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Those cars on the mainland roads. Grrrrrrr.

DrFran Babcock

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Marianne McCann wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

There shouldn't be moment like that - with a road crossing through private land.

I've ridden one of the mainland touring pods and passed by one of those - with my pod avoiding it.

Some moles will tell you there's nothing they can do about something like that, but I've seen others make very inventive road shapes - and even seen things that a mole told me there was nothing that could be done about, get later fixed by 'someone'. A small curved segment to the road could fix the problem in that screenshot.


From the look of that road, I'm betting that is somewhere in mid-Sansara. 

FWIW, the Moles are factually correct. There is nothing they can do about the above. The old ROWs are owned by maintenance, and they can't fix those legacy spaces. That said, Michael Linden could. Best bet is to ticket it, and let him take a look at fixing that issue.

They could create an overpass that curves around it, or even put a 'car wreck' right there that has an invisible prim around it so your vehicle slides out of the way.

They could get creative. Which they've shown in many places on the grid that they are capable of doing.


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OK, I have made some adjustments to the SLwiki page I created and it is now linked into the help section and can be considered "live".  Please read and use the "discussion" page if you have any comments regarding the page.:smileywink:  Remember, it is a wiki page not a forum, so please only comment about the page not about the pros/cons of the concept of such vehicles.


Automated Mainland Vehicle Guidelines


I hope it helps!

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

FWIW, the Moles are factually correct. There is nothing they can do about the above. The old ROWs are owned by maintenance, and they can't fix those legacy spaces. That said, Michael Linden could. Best bet is to ticket it, and let him take a look at fixing that issue.

They could create an overpass that curves around it, or even put a 'car wreck' right there that has an invisible prim around it so your vehicle slides out of the way.

They could get creative. Which they've shown in many places on the grid that they are capable of doing.


"The Moles" can't do thing one on land that is in the maintenance group. Not even rez a single box prim.  They're not in the maintenance group, nor allowed in the maintenance group. 

That said...

The Senior Content Manager of Linden Lab, Michael Linden - who is also the boss of the moles - *could fix it, or get creative, or do other things. He could also change the land from Gonvernor Linden, Maintenance group land to Linden Department of Public Works land, and assign a Mole or three to do it (assuming he has the Molepower to do it). 

Best bet? Ticket it. Be fairly detailed about what is needed and where. Probably don't have to go to the "picture with circles and arrows and a paragraph at the bottom of each one" like I do, but at least give all the info on where it is and what the issue is.

Go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and select "Land & Region," then "Linden Lab owner Parcel Issues." (I believe this requires a premium account to do). Fill in the information as best you can. It'll get routed to Michael, and chances are you'll get a response back pretty quick. He's really good at getting on top of his tickets.

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  • 11 months later...

I agree. They add life to an otherwise lifeless landscape and they can be fun to ride. I don't see any harm in them.

I like sitting on my couch in my lawn by a Linden Road and seeing the occasional vehicle go by. It's cute.

If there were random bunnies and other wildlife that would be even cuter. 

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If there were random bunnies and other wildlife that would be even cuter. 

Back before I got disappointed by limitations of Pathfinding, I had this whole scheme of using it to unleash on the Mainland a scattered population of feral breedables. I was going to call them "Beeroos", and let them stumble drunkenly around Linden pathways, scampering across parcel/sim borders so as not to get auto-returned, sometimes becoming roadkill to the autonomous vehicles, sometimes encountering another of their breed and engaging in ritualized prim humping until a new one rezzed, combining characteristics of its "parents".

They were going to have a very rudimentary "genetic algorithm" component, choosing the values of certain "inherited" constants that would drive motion, such that they might get smarter about avoiding auto-return and roadkill, and better at finding mating partners.

Might still be fun to try, although I'd have to be careful that they didn't cause lag, and didn't get too numerous.

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That's a COOL idea but keep in mind that self-replicating objects are not allowed in SL (probably due to abuse by griefers).  Some external control may be needed.  Perhaps you can sell grain that people can scatter to attract them?  My vehicles are all tracked in a data base and new ones rezzed only as replacements so the population stays constant.

The Lindens have put a LOT of work into the pathfinding project but I can't think of any use for it.  Perhaps some semi-intelligent motion for bots?  Hardly worth the extensive work and disruption of other systems it has caused.

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That would be awesome. What if you could do like AnnMarie said, have a certain number that only get replaced when one dies.

You could have them have virtual mating, but pregnancy would only occur if there was an open 'slot'.

That way, you would have a virtual circle of life, where like when a granpa dies and at the same time someone in the family has a baby and there is a knowing twinkle in its eye. Something cheesy like that :P


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The other day I even found one that was tiny sized. Got inside it and it folded me up so it looked like a little hotrod with furry ears and a tail popping out.

So should have screenshot that... And took me down a road I'd not been on before - which is always fun.

Yeah, the animals, that'd be great if possible.

But it looks like pathfinding is going to be more of a 'walk in this loop, repeatedly' if I understand it right. But I've not been following it.

 The breeding that Qie hints at would not be a violation - it doesn't need to make another animal. It just makes a nest and sends it to the owner of one of the two animals.

- That could be done 1 of three ways:

1. Rezzes the nest there and lets autoreturn handle it, sending a SLURL to the owner. Since for some reason they allow autoreturns of 0 (which I've always felt should not be possible ANYWHERE...), this would be a problem...

2. Sends it as an item giver. Scripts could time out I suppose.

3. Every animal would need a 'home' prim, like the meeroos have, and -that- prim would rez the nest, on the land the home is in, when told to by the animal...


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AnnMarie Otoole wrote:

That's a COOL idea but keep in mind that self-replicating objects are not allowed in SL (probably due to abuse by griefers).  Some external control may be needed.  Perhaps you can sell grain that people can scatter to attract them?  My vehicles are all tracked in a data base and new ones rezzed only as replacements so the population stays constant.

Is there anything to track stuck vehicles. I've seen some stuck in the walls of parcels that have no auto-return.

Might be a project, but a worthwhile one, to be able to know if a vehicle has been in the same sim for lnger than say, a day. I don't know how long the vehicles I've so seen have been where they have been - maybe you do this already.



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LOL the reason they are stuck is they entered a land parcel where scripts are turned off.  When that happens they are disabled and can't do ANYTHING, otherwise they are very good at finding their way back to the road. 

If object return is also off they are STUCK.  The only way I know they are gone is they stopped reporting in to the data base but that only has the last known location. "Last known addresses" are entered into a data file of trouble spots and counted so they show up quite rapidly if a sim has problems and I or an alt goes out to make repairs.  I have filed well over 1,000 trouble tickets on road problems all of which have been repaired by the Lindens.

We stated a JIRA for a new feature that would work like the temporary setting but delete the object if it was on no-script land for say 60 seconds.  It would clean up stuck vehicles and many other problems but I doubt it has much priority so don't hold your breath.

I've had a problem for some time now where vehicles have been entering land set to no-entry which is not suposed to happen.  Frequently that land is also no script too so they get stuck when they should not have.  The Lindens are aware of it too but I doubt they have time to troubleshoot it.

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Wow....when I read this I'm glad I life up in the air on the land of a dear friend :catindifferent:

I remember I saw them once, when I visited an inworld shop for furry clothes and saw that there was some road outside (it was my first time I noticed being on mainland). That car caused no issues and as a newbie I found it suprising.

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  • 9 months later...

... just wanted to let you all know that I found all of the extras:


I guess the region crossing of Paw Paw and Chicagon are just too much for them. From now on, I'm reporting every one of these eyesores that make it onto my land.  :matte-motes-angry:

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Thanks, I'm aware of it and many others.


I have a big problem, the NO-ENTRY setting is failing freuently on land parcels randomly all over SL.  If they are also no-script the vehicles get trapped. 

I was spending an hour a day visiting these parcels to clear dead vehicle but NO MORE.

Although I was albe to demonstrate to Maestro Linden that NO-ENTRY fails it appears they are not going to fix it.

So the solution is for the Land Owners to file tickets that their land NO-ENTRY has failed and get it fixed.

Meanwhile I leave the vehicles there to show the Lindens that it fails and to encourage the land owners to file a ticket.

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I suppose the obvious question is how Linden allows you to continue running this failed scripting experiment which results in the harrassment of a LOT of mainland owners.  If you were a member of the DPW and we still had a forum with Michael Linden then that is one thing. My wish has always been for mainland road objects or protected road parcels to be named so that scripted objects could seek out and stick to the named object. But renaming all of the routes would be a huge undertaking, so I understand why this may or may not ever be resolved.

My problem is your last statement: "I leave the vehicles there to show the Lindens that it fails and to encourage the land owners to file a ticket."

Bottom line is that Linden doesn't really care about fixing this (or jsut doesn't have the time to) and you spamming everyone's land with these eyesores isn't helping things any. If you were running scripting tests on just one small area on one continent - that would be one thing. But you are just adding to the ugly spinning magenta cubes and flashing "for sale" signs, and all the other junk that litters Mainland. You are doing nothing to improve SL. And I shouldn't have to go police and clear my land every day because your items can't seem to navigate correctly. That's just irresponsible on your part.


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I wouldn't call it a failed scripting experiment.  Should pass 250,000 riders from over 100,000 different people this month.

True, vehicles cannot follow the jumble of roadbeds and when I first started 4 years ago there were no roadbeds, just bare land.  They navigate by checking where the edges of the road parcel is located, calculate a center line and drive down it.  This is done wit NO sensors to cause lag.  If there is sim lag and the navigation can't keep up with vehicle motion they occasionally rely on no-entry settings or road recovery script to stay on the road.

The landowners disturbed are the ones with a bug in their land.  NO-ENTRY setting doesn't work. If they don't want to have the land corrected they are within their right to leave it corrupted but I don't see why the bug and their lack of cooperation should be a deterrment to MY enjoyment of SL.  Spending an hour a day cleaning up the mess that others permit is not much fun so I quit doing it.  If they want to permit a mess, they can clean it up.

I work closely with Michael Linden.  He referred recently to these parcels with failed no-entry settings as "vehicle traps" and felt it was deliberate however I believe it is just ignorance.  Where the land could not be corrected I see he has had landowners enable scirpts on the parcels which lets the vehicles find their way back to the road.

I'm NOT "spamming everyone's land".  I would estimate that less than 0.01% of roadside parcels have this problem.  At this time I know of only 12 trouble spots in ALL of the SL mainland.  I send the owners an explanation of why vehicles are getting trapped and give them detailed instructions on how to file a trouble ticket.

You DON'T have to "have to go police and clear your land every day".  The vehicles do just fine.  You would only have to do that if you tolerate the no-entry bug and are part of the problem, not the cure.

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When you file the ARs, please include the location and the fact that the land is set to no-entry.  I'm hoping the extra publicity will get some action.  I suspect they get dozens of ARs but since it is a Linden Bug they take no action.  I demomstrated the no-entry bug to Maestro Linden on a beta sim where it would not disturb anyone.  I left the test running and by morning there were over 1,200 vehicles stuck in the no-entry, no-script land.  The lag was so bad from the stranded vehicles they had to reset the sim.

I've done extensive research and narrowed the problem down to a small number of significant factors.  Using these parameters you can violate the no-entry limits on just about any land parcel but for an unknown reaon, some land is easier to violate than oters.  Probability on one try varies from about 1 in 4 on some to 1 in about 15,000 on "normal" land without the bug.

Unfortunately for people with "bad" land I'm assuming that  since the bug only influences a small percentage of the population it is easier to just restart the sim than fix the bug since there has been no further action on the JIRA.

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How often do I need to tell you, that it is NOT the Lab's duty to change the inner workings of SL
to accommodate your defective vehicles.
It is YOUR and ONLY YOUR duty to fix up your vehicles, so that this littering stops. Once and for all.
Just like in real life, where cars are made compatible to existing roads, existing weather, existing fuel, etc.
And I see absolutely no reason, why it should be different in SL.

So, swallow your damn pride and fix the damn things!

Other operators of automated vehicles manage that too, so why don't you?



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AnnMarie Otoole wrote:


I work closely with Michael Linden.  He referred recently to these parcels with failed no-entry settings as "vehicle traps" and felt it was deliberate.....................

Whoa Horsey!!!!!

So you are saying that Michael Linden is accusing these land owners of deliberately setting up traps for your vehicles.  Do you understand how serious an accusation that is? Do you understand how serious it would be for him to say that to you?


And while in some instances people may be unaware of the side effects of turning off scripts people can have legitimate reasons to do so.  And even if they don't know all the side effects it is still perfectly within their rights to turn them off. 

Quit trying to pass the buck.  They are your vehicles and you are the one responsible for them.

Vehicle use on Mainland Roads should be limited to vehicles under direct controlled (i.e., manned or womanned).

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Perrie Juran wrote: "Vehicle use on Mainland Roads should be limited to vehicles under direct controlled (i.e., manned or womanned)."
I do have to disagree here. Vehicles from other operators rarely get stuck. It is now over one year since my return to SL
and in that time I found about 5 Yavascript tourpods physically stuck at region crossings. Most of them removed themselves,
one I had to report to the operator, it was very quickly removed.
I haven't seen any of the Paradise jeeps stuck anywhere.
Annmarie's automated abominations are practically the only vehicles that get stuck in masses. And everywhere.
Btw, manned vehicles get stuck as well, as rider and vehicle get separated at region crossings.
But in far, far lower numbers than Annmarie's vehicles.

And then her purported connections to Linden Management - I call BS on that one.


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