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Community Volunteer FAQ

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kudos to you for having the intention to help people, many users need it, as much as anyone can help them with, some may need more help than we can give them, but as long as you do what you can, that is what counts.

don't get discouraged because of some opposing opinions, you have the spirit of help and there are people that need your help, so focus in them, here in this part of second life improvements has been made thru time, many people have found what they are looking for, an answer from technical to emotional, if you can bring an idea to improve the help, is welcomed.

keep that helping spirit up, the people that need help will he grateful for that.

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Muletta wrote:

GreenLantern Excelsior wrote:

There's some fairly extreme disrespect and cruelty in this thread toward a new resident who just wants to help people. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Hi GreenLantern - please try to forgive and to see things from the other point of view ...

Some of us care a lot about the welfare of SecondLife, and when someone is trying to act in the name of Linden Lab, it is not unfair to be a little sceptical, I think.

I met officalnickiminaj in the Arapaima Adult Infohub the day she started this message thread. She was (surprise, surprise) asking in local chat if anyone needed help. We talked in IM for a while, and I have no doubt that she is really trying to help new residents. There are plenty of zero-day-old residents who come through there, and even though a fair number of them are griefers and trolls, there are some genuine newbies who would love it if someone would help them get started. I can't help but admire someone who makes an effort to assist others, expecting nothing in return. She's not asking for money or fame or power. She just wants to help.

Imagine what Second Life would be like if we all did that. You TP into a region and see someone who's 2 days old. You send them an IM and say "Hi, welcome to Second Life. I see you are new here. Would you like some help getting started?" And then you post about it in the SL forums, and get called a bad person for writing your post in gray text. So no, I'm not going to forgive that kind of trolling, especially when the disrespectful posts come from people who don't know the OP in the first place.

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GreenLantern Excelsior wrote:

Muletta wrote:

GreenLantern Excelsior wrote:

There's some fairly extreme disrespect and cruelty in this thread toward a new resident who just wants to help people. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Hi GreenLantern - please try to forgive and to see things from the other point of view ...

Some of us care a lot about the welfare of SecondLife, and when someone is trying to act in the name of Linden Lab, it is not unfair to be a little sceptical, I think.

I met 
officalnickiminaj in the Arapaima Adult Infohub the day she started this message thread. She was (surprise, surprise) asking in local chat if anyone needed help. We talked in IM for a while, and I have no doubt that she is really trying to help new residents. There are plenty of zero-day-old residents who come through there, and even though a fair number of them are griefers and trolls, there are some genuine newbies who would love it if someone would help them get started. I can't help but admire someone who makes an effort to assist others, expecting nothing in return. She's not asking for money or fame or power. She just wants to help.

Imagine what Second Life would be like if we all did that. You TP into a region and see someone who's 2 days old. You send them an IM and say "Hi, welcome to Second Life. I see you are new here. Would you like some help getting started?" And then you post about it in the SL forums, and get called a bad person for writing your post in gray text. So no, I'm not going to forgive that kind of trolling, especially when the disrespectful posts come from people who don't know the OP in the first place.

It is great when someone is taking the time and effort to help new residents. As I have written elsewhere, I think too many newcomers give up too soon, so thumbs up for people who cares.

Still, no one except from real LL employees should act like helpers in the name of LL ... I remember when I was a newbee, and for the first time ran into an avatar, with a Second Life Police tag over his head, and he asked me to come with him ... I was new, and how could I know that there is not a real police force in SL? Fortunately he was a nice guy, but he could have been a bad griefer, and I am sure you can use your imagination here, what he could have made some newcomers to do, in the name of SL.

Another thing is, that when you want to give pieces of advice to other people, you have to be able to receive some advice yourself too. - And light grey text on white is not very helpful, as some of the people here already have difficulties with reading. Likewise it is pointless, to not do an effort about your spelling, if you would like to help other people.



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i agree, it's bad enough that some people don't want to help, and worse that some people discourage the ones who try to help. officalnickiminaj came with the best intentions, with a giving heart, foreseeing a better future, and got bring down.

i believe that people that wants to help like officalnickiminaj needs our support, because if we support her, it will be a step towards a better world.

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GreenLantern Excelsior wrote:

Muletta wrote:

GreenLantern Excelsior wrote:

There's some fairly extreme disrespect and cruelty in this thread toward a new resident who just wants to help people. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Hi GreenLantern - please try to forgive and to see things from the other point of view ...

Some of us care a lot about the welfare of SecondLife, and when someone is trying to act in the name of Linden Lab, it is not unfair to be a little sceptical, I think.

I met 
officalnickiminaj in the Arapaima Adult Infohub the day she started this message thread. She was (surprise, surprise) asking in local chat if anyone needed help. We talked in IM for a while, and I have no doubt that she is really trying to help new residents. There are plenty of zero-day-old residents who come through there, and even though a fair number of them are griefers and trolls, there are some genuine newbies who would love it if someone would help them get started. I can't help but admire someone who makes an effort to assist others, expecting nothing in return. She's not asking for money or fame or power. She just wants to help.

Imagine what Second Life would be like if we all did that. You TP into a region and see someone who's 2 days old. You send them an IM and say "Hi, welcome to Second Life. I see you are new here. Would you like some help getting started?" And then you post about it in the SL forums, and get called a bad person for writing your post in gray text. So no, I'm not going to forgive that kind of trolling, especially when the disrespectful posts come from people who don't know the OP in the first place.

It is nice that you are in here to defend her and to try the shame the rest.  I stand by my post.  She didn't come in here asking who wanted to help new residents.  She came in here and announced she wanted to form a group, that she would be in charge of to moderate the forums (yes, I saw that she said she could not moderate officially) and police certain areas of Second Life to make sure people are being nice. She implied by the name choice that it would be in cooperation with The Lab.  She implied that her group members might have certain powers and she ignored the fact that there are already groups who help new residents both inworld and here in the forums.

I don't think anyone here has a problem with a person wanting to help new residents.  Most of us help new users all the time.  You cannot tell tone of voice from type, but to me her posted sounded presumptuous (and the other post she started).  To be part of her club of her helpful people we have to fill out an application?  She will review our previous posts to see if we are worthy?  We get a tag that might trick someone into thinking we are a LL employee?  (She is using a celebrity name as well)  She wants to give out "friendly reminders" when she feels people are being rude?  Sounds like she wants to get groups of avatars together to have AR parties on people they think are being inconsiderate (why else would you need a group)?  Based on whose idea of inconsiderate or rude?

There are places for friendly, knowledgeable people to help and they would love to have an enthusiastic member join them or be helpful on your own.  Click on over to the answers section.  People need help over there everyday.  There are many new resident friendly areas that have helpful people in them.  They can always use more helpers.  If she joins an existing group, she won't have absolute control though which may or may not be the problem.

The forums ARE moderated heavily almost to the point of being completely useless.

There are other ways to start a group:  I love SL and I love to help people.  Do you?  Anyone want to get together and tp to various new-comer areas and offer help to new residents?  Maybe we could form a group and split up into smaller sets of 2 or 3 people and cover more ground.  We can create notecards with helpful websites, Landmarks to good freebie areas and point out where to find tutorials on how to open boxes. Who's in?

To me it sounds way better than lets become the SL etiquette police.  IM me to find out if I think you're nice enough.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i agree, it's bad enough that some people don't want to help, and worse that some people discourage the ones who try to help.
came with the best intentions, with a giving heart, foreseeing a better future, and got bring down.

i believe that people that wants to help like
needs our support, because if we support her, it will be a step towards a better world.

OFFS. Why are folks so intent on protecting the delicate reputation of an IP infringer? It was pointed out pages ago that the whole light-gray manifesto came from Sony's copyrighted site. Sure, Sony will never know nor care who steals their bland boilerplate of an FAQ, but that doesn't suddenly elevate plagiarism to a noble endeavor, "a step towards a better world."

It's behaviour the primary school teacher corrects.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

i agree, it's bad enough that some people don't want to help, and worse that some people discourage the ones who try to help.
came with the best intentions, with a giving heart, foreseeing a better future, and got bring down.

i believe that people that wants to help like
needs our support, because if we support her, it will be a step towards a better world.

Many people, including me, want to help.   

However, most of us do it (at least initially, anyway) through one of the many existing channels, be it by responding  to questions in the Answers section here, or (if we have the necessary expertise) in one of the creation forums, or by joining one of the several  in-world groups that help people -- either ones particularly aimed at new residents or more general ones.

Very few of us, though,think to ourselves, "I'd like to help new residents.  What's the best way to do that?  I know, I'll set up a brand new group from scratch," and then sit down and compose a lengthy post and FAQ about this group, before it has any members even, and announce it in the SL forum.

That's what raises my suspicions.   Either the OP is unaware of the existing resources available to new residents, or she is aware of them but nevertheless prefers to set up a new group on her own.    Nothing wrong with that, but it certainly makes me want to ask her why people should devote their limited time (a limited resource for everyone) to her group rather than work with one of the existing ones.    

One reason for working with an existing group (and a great advantage, too) is that they provide a level of back-up and support for helpers, together with a degree of training and mentoring.    No one knows everything, of course, which is why it's very important to have the back-up of a group where you can ask about stuff of which you're unsure or which you don't know about.  

I don't doubt her good intentions, but I do know what the road to hell is said to be paved with.   I am also highly suspicious, based on experience, of any helper group that purports to be the "Second Life" something-or-other unless it has the official support of Linden Lab.

I also want to know more about this mysterious "old Welcoming Committee" of which the OP says, in her other post about this,she was a member.


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Qie Niangao wrote:

Camaro Retard wrote:

i agree, it's bad enough that some people don't want to help, and worse that some people discourage the ones who try to help.
came with the best intentions, with a giving heart, foreseeing a better future, and got bring down.

i believe that people that wants to help like
needs our support, because if we support her, it will be a step towards a better world.

OFFS. Why are folks so intent on protecting the delicate reputation of an IP infringer? It was pointed out pages ago that the whole light-gray manifesto
. Sure, Sony will never know nor care who steals their bland boilerplate of an FAQ, but that doesn't suddenly elevate plagiarism to a noble endeavor, "a step towards a better world."

It's behaviour the primary school teacher corrects.

Indeed. And more so considering that whenever this latest wannabe sheriff (in a long line) is drawn off script and forced to apply fingers to keyboard, you'd be forgiven for thinking you were reading the work of an ESL goat herder. Now whether it be in world or in forums, I have to wonder how well equipped a person so deficient in communication is, to sit in judgement of others?


"Did he just make a subtle pun referencing Mark Twain dat me no unnerstan, or was that an offensive remark? Herp derp I dunno so I had better report it cus im like 16 and GLE told me REPORTING ALWAYS = GOOOOD!"


Speaking of mister spandex the enabler, should it really come as a surprise to anyone with half a brain that a guy in the business of adding groups of wannabe policemen to his griefer network cabal of bored nobodies, would like to see yet another one emerge? After all, business hasn't been so good lately.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

her idea of how she can make SL better may not have been the best idea, but its the intention that counts, i hope that by today she may have modified her plan and not discouraged altogether from helping.

Problem is you don't know what her intentions are.

But neither do I for that matter, though I feel I can read a little between the lines.

I'm not interested in a "Sanitized Life," nor am I interested in a "Sanitized Forum."

I do believe in helping people and I do believe in being nice but suffering fools and being nice to them is usually counter productive.

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