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Where is this OLD profile photo coming from

Chic Aeon

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My profile picture (changed a couple of month's ago) shows up in my profile correctly but when I write to people I have reports of a VERY old (like three years or so) profile photo showing instead of my new one.

I checked my online profile and the correct photo is there. Any ideas how I can fix this?



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Well it ONLY appears when I write to them and shows up in the bottom of the screen with group logos and such (in Firestorm).


(Thanks Dresden for the huge photo - it was 512 at best when I put it up -  LOL)


--- so I don't know as a lot of folks (designers and such) wouldn't know if it was old or not. As far as I know everyone sees the correct PROFILE photo, that isn't an issue.


But this picture is from three years ago so really couldn't be stuck in someone's cache after all that time. Next time I am talking to someone ELSE that I know I will ask them what icon they see. The old one is pretty PINK where the new one is pretty BROWN so even tiny on the screen it would be easy to tell the difference.

Definitely a puzzle. 

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Thanks but it is only when I am WRITING or SENDING something to some it shows up. That little log at the bottom of the screen (on my screen anyway). The others are fine. Not a huge deal, just odd as it is SO old -- many profile photos back.



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