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Lindens not showing up, billing problems

Fiore Meiyo

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I tried paying for my lindens using the lindex, having enough money on my paypal for doing so, as well as still waiting for my lindens that I should be getting for having signed up for premium quarterly.

Now my biggest fuzz is that I cannot buy any lindens without getting error messages, having to search in the troubleshooting for billing page, re-try getting my lindens, but unable to do so.

I also want to change my home on sl, because it is absolutely small, could not for the life of me be able to decorate it with that low prim count, two chairs, a table, and not even a bed, that was it. Really unable to be furnished.

But alas, I digress if I continue about the decorative failure, yet this billing situation is hackling me. I really need this solved so I can finally buy some lindens, after two days of being unable to apparently. 


Something that should also be looked into, for resellers and their clients, it was absolutely favourable to be able to buy lindens in large quantities without actually meeting something as a limit. Now I know a lot of the people who love to answer, will delve into economics and how lindens are this kind of value rate, and that the real world's valuta is something that should be reckoned with while explaining the difference and how to save money on something that limits it already so the comparison strategy is not needed.

What good reason, other than LL itself not having enough lindens, it is like bitcoin, you make it, it is not really real world currency.

Now on to why this whole limit strategy is in play, is beyond me, I could have been doing a lot of things with that volunatirly willing to pay that amount for lindens that I might use longer than in a day, if you have seen the price on some of those items. Yet, with that foul limit I absolutely abhor paying for **bleep**, because I can only pay for half of it.

What I am supposed to do in the meantime, meet up with people? No, not unless I have my outfit together.But that billing thing, it gets on my nerves.


So in short, what is with it, when am I getting my bonus lindens, is it even favourable to buy them today, because if there is a maintenance, sure I can wait for a bit.

Anyone any ideas?

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Fiore Meiyo wrote:



What good reason, other than LL itself not having enough lindens, it is like bitcoin, you make it, it is not really real world currency.





While we may say Linden Dollars are not actually 'real world currency,' and while Linden Lab may attempt to define them as simply being "Game Tokens," The U.S. and other governments still look at them as a Currency.

The Lindex is legally registered as a Currency Exchange.

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Fiore Meiyo wrote:

I tried paying for my lindens using the lindex, having enough money on my paypal for doing so, as well as still waiting for my lindens that I should be getting for having signed up for premium quarterly.

Now my biggest fuzz is that I cannot buy any lindens without getting error messages, having to search in the troubleshooting for billing page, re-try getting my lindens, but unable to do so.

I also want to change my home on sl, because it is absolutely small, could not for the life of me be able to decorate it with that low prim count, two chairs, a table, and not even a bed, that was it. Really unable to be furnished.

But alas, I digress if I continue about the decorative failure, yet this billing situation is hackling me. I really need this solved so I can finally buy some lindens, after two days of being unable to apparently. 

 Linden homes were never intended to be luxury residences but just starter homes.  It is possible to furnish them adequately by using very low prim furniture.  Changing your home will not give you more prims or space.  However you can abandon your house and buy a parcel on the mainland that has up to 15,000 prims and put the house of your choice on it by buying a prefab or building your own.  

The first 512sqm will be tier free.  You will be billed monthly for the balance of the tier due.  If you log into your dashboard and look under Land Manager, then click Land fees, it will show you what different amounts of land sqr footage cost.  Be sure to abandon your home before you purchase your lot so the 512sqm free tier will be available to use toward the new land.

Something that should also be looked into, for resellers and their clients, it was absolutely favourable to be able to buy lindens in large quantities without actually meeting something as a limit. Now I know a lot of the people who love to answer, will delve into economics and how lindens are this kind of value rate, and that the real world's valuta is something that should be reckoned with while explaining the difference and how to save money on something that limits it already so the comparison strategy is not needed.

Reselling $L's to other people is against the TOS and could result in you being banned.  If you want to sell Lindens you must use the Lindex.

What good reason, other than LL itself not having enough lindens, it is like bitcoin, you make it, it is not really real world currency.

Now on to why this whole limit strategy is in play, is beyond me, I could have been doing a lot of things with that volunatirly willing to pay that amount for lindens that I might use longer than in a day, if you have seen the price on some of those items. Yet, with that foul limit I absolutely abhor paying for **bleep**, because I can only pay for half of it.

The purpose of the limit is to cut down on money laundering by people who create an account then buy tons of L's the resell them shortly after.  If your limit is not satisfactory you may submit a support ticket and request that it be raised.  They will review your request and let you know if they raise it.

What I am supposed to do in the meantime, meet up with people? No, not unless I have my outfit together.But that billing thing, it gets on my nerves.


So in short, what is with it, when am I getting my bonus lindens, is it even favourable to buy them today, because if there is a maintenance, sure I can wait for a bit.

You will receive your bonus 45 days after continuous premium membership which was stated when you joined.   You will get a weekly stipend of $300L every Tuesday starting the first Tuesday after joining.

Anyone any ideas?

Welcome to SL!  I have answered some questions above.

We are only  residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to answer your questions and solve your problem buying $Ls.


Billing support phone numbers:

Toll-Free (US/Canada)




The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Local Toll-Free numbers


France: 0805.101.490

Germany: 0800.664.5510

Japan: 0066.33.132.830

Portugal: 800.814.450

Spain: 800.300.560

UK: 0800.048.4646

Support is in English Only


If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat.

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Bitcoins do have an unlimited number, for they are farmed using a lot of computers, servers and any mining program for bitcoins. Trust me, I read an extremely complex article about it, as well as a friend being able to farm them, with the extra of actual payment with bitcoins. Farming them however, needs a lot of electricity, so in the end, you might need to balance that out by ways of how much you are willing to invest in farming bitcoins.

Now why does LL need me to have a credit card for the rest of my payments? Is this an US warranty of not being stalked, put on some death list, for not complying with spying programs?

That aside, I am already writing a very angry mail back. plus having read all these people explaining Linden's world currency, without actually replying to TS's question, I felt the need to stop anyone right there, before they derail from the actual question. Seeing how Lindens are America's currency thing, I might want to know, why for that little, they put it as an actual currency. If I worked somewhere and they were telling me they would pay it with Lindens.

I'd give them a hefty fine on top of the credited amount that is already due, atop of a fine for fraud.

But then again, I do not condone with such childish measures. This should not be in the real world's currency. Unless they expand on paying options like any other system.


If I tell them that their lindex suffers from malfunctioning with a nice header that they decorated themselves, there is no need for me to use a credit card for something that still has money on it. That shows lack for the world outside America, where not eveyone lives with a red marker on their bank account. Especially with their huge debt, having a society based on being in debt, the fine for their repayment should be way higher than having people use credit cards for something nobody wants to do in the long run. Normal bank accounts already suffer heavily enough without the fine majority of society that thinks undoubtly that their way of life, will make it easier on other people's lives, while their credit cards show of a huge shopaholic addiction, if anything, paying later than they buy their things, without ending in the reds, makes it even a harder job for the ones who want to make economy running without the same people piping about how economy went backwards, because their credit card bills show their incompetence to work with society, instead of falling back into their cribs. 

But I digress, I am sure none of you have been in the reds with your credit cards and don't use them for things other than interior and house payments. The heavy burdens, and instead use your debet normal transaction, right off the bank account, no lease, pay up front kind of card, right?

No debet card is the same, but having been on the credit end, you only result in condoning heavy debts in the world, degrading to a state that is in fact, not much higher than the third world, if not, having degraded to a fourth world country.By ways of income, expenses, ways of payment, increasing debt, and might I add, lowering degree in civilized interactions. 

I did not wake up fully yet, so I have been digressing a lot, but to add a lot of numbers for easy statements are not necessary. As wewll as not wanting to mke anyone upset, but number crunchers are not my thing, when I did the side of calculating economy's base worth, and the ones who let it flow from fruitful (debet), to hostile addictive without any way of curing them (credit). That is your credit card, everyone who had administration will know, if you use a credit card, you are on the side of p3eople who loan money. 

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You may have read about bitcoins but you don''t appear to understand the concept of a crypto currency, what mining actually is and ultimately why a limited number will be in circulation.


https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Controlled supply (you need an underscore between controlled and supply, not finding that on my mobile keyboard)


Anyway, bitcoin is limited to 21 million in circulation.

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Bitcoins have been under the unable to properly inform their numbers, label since the beginning, even the number they stated is still up for research for they do not know where it ends, and farming them does not cost one a lot, just multiple computers and a stable internet connection.

Unless that is also different in your post, but then again, do not digress, do you know how to solve the linden matter? Or are we again digressing with how economy works? Because there is a whole market just waiting to gripe on the royally spoiled credit card users. 

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Let's move on beyond Bitcoin because it appears you don't want to read or understand.


It also seems like there is a history of bad credit and thus a gripe about anyone who has successfully been issued a credit card. Here's how I use mine... To leech interest free credit, to provide up to £15,000 protection by leveraging the benefits of the consumer credit act. To provide insurance, access to certain locations and many more reasons. Do I wave it around with the intention of persecuting those with bad credit? No, does the credit card co get money from me? No. From your earlier post, I don't choose to support money lenders, I choose to avail myself of benefits for no cost.


Move past the sour grapes please.

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