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Problem with Maya


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OK I been trying to recreate your problem.  I believe it has to do with Normalize Weights setting.  Either in the paint skin weights tool, which is just above the bone selection in the tool settings for paint skin weights, or when you initially bind the top to the skeleton.

In the Smooth Bind settings you can set the Normalize Weights to either None, Interactive or Post.  I noticed it was set to Post in the Paint Skin Weights Tool Settings in your video.  You will have to try different combinations of the Normalize Weights in both the Smooth Bind and in the Paint Skin Weights Tool Settings.

Also when you Smooth Bind make sure you use "Classic Linear".  My old Maya only used Classic Linear.  I don't know what other types of effects newer types of methods would produce.

You also want to make sure Maintain Max influences is off in the Smooth Bind but I think you already have that off judging by the way your mesh reacts.

Hope that helps.


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adrem2011 wrote:

The problem remains found

You do all those things

This might require an older version

I will contact you in SL and we can setup a time and date to get together to try and figure out your problem.

I know MayaStar works with Maya 2012.  I have Maya 2014 and it works just fine.

There is probably something you and I are overlooking a setting or some step.

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