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Angels of God Coming to Second Life

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.

/me kneels and hands Maddy a large root beer slushie. "For you , my Queen. It seems our enemy has sent his winged freaks to SL finally. Do you wish me to send out the Legions from Zindra to crush and convert them? We have a new batch of... Escorts.. that are very eager to get started."

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.

/me kneels and hands Maddy a large root beer slushie. "For you , my Queen. It seems our enemy has sent his winged freaks to SL finally. Do you wish me to send out the Legions from Zindra to crush and convert them? We have a new batch of... Escorts.. that are very eager to get started."

Ahem, Drake? You're kneeling on my hem (and I just bet you're waiting for me to take a step).

Oh, and would ya send those "escorts" by me for personal inspection before they go crushing and converting? I'm a very hands on kinda queen.

And finally, you gotta show Dil how to make a root-beer slushie. She's from Cali and may have been carousing with wine snobs.

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Here's a news flash for some of you.  It's sometimes not what people seem like, it's what in their hearts.  Angels have a way of seeing beyond the avatar and the fluff.  Many of you we just feel past the computer screen.

Like with Drake.  No, he's not THE fallen one.  Not even close.  But actions can sometimes shape results.

And Maddy, sorry I blew your cover.  Carry on...... :) 

God Bless





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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


Here's a news flash for some of you.  It's sometimes not what people seem like, it's what in their hearts.  Angels have a way of seeing beyond the avatar and the fluff.  Many of you we just feel past the computer screen.

Like with Drake.  No, he's not THE fallen one.  Not even close.  But actions can sometimes shape results.

And Maddy, sorry I blew your cover.  Carry on......

God Bless




I knew angels had a sense of humor.




PS Have fun with your Second Life mission.  I just hope you and all the other "angels" are very careful with the mental well being of others.  I still think you are playing a dangerous game if others are truly needing professional help.  There are some fairly insane people inworld and I am sure they are not all attached to reality.

PSS There are many churches in SL that hold services.  Maybe one of them will take you guys in and give you a "home" and legitimacy to work from.


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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


Here's a news flash for some of you.  It's sometimes not what people seem like, it's what in their hearts.  Angels have a way of seeing beyond the avatar and the fluff.  Many of you we just feel past the computer screen.

Like with Drake.  No, he's not THE fallen one.  Not even close.  But actions can sometimes shape results.

And Maddy, sorry I blew your cover.  Carry on......

God Bless





Actually, I am very close to her right now.. Kneeling on her dress in fact. Jelly? Watch who you sling that blessing at, bucko. We have had quite enough of his "love" down here. Yeah he is all about love if you are human.. But make ONE mistake and poof, it's off to hell for you. I have to admit, it's much more fun down here.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.


I did not offer you a warm root beer. I explained that I only had gotten enough ice to chill half the bottles in the case, the other half was at room tempurature, and asked you which you preferred.

And by the way, I'm from California. Cali is a friend of mine, but I don't know anything about that name referencing a place. And if you actually know something about wine, like maybe you had your first* (small) glass of Chateau Lafite-Rothschild at the ripe old age of 15 (true story; I think my dad paid something like $30 for the bottle at the place he ordered his wine, a super-high price at the time) that may make you familiar with the difference between a good wine and a bad one, or even in this case a great wine and a good one, but it doesn't make you a snob.

I can make a killer root beer float but you were correct (and one for three isn't too bad) about the slushie.Never heard of it. I see a visit to Google in my very near future.

*First and only, as it turns out. I've been treated to a lot of pretty nice Bordeaux's, but never anything to match that.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.

/me kneels and hands Maddy a large root beer slushie. "For you , my Queen. It seems our enemy has sent his winged freaks to SL finally. Do you wish me to send out the Legions from Zindra to crush and convert them? We have a new batch of... Escorts.. that are very eager to get started."

Ahem, Drake? You're kneeling on my hem (and I just bet you're waiting for me to take a step).

Oh, and would ya send those "escorts" by me for personal inspection before they go crushing and converting? I'm a very hands on kinda queen.

And finally, you gotta show Dil how to make a root-beer slushie. She's from Cali and may have been carousing with wine snobs.

Yes. my Queen. The escorts shal be sent to you in pairs starting this evening.

Hold up... I gotta share my secret recipe?!?!? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get root beer to freeze down here?

/me stalks off grumbling.... Share my secrets.. With Dil?!?! Not fair. I did all the hard work.. found a secret passage to the 242 layer, made a pact with the ice lord there, now i have to share that info? G** D****T!!!

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.

/me kneels and hands Maddy a large root beer slushie. "For you , my Queen. It seems our enemy has sent his winged freaks to SL finally. Do you wish me to send out the Legions from Zindra to crush and convert them? We have a new batch of... Escorts.. that are very eager to get started."

Ahem, Drake? You're kneeling on my hem (and I just bet you're waiting for me to take a step).

Oh, and would ya send those "escorts" by me for personal inspection before they go crushing and converting? I'm a very hands on kinda queen.

And finally, you gotta show Dil how to make a root-beer slushie. She's from Cali and may have been carousing with wine snobs.

Yes. my Queen. The escorts shal be sent to you in pairs starting this evening.

Hold up... I gotta share my secret recipe?!?!? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get root beer to freeze down here?

/me stalks off grumbling.... Share my secrets.. With Dil?!?! Not fair. I did all the hard work.. found a secret passage to the 242 layer, made a pact with the ice lord there, now i have to share that info? G** D****T!!!


Oh noes! Here I was thinking I could just like Google it. Damn it.


Well, I guess it's time to consider calling in a few favors; I too have my contacts in the um, well you know. There.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

ike maybe you had your first* (small) glass of Chateau Lafite-Rothschild at the ripe old age of 15 (true story; I think my dad paid something like $30 for the bottle at the place he ordered his wine, a super-high price at the time) that may make you familiar with the difference between a good wine and a bad one, or even in this case a great wine and a good one, but it doesn't make you a snob.

The first time I got tipsy was at a church picnic. I was two. As it's been told to me, my puppy Buster got tipsy as well, though he had four legs he couldn't stand on to my two.

A couple years later, I downed a shot glass of 21 year old scotch before the bartender could catch me. My little glass of apple juice wasn't enough to slake my thirst, so I gulped down Dad's. Don't tell me about hell, I was there for a few minutes.

After that, Dad switched to drinking Guinness, and to satisfy his li'l "Monkey See, Monkey Do" Princess, he started serving me root-beer. To this day, those are the only two beers I drink. And now you know... the rest of the story.

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What? Really? ---this makes me sad now. :(  --->alcohol-free beer in heaven. this sounds boring. and maybe just playing cricket there?

This is a bit disappointing.

I thought in heaven will be a huge huge mexican-italian-irish-spanish party with dancing, music, pinata, and wine and beer. So they taught me in my First Communion classes. Or at least this is, what I remember of it.


Anyway, You all, have a beautiful weekend. :)

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


My sources are coming through for me....I think I have most of what I need to know to attempt the slushie. Amazing, really. Can you imagine how difficult it is to produce the correct conditions for a proper slushie there?

Yes, yes i bloody can imagine it.. Spending three days freezing my ass off churning the perfect blend of root beers to the proper consistency, then blast freezing it and running it through the ice chipper.. It's a lot of bloody work for our Queen to have a tasty cold beverage. You don't necessarily have to mention that to her though..

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Hello forum dwellers....I've missed you all!!

And I've got a bit of catching up to do:

Only the best people get to Maddy's cleansing fires (that's me, seventh row-last one..took a while to get enough sins to be cleansed in her fires..Ooo, that sounds dirty). And it's only temporary..secretly, I think it fuels your sins. I've been a whole lot worse since going through there...perhaps I need a refresher (but that's $1500L plus tax)

Hey..we should use that picture to play "forum bingo"...

"Oh..Dres replied to this post... *puts a chip on his picture*

First person to get bingo gets to go back in the fires or tests out those "escorts" Dres is sending up from Zindra.


Cher: I know you came in here with the best intentions, but you're not going to get much help here. I might suggest that you get your "orders" and go out and find those who believe need your help...whether they accept it or not is up to them, I suppose.

As for me, I get to do all my atonement next week on Yom Kippur. Wish me luck, I'm probably gonna need it.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Hello forum dwellers....I've missed you all!!

And I've got a bit of catching up to do:

Only the best people get to Maddy's cleansing fires (that's me, seventh row-last one..took a while to get enough sins to be cleansed in her fires..Ooo, that sounds dirty). And it's only temporary..secretly, I think it fuels your sins. I've been a whole lot worse since going through there...perhaps I need a refresher (but that's $1500L plus tax)

Hey..we should use that picture to play "forum bingo"...

"Oh..Dres replied to this post... *puts a chip on his picture*

First person to get bingo gets to go back in the fires or tests out those "escorts" Dres is sending up from Zindra.


Cher: I know you came in here with the best intentions, but you're not going to get much help here. I might suggest that you get your "orders" and go out and find those who believe need your help...whether they accept it or not is up to them, I suppose.

As for me, I get to do all my atonement next week on Yom Kippur. Wish me luck, I'm probably gonna need it.


They are not "orders".  Even Angels have free will.  Remember what Lucifer did with his.  But then again there was Michael (My hero (blush)).  He is incredible!

Actually, they are called assignments.  And we were sent to the forums so if you don't mind we will follow the higher calling and sit here for a bit.

Help would be nice, but if there is none, then so be it.  We still bless you all and want you to know that God loves you.




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MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

We still bless you all and want you to know that God loves you.




I'm sorry, but this statement really offends me. You are pushing your religion on everyone here. You are stating that your God is the only God. I don't want your blessing nor do i believe that He actually loves me. I am not a follower of Him. There is a reason people say not to talk about politics or religion in a group..

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:

We still bless you all and want you to know that God loves you.




I'm sorry, but this statement really offends me. You are pushing your religion on everyone here. You are stating that your God is the only God. I don't want your blessing nor do i believe that He actually loves me. I am not a follower of Him. There is a reason people say not to talk about politics or religion in a group..

If Angels blessings others and telling them that God loves them offends you, then it is your problem.  It's just the truth.  I'm not changing. 

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.

*pours cold root beer all over Maddy*

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Lillie Woodells wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote:


No, you are what we call a "Sweety Pie".  A really nice person with a heart of gold.  


Good grief! Really. I have not words for this.

You're just trying to make up for offering me warm root-beer.

*pours cold root beer all over Maddy*

... shivers a li'l, then rolls over.

You missed a spot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well well!!! So glad to see that you made it here to these forums.  I can see the same old same old that you did on the RLC forum that you are doing here.  To bad these people can see right through your sheep's clothing and the wolf that lurks underneath.


Just an FYI there is no "we" in the AOG.  There is only Cher and the multitude of alts that were created---some of which she forgets about.  I'm sure up next will be Angel Dawn and Angel Joan.  Wait until you get a load of those characters that were created by this person.  

Looks to me as if you are getting a resounding F for the trolling here on these forums.  Might I suggest you toddle along back to RLC and troll there---oh wait you're trolling both virtual worlds.  You must be bored.  Have fun!! I'll be waiting for you to take you down a few pegs (speaking RP wise).


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Post your proof that I was banned from RLC! Put your money where your mouth is.  Either way I'll be seeing you real soon around the grid.  And I'm the stalker? Really Cher.  All the people from here have to do is cruise over to the RLC forum and they'll be able to see first hand how much of a miserable troll you truly are.  How you love to poke and prod the moderator over there and accuse people of things that they truly aren't.  Enjoy your stay here in SL I'm sure it will be a short stay.

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