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"Voice Verified"

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

steph Arnott wrote:

ok, keep you hair on, sheesh.


/me gets out 5 bottles of the Nair Hair Remover Lotion with Aloe & Lanolin. Mistress, this won't hurt at all! We'll use my Emjoi Epi Slim to clean up up those left over patches.

Once we're done your own mother bear won't recognize you!



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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

In the escort and in some BDSM role playing sims you have some males that want to be sure they are interacting with a female in RL and not a male.
They don't get the aspect that, for all intents and purposes, when you step into LL you are roleplaying/cosplaying.
For the most part, people don't look much like their avis. Shrugs...their problem not yours.

There's something you don't 'get', Bobbie. If you did, you wouldn't have written the part I bolded.

For many, probably most, people, adult activities in SL are not roleplay. They are the RL person getting at least sexually aroused, and the last thing a straight guy wants is to become sexually aroused by another guy at the other end. Of course, there are some people who merely operate cartoons, and probably laugh at it all while they're doing it, who don't care what's at the other end (escorts, for instance), but, on the whole, straight men prefer to at least believe that's it's a female at the other end, so it's not surprising, and it's perfectly natural, that they prefer to have some form of assurance.

Note: It doesn't bother me, because the days are loooong gone since I indulged in adult activities in SL. But I do remember indulging back then

I do get it. If you look at the first line of my reply, I stated that. I've been in SL over 8 years and am well aware, just some people that come into SL don't think that way. 

I replied to the part of your post that I bolded. That's where you said that coming into SL is coming into roleplay. It's not, and that' what you didn't get. No doubt it is for you, but that's you. A massive number of SL users are themselves in SL, and not roleplaying at all. That's especially true when involved in adult activities.

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There are many reasons people don't do voice weather it be male, female, or trans. You mainly see voice verify in clubs that do escorts. It souldn't matter what gender is playing what role. You never know who is behind the keyboard. But, be assured they are human lol unless your dog gets ahold of your sl account. This sociaty is so hung up on certain genders yet the world doesnt work on just 2 genders. As for the guy in rl goes, I know a few guys that play female chairacters on sl. Female chairacters get better clothing and better jobs in sl.

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MadDog Tremor wrote:


The place where you can "be whatever or whoever you want".

You're using a double standard.  If you can be whatever, or whoever you want, then why can't those posting the job listing?  They're someone who wants to hear a voice.  Why is their desire for a SL, the way they want ,any less valid than yours?


You can rant, have at it.  But, you're complaining about the very thing that you also say you want.  That's for people to be able to have their SL experience, their way.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

I LOVE to speak on voice, as it saves me from typing!!   *grins*

Yeah, and it saves people from having to wait for your typing.

To your credit, you do have one of the most seductive voices I've ever heard. And that's why I'll turn off audio whenever I'm around you.


So true on my typing!  *laughs*  


Aww, thanks : )



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Maybe a bit off topic, maybe spot on. In either case definitely rather.... umm... errr... well. Read on if you want to - or don't

Phil Deakins wrote:

That's where you said that coming into SL is coming into roleplay. It's not, and that' what you didn't get.

That depends on how you define the word roleplay really. If you mean in the strictest sense, standing around in a laggy sim posting dialogues as quotes in emotes, I think very few are.

But in the widest sense - presenting yourself in SL as somebody not quite identical to how people see you in RL - I think we all are.

I know three people in SL who have no real interest in their appearance at all. They're here only to study SL as a phenomenon or to examine the mechanism behind this weird little make-believe world. I never met any of them in RL but I still know that they're not quite as handsome and cool looking there as they are here. ;)

We're all wearing a mask, we're all playing a role. But that doesn't mean we're hiding or true selves here. Quite the contrary, a mask can be used to emphasize our true selves, not to hide it. And I actually believe that's what most people in SL do.

Or maybe to bring out what they could have been. I discussed this with a woman in-world a while ago. She told me her SL avatar looked pretty much like she did in RL ... ... ... before the fire. It's because of people like that I still believe in SL as more than just some silly entertainment. I even like to think they're the reason I'm still here.

(In case anybody were planning to ask embarrassing questions: Chin Rey was supposed to be fake - a minor fun character, obviously fake Asianish, vaguely Chineseish - a diversion from the increasingly stale second life of my original main (who is very blonde blue-eyed and Norwegian, much closer to my RL avi). It was a series of coincidences that made Rey my de facto main. I swear I never meant that to happen, it was an accident!)

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