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bring age in "SL2"

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There is an issue older avatar as me wondering. If we can bring also in the next "SL2" our age. You can imagine how can be uncomfortable have almost 12 years and log in "SL2" and have 1 day. i'd be glad if Linden Lab will think at the option to import also the age of the avatars from Second Life to "SL2". What you think guys about this?


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It depends.

If LL wants to create some sort of universal account covering both Project Sansar and Second Life, then I suppose it would make sense to show the date of creation of the rl person's first account.  Then we can all sit back and enjoy the fun as people discover things like NancyNoob from October 2015 actually being an alt of a resident going back to December 2002.

If LL wants to create a master account system for Sansar only, then no, I think the account creation date should reflect the date the account was created for Sansar.

My overall opinion?  My oldest account is from Second Life's beta.  I like that when I look at that avatar's web profile it has a little badge reflecting that. Project Sansar is a different platform.  Unless LL wants to create the impression that Project Sansar really is just "Second Life 2," the account date should reflect the date the person registered to the new platform.  

Yes, that means you'll be a noob.  But if you've only been in SL for almost 12 years, then you're a noob to me anyway.  :matte-motes-wink:

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Cort Callahan wrote:

You can imagine how can be uncomfortable have almost 12 years and log in "SL2" and have 1 day.


No, I can't imagine that being uncomfortable at all.  No different from signing up to any different game.  From what can understand and interpret, I can't imaging Sansar being anything like Second Life anyway, different aims. 

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i dont see why not if people want to do that when they go over

if we get a option to do this then I dont see why not

is a bit like emigrating from the Old World to the New World in the RL. Same person, same name, same age., same identity.

even if when emigrating some fewer numbers of people choose to create a whole new other identity for themself. Most people dont tho. Same person, same identify. Only thing that changes is their location  

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Cort Callahan wrote:

There is an issue older avatar as me wondering. If we can bring also in the next "SL2" our age. You can imagine how can be uncomfortable have almost 12 years and log in "SL2" and have 1 day. i'd be glad if Linden Lab will think at the option to import also the age of the avatars from Second Life to "SL2". What you think guys about this?


1. It's not SL2.. It's Project Sansar at the moment. It will be very different from the current SL

2. Why would your av in Sansar have the same born on date as SL? It is something new. What would be the purpose of having an old rezz date if the platform is brand new? It would just confuse the people who are actually new.

Everyone will be coming into the new platform with the same knowledge. It's like if Blizzard came out with a totally new game and  WoW user kept their rezz date.. What is the point?

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Not been any indication that there will be the equivalent of a 'rez date' but even so..

No, doesn't bother me starting as zero age again. If people really need to affirm

a quick check of the SL account (mysecondlife etc) takes care of that anyway, if

names do even get 'transferred'. Perpetual noob here anyway.

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Cort Callahan wrote:

You can imagine how can be uncomfortable have almost 12 years and log in "SL2" and have 1 day.


I wouldn't be offended in the slightest really. When I first joined SL, I was (as is everyone I'm sure) so behind the learning curve. But in time, I was able to understand what SL is about. These days, I have a clue to how to do things and where to find the assistance if needed. With Sansar, I would think the basis of SL is still there (editing especially).

Let the age show me as one day old. So what. I won't be uncomfortable at all.

If there are drastic changes within Sansar that are far from SL (SL ONE or SL1 to some), so be it.

I learned here, I can learn there.

But as some here say, worry of it WHEN it's released.

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It's going to be a new platform, so it's hard to tell how much similarity there will be with the existing SL.  It would make no sense to have avatars in the new platform with rez or join dates prior to the existence of the new platform going public.  The fact that you have an old age in SL wouldn't really mean much in the new platform. 

I can see LL allowing you to bring over your avatar name, because of the identity association people have with their avatars - that's who "they are" in the virtual world.  

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It's a different world not SL2.  Everyone will be a newb when they first arrive.  You will be able to bring your name with you for a limited time from what Ebbe said.

I don't see the point at all for bringing your age over too unless you're looking to feel like you are better or in a higher class than all the newbs.

Personally, although I have a lot of age on this avatar compared to most, I wouldn't feel odd or uncomfortable being a newb again.  I've been to a lot of virtual worlds and started as a noob.  It doesn't bother me in the least.

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