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Few questions about land Auctions


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Hello, I have been buying land from renters most of the time. Lately I have been looking into just buying directly from Linden Labs, but I don't need a entire sim, just a piece of land.

So I have been browsing through the Auctions but I'm still confused about some stuff.


1. Do I need a premium account to purchase auctioned land?

2. Do I pay the tier price once per month that is shown on the auctions?

I'm just a bit confused on how it works,


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Hi, Why!!

1) Yes, land sold through Lindens Auctions on SL's website are all considered "Mainland Parcels", which is a perk reserved for premium members. 

2) Yes and No. When you sign up for Premium, you are gifted 512sm to work with (most new folks will opt for a Linden Home to start), any land you own beyond the gifted 512 will go towards your tier. Until you own past your initial 512 parcel all land will go towards your tier payment. It can get a bit confusing, but if you are ever terribly confused there is a calculation chart on the tier page that will help you sort it all out. 

I am sure other residents will provide some more info and personal experience, but hopefully this gets you started! Renting from Linden and Residents are both legitimate and effective ways of getting land, so it's always good to know what you're getting yourself into :matte-motes-asleep-2:

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Thanks for the answers! I do have some more questions now.

I am pretty much just wanting to rent my own  land so I can have it attached to my own group. I did some of the calculations from renting land through auction and if I'm correct it's more then 1L / prim. I usually rent for 1L / Prim so that brings me to my next question.

I seen a buying section in game and it was priced more but more confusing to. If I pay that high price, what would com with that? Also what would you suggest to me just wanting to buy land for my own group but not wanting to pay more then I already rent? If that's possible or I could even be doing my math way wrong. lol

Thanks for your time!

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as addtion:


you have to pay tier fees for the highest amount of land owned during a billing period of a month. If you didn't use your 512 sqm of free land that will be deducted.

Of course the 512 free of tier won't be of any help if you'r more than 512 sqm over a tier level limit... ( or +10% if you use group owned land )


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Usually you can find land cheaper to buy through the auction (not necessarily though).

Without considering other factors that might be specific to you, and unless you hold large land areas for various reasons, it is almost always cheaper to not be premium and rent than it is to own and pay tier.

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BarcodeBrian wrote:

Usually you can find land cheaper to buy through the auction (not necessarily though).

Without considering other factors that might be specific to you, and unless you hold large land areas for various reasons, it is almost always cheaper to not be premium and rent than it is to own and pay tier.

That's only if you just burn the stipend. Otherwise, net of stipend, that first "bonus" 512 that comes with Premium costs less than L$0.4 per prim per week (assuming the annual Premium plan, which is the only one anybody should ever consider).

(The math:US$72.00 / year = L$ 346.15 / week; stipend is L$300 / week; the net L$46 /week buys 117 prims.)

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