the club ownership

is most likely just some butthurt guy who got banned from there, and has been on a baww ever since, trying to bring that club into disrepute

given the volume of spams then I think is more a butthurt bawbag doing it than the club owner(s). Spamming the JIRA in the 1000s and 1000s is a defo butthurt move 

and how you explain the thousends of tp spams they do from their location?

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