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Perry Mason and the Case of the Missing Gonads

Perrie Juran

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Ah, a humorous subject line.

I toyed around with several ideas before choosing it.  But I was always a Perry Mason Fan.

So why the humor and why the subject?

Because I oercieve a lack of Gonads and a lack of a Sense of Humor afflicting this Forum.  It may not be a new problem but a problem still it is.

Are people being so oppressed by the gods of political correctness that they take offense at the slightest hint of humor?  I'll spit on the gods of political correctness before I'll bow my knee to them if it means I can't handle disagreements without getting all bent out of shape.

Am I having fun yet?

If you can't handle someone thinking that you are an idiot then maybe you really are one.  So grow some Gonads and get a Sense of Humor.  Life will be so much easier for you if you do.

I've been accused many times of being 'strange.'  I'll be the first to admit that I am and can say with a smile on my face that it is my 'specialty.'





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Perrie Juran wrote:

Ah, a humorous subject line.

I toyed around with several ideas before choosing it.  But I was always a Perry Mason Fan.

So why the humor and why the subject?

Because I oercieve a lack of Gonads and a lack of a Sense of Humor afflicting this Forum.  It may not be a new problem but a problem still it is.

Are people being so oppressed by the gods of political correctness that they take offense at the slightest hint of humor?  I'll spit on the gods of political correctness before I'll bow my knee to them if it means I can't handle disagreements without getting all bent out of shape.

Am I having fun yet?

If you can't handle someone thinking that you are an idiot then maybe you really are one.  So grow some Gonads and get a Sense of Humor.  Life will be so much easier for you if you do.

I've been accused many times of being 'strange.'  I'll be the first to admit that I am and can say with a smile on my face that it is my 'specialty.'

Perrie, Perrie, Perrie,

Sigh, I have to remember that you are indeed from Mars.

As you have undoubtedly observed [you being a keen observer of the obvious in all things] there are a number of individuals out here and out there who for no other reason are just waiting to be insulted.

This stems from a nonsensical belief by so many that they are entitled to respect.

To those who participate in this forum that seem offended easily, I offer the theory that they are just failures caught in one of the stages of becoming a curmudgeon.

Yes, that's the key!

Wikihow has a great discussion on completting the journey to full curmudgeonism


Now, earthlings of all Gender Denominations, Religious Leanings, Political Persuasions, Fur Orientation, Income Earning Inability, Relationship Sub-Sub-Category-Populizer all think that their POVs [Perverse Ocular Views] are all equal in some way and deserve equal consideration and respect from non-practictioners.

Note to World: They're Not.

End of Discussion.

/me Steps off my Ivory Soap Box [Note, no elephants were harmed in making my Soap Box]


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

As you have undoubtedly observed [you being a keen observer of the obvious in all things] there are a number of individuals out here and out there who for no other reason are just waiting to be insulted.

This I agree with entirely.



KarenMichelle Lane then wrote:

This stems from a nonsensical belief by so many that they are entitled to respect.

...makes sense, but I believe there's more to it.

There are those who suffer from the delusion that because a statement is a person's opinion, then that statement can't be wrong.  As if an illogical opinion deserves the same respect as a logical one, making it disrespectful to call into question their opinion's logic.  Because they believe their own opinion, it's actually their beliefs that are disrespected.  These are the same sort of people who erroneously believe that their beliefs are an inherent part of who they are... therefore, questioning their opinion disrespects not just their beliefs but themselves as well.  It's quite twisted.

Also, I see this sort of self-victimization as an underhanded tactic used by people who can't cogently argue whatever usually idiotic point upon which they were called out.  Getting all bent out of shape and calling people rude or disrespectful or a bully or a troll for something as simple as stating a differing opinion or pointing out the logical fallacies in theirs is the only way they can handle the situation without letting themselves acknowledge their own shortcomings... regardless of how glaringly obvious they are to anyone else.


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Dresden wrote:


KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

As you have undoubtedly observed [you being a keen observer of the obvious in all things] there are a number of individuals out here and out there who for no other reason are just waiting to be insulted.

This I agree with entirely.



KarenMichelle Lane then wrote:

This stems from a nonsensical belief by so many that they are entitled to respect.

...makes sense, but I believe there's more to it.

There are those who suffer from the delusion that because a statement is a person's opinion, then that statement can't be wrong.  As if an illogical opinion deserves the same respect as a logical one, making it disrespectful to call into question their opinion's logic.  Because they believe their own opinion, it's actually their beliefs that are disrespected.  These are the same sort of people who erroneously believe that their beliefs are an inherent part of who they are... therefore, questioning their opinion disrespects not just their beliefs but themselves as well.  It's quite twisted.

Also, I see this sort of self-victimization as an underhanded tactic used by people who can't cogently argue whatever usually idiotic point upon which they were called out.  Getting all bent out of shape and calling people rude or disrespectful or a bully or a troll for something as simple as stating a differing opinion or pointing out the logical fallacies in theirs is the only way they can handle the situation without letting themselves acknowledge their own shortcomings... regardless of how glaringly obvious they are to anyone else.


I totally agree 'cept for the notion that there are No Fat Poltergeists! I experienced a [walking] poltergeist that took out the library shelving contents on both sides at once as it made its way to its destination beyiond the far wall. I never want to experience that again.

-- [Take Away from that Experiece] Don't tell me the Supernatural Isn't!

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

I totally agree 'cept for the notion that there are
No Fat Poltergeists!
I experienced a [walking] poltergeist that took out the library shelving contents on both sides at once as it made its way to its destination beyiond the far wall. I never want to experience that again.

-- [Take Away from that Experiece] Don't tell me the Supernatural Isn't!

You misunderstand (another explanation for why people sometimes become needlessly offended)... I was merely stating my size preference in ghostly apparitions.


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the constant correctors are the ones who create political correctness.

they point out that this is said wrong, this other thing is not said in the most perfect way, even little details that have nothing to do with the topic, like a typo, or they attack a minor part of the subject and make a scandal over it, a set of words that could be positioned in a better way becomes the discussion instead of the main idea...

the constant desire to correct others take out the different possibilities, humor is not an option anymore because it may be offensive to people of certain cultures, the choices of expression gets more limited until political correctness is the only valid way.

the self teaching method of political correctness drives the community to only express itself in the less offensive way, to evade retaliation from the correctors.

creativity gets limited, humor becomes rare, and many side with the correctors, the winning team.

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Dresden wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

I totally agree 'cept for the notion that there are
No Fat Poltergeists!
I experienced a [walking] poltergeist that took out the library shelving contents on both sides at once as it made its way to its destination beyiond the far wall. I never want to experience that again.

-- [Take Away from that Experiece] Don't tell me the Supernatural Isn't!

You misunderstand (another explanation for why people sometimes become needlessly offended)... I was merely stating my size preference in ghostly apparitions.


Giggles, Well I was just offended with the memory of THAT poltergeist that your sign-off triggered for me.....oh the shame. But that said, I don't mind a man built for Comfort & Joy!

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the constant correctors are the ones who create political correctness.

they point out that this is said wrong, this other thing is not said in the most perfect way, even little details that have nothing to do with the topic, like a typo, or they attack a minor part of the subject and make a scandal over it, a set of words that could be positioned in a better way becomes the discussion instead of the main idea...

the constant desire to correct others take out the different possibilities, humor is not an option anymore because it may be offensive to people of certain cultures, the choices of expression gets more limited until political correctness is the only valid way.

the self teaching method of political correctness drives the community to only express itself in the less offensive way, to evade retaliation from the correctors.

creativity gets limited, humor becomes rare, and many side with the correctors, the winning team.

I believe you're right, Canoro.  Political correctness does have a part to play in this.  But, I don't believe that political correctness is inherently a bad thing.  I think it actually comes from a place of compassion.  It's when it's used as a weapon that it becomes problematic.

Far too often the demand for someone to be political correct is used as a tactic to silence and/or villify that person.  It should really only be used to educate them as to the plight of those who might be offended, ideally with a logical explanation of why that might occur.

Personally, I have no problem with someone pointing out to me that a word or phrase I've used could be considered inappropriate by some, because it's simply not my intention to offend any one person or segment of society due to my own ignorance of the matter.  If I'm going to offend someone, I want it to do it purposely.


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Dresden wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

I totally agree 'cept for the notion that there are
No Fat Poltergeists!
I experienced a [walking] poltergeist that took out the library shelving contents on both sides at once as it made its way to its destination beyiond the far wall. I never want to experience that again.

-- [Take Away from that Experiece] Don't tell me the Supernatural Isn't!

You misunderstand (another explanation for why people sometimes become needlessly offended)... I was merely stating my size preference in ghostly apparitions.


Well I was just offended with the memory of THAT poltergeist that your sign-off triggered for me.....oh the shame. But that said, I don't mind a man built for Comfort & Joy!

Please accept my humblest apology for offending your delicate sensibilities.

...Dres  (Your idea of a man built for comfort and joy might differ significantly from my own.)

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Terrible of me to start a topic and then disappear.  ;)

Yes I know I may have been stating the obvious.  But perhaps I had a small twinge of hope that what I said might kindle a spark of awareness in the νους of the unaware.

As dificult as it is for a Martian to admit, we know we are not perfect. We get close but alas it eludes us too.  Damn that Bunny.

If a girl with a loose blouse leans over in front of me am I evil for peeking?  Or am I just being sentient?


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Here I was all excited for a great story and instead I get something of political correctness on SL. What a bummer. I am imagine that case being brought to Perry's office....*cue flashback sequence with dreamy music*

Della walks slowly from her front office into Perry's back room. She looked uncharacteristically nervous and uncomfortable.

"Uh Perry..Paul. There's a guy here who...well..." she stammered

Perry looked up from behind his desk and Paul Drake looked up from his stag magazine.

"What's the problem Della?" Paul asked, checking out her legs casually.

"There's a guy here who says his Gonads are missing..." She said the end part slowly...whispering the last words.

"His...Gonads?" Perry replied. Della nodded. "Send him in." Perry said.

The little man walked slowly through the office door. They could see from how he was walking that something was wrong.

"Sit down, please..." Perry said. The man quickly interrupted.

"Uh..I'd rather stand. More comfortable, you see." he said, leaning on the chair.

"You said your gonads were missing, is that correct?" Perry said. Paul stood there trying not to laugh.

"Maybe you left them in your other pants." Paul replied.....

(ok, that's enough torture..you get the point)

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Tex Monday wrote:



You said your gonads were missing, is that correct?
" Perry said. Paul stood there trying not to laugh.

Maybe you left them in your other pants."
Paul replied.....

(ok, that's enough torture..you get the point)

If you lose your gonads don't come complaining to me.  Too much emasculation on this forum, anyway.  I have mine and I have never, ever lost mine or come even close to losing.

Some people get what they deserve, and the others seem to not get what they deserve.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Terrible of me to start a topic and then disappear.  

Yes I know I may have been stating the obvious.  But perhaps I had a small twinge of hope that what I said might kindle a spark of awareness in the 
νους of the unaware.

As dificult as it is for a Martian to admit, we know we are not perfect. We get close but alas it eludes us too.  Damn that Bunny.

If a girl with a loose blouse leans over in front of me am I evil for peeking?  
Or am I just being sentient?


I can't speak for all women, only myself and the answer is 'no'.   In fact, if I catch you peeking, I might bend a bit more. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Terrible of me to start a topic and then disappear.  

Yes I know I may have been stating the obvious.  But perhaps I had a small twinge of hope that what I said might kindle a spark of awareness in the 
νους of the unaware.

As dificult as it is for a Martian to admit, we know we are not perfect. We get close but alas it eludes us too.  Damn that Bunny.

If a girl with a loose blouse leans over in front of me am I evil for peeking?  
Or am I just being sentient?


I can't speak for all women, only myself and the answer is 'no'.   In fact, if I catch you peeking, I might bend a bit more. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

I'll second that notion. When we decide to show them off, we've decided to show them off. It's fun to see the male of our species try to maintain eye to eye contact when we are so brazen :P

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Terrible of me to start a topic and then disappear.  

Yes I know I may have been stating the obvious.  But perhaps I had a small twinge of hope that what I said might kindle a spark of awareness in the 
νους of the unaware.

As dificult as it is for a Martian to admit, we know we are not perfect. We get close but alas it eludes us too.  Damn that Bunny.

If a girl with a loose blouse leans over in front of me am I evil for peeking?  
Or am I just being sentient?


I can't speak for all women, only myself and the answer is 'no'.   In fact, if I catch you peeking, I might bend a bit more. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

I'll second that notion. When we decide to show them off, we've decided to show them off. It's fun to see the male of our species try to maintain eye to eye contact when we are so brazen

You cruel, cruel women.  ;)

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Perrie Juran wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Terrible of me to start a topic and then disappear.  

Yes I know I may have been stating the obvious.  But perhaps I had a small twinge of hope that what I said might kindle a spark of awareness in the 
νους of the unaware.

As dificult as it is for a Martian to admit, we know we are not perfect. We get close but alas it eludes us too.  Damn that Bunny.

If a girl with a loose blouse leans over in front of me am I evil for peeking?  
Or am I just being sentient?


I can't speak for all women, only myself and the answer is 'no'.   In fact, if I catch you peeking, I might bend a bit more. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:

I'll second that notion. When we decide to show them off, we've decided to show them off. It's fun to see the male of our species try to maintain eye to eye contact when we are so brazen

You cruel, cruel women.  

...and your point is? >giggling all the time< ;)

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