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NOT even copybotted - Just repacked and reselling full perm items

MJ Zaurak

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In searching full perm builder items, on MP, I found a listing selling some pieces of a full perm build done by someone I happen to know.  Out of curiosity mainly, I buy the pieces.  First clue on the MP listing should have been the use of my friend's original box textures including his logo.  Sure enough, in the box I find pieces of his build, and the names have not even been changed.  So I review the item, and indeed include a link to my friend's MP shop.  And I flag the item. And now 4 days later, that item is still listed and my review is gone.  How can this be effective management and safe harbour theory at work?  No wonder SL is withering away. Sign me, disgusted. 

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Plain and simple, your friend must protect his intellectual property. Flagging it, commenting none of that hold as much weight as the actual holder of the IP saying to LL that someone is violating his IP rights. Tell your friend to file a DMCA complaint. That's the best course of action.

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Unfortunately the DMCA process has its own issues and your friend may not want to go into that. Make sure they know the ramafications before executing.


YES, it is an unfair process on the Marketplace. So many rules are broken every day and reviews which "should" be taken down are not while other that IMHO should stay are removed.  What the party line is and what happens in actuality are often very different things.


Full perm folks take that risk for sure. Others do too. I have alerted a few content creators about their works being stolen. Sometimes it gets resolved without a DMCA. And then again there are plenty of FALSE DMCA's file (almost worse than the other end of the spectrum).


Your friend might want to contact the person selling the goods. That would be my personal first step. There is an off chance that they don't know they are doing anything wrong. To some folks "full perm" means "I can do anything with it". They never bother to read the EULA.


I wish I had an answer, but until people start becoming more honest (only some of course) I see no way around this issue. It has been going on for years.


PS. IF the person in question is selling the items as mod - copy and NOT as full perm, then under MANY liscenses they would be legal. That is TACKY for sure but still follows many of the EULAs out there.  It wasn't really clear from your post what perms they were selling things with.

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  • 4 months later...

As of this posting, I am just incensed. There has been a flood of new residents trying to get a quick Linden by listing the work of many of the established full perm creators. I know Meli Imako has filed a DMCA, as have a few others. This listing and many more are in plain view, shamelessly selling content they have no business selling. https://gyazo.com/bf563a17c22a7a42a7672746621240d8

I have sent quite a few messages to the creators I know to make them aware. But, honestly,  I think the best way to combat this type of theft, is to refrain from any patronization. These people are making no attempt to hide the real creators names, logos, or promotional artwork. Literally, they are doing no work at all except to list it on MP.  So the theft is obvious.

Until there are reforms in the way LL deals with theft of this kind, I think we as a community can at least support content artists in adopting the 'buyer beware' mindset, and make sure when purchasing anything on MP, that we are buying an original work from the actual creator. :heart:

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  • 1 month later...

I have to agree with MJ. The amount of theft of FP items on MP has absolutely exploded. I've contacted quite a few of the designers that were being targeted as well. I'm not sure what their recourse is. DMCA-Joke.  I noticed that many of the creators are putting watermarks on their ad work now, but today, while perusing the listings, I see that those too, have been  listed by thieves and on the same page as the legit creators work!

No effort is being made to hide the fact that it is not being sold by the original creator. It's sick.

I sell only original mesh now to my customers, but not every business owner has that luxury. It's really sad what has become of the SL commerce. Thieves-10, Creators-0.


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