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linking an object to open collar?

Bouttime Whybrow

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i've been trying to link a mesh object to an open collar but when i do the collar stops working.

i tried making the object the first as well as the last thing clicked on before linking.

i've taken the collar apart and tried linking in different order without good results.

the slave hud recognizes the collar and the collar remains clickable but the menu does not come down.

if anyone can tell me what i'm doing wrong i would appreciate it.

i've searched around a lot and haven't found much info on scripting or modifying the collar so if anyone has links to resources along those lines that is appreciate as well. thank you.

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The scripts in OpenCollar are just that, open. It shouldn't be too hard to inspect what's going on inside the touch events, and to check whether something (e.g. llPassTouches) is getting in the way.

There shouldn't be any issue in doing this but your post isn't clear about where you're going wrong.

Some questions that might help you figure out the problem with what you're doing:-

  • Is the mesh object you're trying to link also scripted?
  • Are you wearing the collar as you try to receive the collar menu?
  • Are you on your own owner list?

There's plenty of info around on modding OpenCollar but you could also try visiting the Temple in-world. The OC team are very helpful folks and they've all done this before. :)

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hi Freya, thanks for replying.

what i did was rez the collar on the ground. then rezzed an unscripted mesh ring. i linked the ring to the collar.

then i took it into inventory and wore it. the collar was clickable, i got a message in local chat "rvl ready!". the open collar slave hud reads the collar and reports it is intergrated.

when i click on the collar, no menu comes down. when i access the hud's menu and click on "collar menu" no menu comes down.

another thing i did was, i unlinked and removed all the unscripted collar parts. that left me with only transparant scripted parts.

i wore just the transparant parts and it worked just fine. i then rezzed the parts on the ground, linked the ring to it, then wore it. the same result as before. no menu shows up but it is clickable and the hud reads the collar.

i then unlink the ring, wear the transparant parts again and it works again.

so for some reason it seems, linking the ring is intefering with something.

if there is anything else i can offer or try please let me know

thanks for your suggestions and questions, i will try the in world sim.

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Hm. Well I've not seen that kinda behaviour in collars. OC is designed to be taken apart, tinkered with, relinked.

It doesn't sound like an LSL issue, though. Either the collar is intentionally discarding menu requests while linked to that mesh object or the ring is preventing the touch to carry through. Not sure why!

The OC team will probably know. :)

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Dora's got the right idea.  If I recall correctly, the OpenCollar scripts only work right if they're in the root prim.  When you link multiple objects, the last prim clicked becomes the root.  Try this:

(1) Rezz the collar on the ground.  Edit it, and take note of which prim is surrounded by the yellow halo -- that's the prim you want to keep as the root.  (Many OpenCollars have the "root" as a transparent sphere near the front, I've found, so you might need to use the "view transparent objects" trick to keep track of it.)

(2) Rezz the other objects you want to link to it, and position them as needed.

(3) Now -- do the "select multiple objects" thing by shift-clicking each add-on object in turn first, and then shift-click the collar.  Do not click the "LINK" button yet! 

(4) Set the "edit linked objects" checkbox in the edit panel, so you can select and unselect individual prims in the linked object (i.e. the collar, in this case.)

(5) Now -- shift-click the collar's root prim, and only the root prim, from step (1), to de-select it.  Then, shift-click it again to re-select it.

(6) Now hit the "LINK" button in the edit panel.  If everything has gone according to plan, the prim that was the yellow-haloed root in step (1) should now be the yellow-haloed root of your newly-linked collar again.

(7) Reset the scripts in the collar.  It should now function properly. :)

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Before anyone can give a correct answer, you have to realize the differences between versions.

The newest version of OC (v 4 and above) which are only newly released, are created completely different than the earlier versions. The reasons are mostly to take advantage of efficient designs which were not possible in its earlier days.

Specifically to keep their scripts from all having to listen to each call from all others to see which one(s) it might be for, they have separated them into different links. You will have to pay strict attention to link numbers and names and the scripts must be correctly placed. This is not the same as it has been in the past.

I don't see where you mentioned which version you are trying to modify, but it really will be easiest to use one of their inworld groups to get information for your specific version needs.

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thank you all for the help, it's gives me many clues to follow..

Zagnut i'm going to follow your directions step by step too see what happens.........thank you.

the version i'm trying to modify is 4.0

i will definetly inquire with the inworld groups.


i suspected it was the link order but there is no way, that i can see, to determine in what order parts were linked. so the inworld groups should be able to help out with that. thanks again people.........when i get the answer i will update this thread.

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It can't be all that drastic; others have still been creating their own using the scripts, but you will have to pay attention to how they are put together if this is your choice. They still have a selection of models already created that anyone can use as well.

The purpose for specific link numbers for multiple scripts using link messages makes sense when you realize that all scripts no longer have to answer every call just to figure out for which it is intended.

As for the physical object, I believe this is the only main difference. Altogether the goal is to have a product much more economical in resource usage. Whether or not they went overboard, it's hard to criticize the goal.

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EH? You can still use old code and it will still work, the OP has nothing to do with anything you posted, the script is unreadable so what ever the link comms are can not be determined, simply adding a mesh at the end no longer makes the prevouse lnk numbers the same, even editing does not anymore give the correct link number.

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On second thought, I'll give it a try.

The OP's problem had nothing to do with reading the scripts, although it was mentioned that it might be needed to figure out what was wrong.

The problem was making their own build work with the scripts as they were. This is a common occurance with OpenCollar - others like to use their own objects with the scripts provided. Technically, it was not a scripting problem at all; it was a building problem. And for a specific set of script products.

The earlier posters gave correct answers for the previous versions; my answer was only for the latest version.

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I must admit that I was surprised to look in the OC code and discover the link numbers listed as constants (rather than variables discovered at reset by scanning through link names, descriptions, or something), but obviously the constants are much less code, so... makes sense.

Maybe there's documentation already to explain how to add links to the collar without invalidating those constants, but it doesn't immediately present itself from search of the OC site (in fact, the Customization page seems to assume all scripts are in the root prim) and I'm far too lazy to hunt for it, so here's how I'd do it.

Note that linking one linkset to another (by hand or with llCreateLink) inserts what is to become the child links into the target root linkset starting at link #2. (Perhaps best explained in llCreateLink.) That is, the child is not appended to the end of the linkset as one might expect.

So one needs to kinda trick the linking into getting those new children to the end of the linkset list, so as to preserve the constant link numbers:

  1. Go somewhere with plenty of Land Impact to spare
  2. Delink the root prim of the OpenCollar object
  3. Link all your desired additional child prims to that OpenCollar root prim, making it the root (so, select it last) of a new linkset
  4. Link the rest of the OpenCollar to that new linkset with the new one being root (so, selected last).

If done correctly, all the old OpenCollar child prims should be inserted back into the positions they had before, with your new prims appended to the end of the resulting linkset.

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