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What can I do to buy a Prima Point in sailable waters?


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I asked before about that and got the answer: "Generally, new private regions like that aren't surrounded by navigable water".

This "generally" means that there is nevertheless a possibility to realize my wish and which ist that?

If not, where and how else in sl can I buy a desert island (not necessarily as big as a full region) but secluded, isolated and yet surrounded by navigable waters?

Could I look in linden land, in private land or nowhere exists this kind of an island in sl?



P.S.  Honest, after asking and getting 3 answers I'm still as ignorant as before.  Did not raize the money question, I just asked if I'm able to pay the 600 us dolars upfront they ask for Prima Point and the 300 us dollars monthly for maintainance, can I get a standalone island in navigable waters no matter how small or big given that it will have no neighbours.  And I'm told to ask the neighbours for permissions, to travel around, or to look in the ads until some day to discover what I want.  Of course looking until to find it I was going to, no need to say so:)  But for god's sake somebody should know and say to me verbatim, does this exist in second life or not?  Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2016!


P.S. 2 Thank you all "other residents willing to help". I mean it, litterally.  All answers wonderful, detailed, helpful but I allot the accepted to one which proved useful when I travelled a little and discovered a few places on my own.  Happy holidays again!


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6 answers to this question

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you can simply use the land sales tab in the search... and than.... jump around from place to place...till you find it.

Or keep an eye on the forums here, sometimes there are really nice parcels for sale/rent

For private sims sailable water will only be available when buying a cluster of sims and start your own, or rent at a landlord who did this already for you. One sim as sailable will get boring very soon.

Most wanted area for sailing is the Blake sea area. If i'm not wrong it's partly LL and partly privat. When you'r able to find a nice parcel there.. it will be pricy.

When you don't mind to pick up your boat before sailing, tp to somewhere else and rezz it for a tour.... you can live anywhere and simply tp to blake or other regions. This will be the friednliest for your wallet.


note... to own mainland you need to be premium, or rent from other residents, as on private sims

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When you buy a new region from LL, it will normally be surrounded by non-navigable empty space that looks like water but can't be accessed.

However, you can ask LL to place your new region next to an existing one, provided you have the agreement of the owners of all the regions adjacent to your proposed location -- that is, if you want to share a border with another region, you have to have the permission of that region's owner.

You will also, of course, have to obtain the agreement of the other owner(s) before you can sail your boat in their region(s).

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Navigable water requires that there be a region there.  The presence of a region means that that region is being hosted on Linden Lab servers...and that means that someone has to pay to keep the servers running.

The water regions may not be as complex as a regular region.  There are two types of "lite" regions...Homestead regions and OpenSpace regions.  These regions don't support as many prims or avatars as regular regions, and therefore cost less.

There are three ways to put navigable water around your private region.

1.  Buy additional Homestead or OpenSpace regions from LL and place them around your primary region.  You'd need eight regions to completely surround your region with open water...and you could still only sail one region away from your central region.  Some private estate owners have done this, creating whole archipelagos of islands with navigable water between them.  For example, the Fruit Islands or the FairChang regions.  This is pretty easy to do if you own forty or fifty regions or more, but not very satisfactory when you only own a few regions.

2.  Find another private estate owner with navigable water regions who doesn't mind your putting your region on their borders.  You'll both have to submit support tickets to LL.  As an example of this, the Winterfell regions to the north of Caledon are separately owned.

3.  Cut a deal with LL to place your region on the edge of open Linden Ocean.  The owners of the New England regions near the Blake Sea did this...but the opportunities to locate regions next to Linden mainland waters are extremely limited, and I have absolutely no idea what sort of pull you'd have to have with LL to make an arrangement like this.

There is another, much less expensive way to get land next to navigable water:  Buy a full mainland region, or a parcel on a mainland region, that adjoins a Linden Ocean area such as the Blake Sea.  This does not give you the privacy of your own private region, but if what you are after is sailing right from your front door, you may decide it's acceptable.  My rental properties in Masocado are an example of this.  There is currently a large parcel for sale in the region just north of Masocado, with water access.

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Like the others have pointed out, the water beyond the borders of a private SIM are not actually accessible; think of them as, essentially, a really nice 3D background for your island. Sailable waters have to be on an active SIM region, whether privately owned, or part of LL's public areas. Which means you have three choices;


1) share borders with neighbors who have water next to your borders and who will give you permission to go into their areas.

2) Buy lower prim 'homestead' regions to border your main region for the water portion you want to sail on (which can get very expensive very quickly).

3) Dedicate some of the land allotment on your SIM to water rather than have the whole thing as a land mass. You won't have a vast ocean to travel, but some sailing space is better than none at all if that's what you're into but still want to have your own land away from everyone else.



The reason why water is easily sailable on public lands is because all the regions share borders and all belong/ are 'paid for' to Linden Labs, which can set the permissions, which include being able to travel from region to region by land or sea without interruption unless you run into a bit of rented land that the renter has blocked off from other people entering. By contrast, Private land is surrounded by unused and therefor unactivated areas, so nothing is there technically; someone would have to pay the fees to keep the areas active and accessible.


I hope that made sense.


Late edit: 

A much shorter and direct answer is that yes, you can either pay for your own (private) regions to get what you want, or else look around in land sales, on the forums, or even on the SL marketplace under rentals to find what you're looking for.

The question is whether you're willing to pay out of your own pocket to get exactly what you want (private land), or if you're willing to either pay another player to rent one of their regions, or invest in mainland with the understanding that it will never ever be fully 'free' of neighbors that might do things to the surrounding area you won't like.

Getting your own region will be faster, but more expensive. All other options require research and a willingess to trust other players and be willing to put up with some inconveniences, but could be cheaper in the long run.


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In response to your PS, I understand your frustration but, in effect, you are asking whether there are in SL any navigable water regions owned by people who would be prepared to allow you to place your region next to theirs and allow you to sail on their regions.

The answer, to my mind is, "Yes, there probably are.  But it's up to you to identify them."


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to your PS


...for godsake..... you realize i hope we are only residents like you, helping with the best possible solution we know.


Next to that... if it excists? sure, somewhere, but the reason you need permission from others is that most of sl is owned by others, it's not open accessable gaming zone. if i pay for a sim, i can lock it or open it, totally as my mood is, and even change it a million times a day... not even asking nicely but just kicking others out. So agreement upfront is only in your own benefit. And LL will never attach your sim to another owner without that agreement.

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