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someone is stalking and cyber bullying me


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No matter where I TP to this person is finding me, making up lies about me.  Everywhere I go he goes, telling everyone I am either a guy or gay.  People now ignore me, even though I try to convince them that I really am a woman and I am not gay.  This has been going on for over a month now.  I have sent in AR's but this person and his trolls still are turning people away from me.  I did create an alt but that didn't work.  The same thing happens to the alt.  Blocking doesn't work because they just create another alt.  I don't know what else to do.  Right now this person has the upper hand over me.  I do try to ignore all this and stay positive.  What else can I do? Ty in advance.

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Changing to an alt but hanging around in the same places and with the same crowd isn't really much of a disguise.  It doesn't take many smarts for that bozo to tell who you are and then start harrassing you all over again.  The only real solution is to pack up and go somewhere else in SL.  If that's not practical, all you can do it keep submitting ARs and ignoring the guy.  When you submit an AR, include as much detail as possible, without speculating or embellishing.  Cite specific times and places, and be sure to say that you believe the person has been violating the Community Standards conditions agains Harrassment.

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babyykins wrote:

 Everywhere I go he goes, telling everyone I am either a guy or gay.  People now ignore me, even though I try to convince them that I really am a woman and I am not gay. 

how can he know where you go all the time?... check if you don't wear a trackerdevice, check if he's on your friendslist witth a alt and has mapping enabled.

Block and derender him, it's just two clicks.


If people ignore you because they think you are gay.... i'd move from there the moment that happens. They are no friends, and not worth the time to hang out. Who cares what your sexual preference is.

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I agree the most with Rolig, and the person who is attempting to cyber bully you may likely be doing esactly the same to a lot of other people, how they gets their kicks in life. If you must always return to the same places, then be quick to be ready with the block button. I don't think LL will waste time following up the many ARs they must be getting about this person and their alts. Block block block must be your mantra, never talk to anyone to respond to them if they call you any names or try to spread any rumors about your sexuality or gender.

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Im sorry your going through this. Yeah, stalking in Second Life is a true problem and is not dealt with well. Stalkers do things like make endless alts, hack computers, they do alot of violation of peoples privacy and space- and it does not seem Second Life has taken proper measures to deal with Second Life abuse because there seems to be stalkers and groups stalkers that have been in Second Life stalking and harassing people for years. This stuff needs to get dealt with because no one with decent intentions will want to be in Second Life when it is full of predators, and griefers. Its going to end up just being a group of predators in a virtual world by themselves, such is a damn shame because Second Life is an awesome place and deserves to thrive.

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