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The future of SL

Naiman Broome

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hello , its been a while since I. Logged in SL ... Mostly I was dragged out by the old project of Blue Mars , though that never lifted up , so after sone years I am back and apart the mesh new things I am still seeing the same old tools for managing land , 4 textures with no normal maps with few control on the positioning and very small terrain areas .... I am wondering if there are plans for updates and expansions for SL or instead now all the good things will be only for Sansara? And btw about that last thing where can I read the latest informations about that new platform and how will it relate to SL? Is SL going to die slowly ? Or it will get a renew and a revamp wich I think badly needs especially for the abnormous unfair prices of the sim renting and the very limited tools that do not allow for uptodated and better looking visual experiences?

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Official "updates" about Sansar have been few and far between.  Much that you will read such as Forum posts, Blogs. etc, that is written by others, will amount to nothing but speculation, though some of the speculation is somewhat educated.

I'd use Google to search for info because it is so scattered.

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Naiman Broome wrote:

Ok thankyou , but how about Secondlife future ? There will be updates ? Improvements? What about the terrain tools?

LL claims that there are no plans to shutter SL but take that witha grain of salt.  It would only stay open as long as it is profitable.

There are some who think that Sansar will proove to be the doom of Linden Lab and that it is destined to fail.

In the meanwhile they do continue to issue updates and new features such as Project Bento.  As to other projects LL's track record is to keep mum on what they are working on or thinking of until they are about ready to go live. This irks many of us.

There are some of us who are of the opinion that no major project gets approved for developing in SL unless it can be a direct benefit to Sansar.  Project Bento certainly has that flavor.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

In the meanwhile they do continue to issue updates and new features such as 
.  As to other projects LL's track record is to keep mum on what they are working on or thinking of until they are about ready to go live. This irks many of us.

There are some of us who are of the opinion that no major project gets approved for developing in SL unless it can be a direct benefit to Sansar.  Project Bento certainly has that flavor.

I was and am in the Project Bento group.  I was there at the very first group meeting.  I can clear up a few misconceptions.


One the project wasn't announced to the general public because when we started working on Bento we didn't even know if it would be possible to add that many bones to the skeleton.  We had to do test skeletons and see just how many bones could we add before major problems would show up.  Then LL had to send the test skeleton with 100 or more bones added to a special company that ran it on like 300 graphics cards just to make sure there didn't appear to be any major issues.  This process took months.  Basically we were still making changes to the Bento skeleton just a couple of days before the project was announced.  My feeling and understanding was LL didn't want to get everyone excited about the new bones only to find out a couple of months down the line that it wasn't possible.

The second thing I keep hearing is Bento is somehow related to Sansar.  This couldn't be father from the truth.  None of the bones added or any of the decisions were made with Sansar in mind.  The Bento skeleton has nothing to do with Sansar.  The Bento skeleton has always been and is only for the benefit of SL.

My hope would be that Sansar could upload custom skeletons.  This would mean that the Bento Skeleton might be able to be used in Sansar.  Don't get me wrong.  This is not insider information.  I am not in any Sansar project group.  Nor have any of the Linden's given me any sort of clue or information about Sansar.

What I come away with from being on Project Sansar is that LL isn't giving up on SL nor is Sansar a replacement for SL.  While resources at LL are mostly going to Sansar LL is still devoting resources to improving SL.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

LL claims that there are no plans to shutter SL but take that witha grain of salt.

I take that literally. That is, LL isn't planning to or expecting to close down SL any time soon but they may change their minds and won't promise anything.


Cathy Foil wrote:

The second thing I keep hearing is Bento is somehow related to Sansar.  This couldn't be father from the truth.

Thank you Cathy! It's great to have that confirmed by somebody who actually knows! ^_^

But it is fairly clear for anybody to see really. The recent SL projects - the new starter avatars, the new MOP, Quick Graphics, Bento - it is hard to see how any of them can possibly have any connection to Sansar. I'm beginning to feel there is a slight element of competition between the SL and Sansar development teams and that should be a good thing.


There's little doubt that Linden Lab is still trying their best to maintain and develop Second Life. But in which direction is it developing? That's a quite interesting question and the answer is far from clear.

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Naiman Broome wrote:

What I would really like and what I am waiting for since decade now its larger sims and better terrain tools .... hOw hard wuld be for them to provide that and of course without charging us double for it .

Very. Simon Linden looked into it and enlarging regions in SL would be a nightmare because of how it was written.

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Thanks for that update.

While our understanding from what has been 'officially' stated is that very little content from SL will be useable in Sansar, I find it hard to concieve that the number crunchers at the Lab wouldn't ask how a project in SL, might not benefit Sansar.  It may not be the only criteria for the decisions but if you were a number cruncher I'm sure you'd ask that question also.   

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Cathy Foil wrote:

The second thing I keep hearing is Bento is somehow related to Sansar.  This couldn't be father from the truth.  None of the bones added or any of the decisions were made with Sansar in mind.  The Bento skeleton has nothing to do with Sansar.  The Bento skeleton has always been and is only for the benefit of SL.

My hope would be that Sansar could upload custom skeletons.  This would mean that the Bento Skeleton might be able to be used in Sansar.  Don't get me wrong.  This is not insider information.  I am not in any Sansar project group.  Nor have any of the Linden's given me any sort of clue or information about Sansar.

What I come away with from being on Project Sansar is that LL isn't giving up on SL nor is Sansar a replacement for SL.  While resources at LL are mostly going to Sansar LL is still devoting resources to improving SL.

thanks for the info. is good to know

guessing is quite fun. actual info is quite a lot better tho. so thanks (:


i hope that it will be possible for the Bento skeleton to be used in Sansar as well. That be quite good I think

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hmmmm this is the first I've heard on Project Bento (admittedly I don't pay much attention to the blogs or the forums) but it sounds interesting


what I'd love to see come of it is ability for facial and hand mapping via a computer's camera or a kinect or a leap motionor the like


ideally what I'd eventually like is an SL setup using an oculus rift, a virtuix omni and a leap motion for near full immersion


eventually in the future I'd love to see more immersion haptics for scent and taste and touch plugins

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Jesica Dragovar wrote:

hmmmm this is the first I've heard on Project Bento (admittedly I don't pay much attention to the blogs or the forums) but it sounds interesting


what I'd love to see come of it is ability for facial and hand mapping via a computer's camera or a kinect or a leap motionor the like


ideally what I'd eventually like is an SL setup using an oculus rift, a
and a leap motion for near full immersion


eventually in the future I'd love to see more immersion haptics for

Is your real life SO BAD that you want to replace it completely with a fake simulation?

***Call me when they let you out; or not.

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