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Friend falsely AR'd and banned.


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Recently a friend of mine ImperiumLuporum Resident, also known as "Dr.Kamen" became enamored in a bit of SL drama, as everyone does from time to time. To make a rather long story short, someone gathered a group of friends with premium memberships, and a small collection of alts to falsely report his account, resulting in an administrative hold on his account. Is there anyway to contact Linden Labs, in order to tell the the truth about what actually happened?

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When I was contacted about this It has came to my realization that when ImperiumLuporum resident was not able to get back online Second Life really concerned me, for this fella has helped me through a troubled time and has been the only person to have me realize a problem I had and helped me get through it, I can say with out this resident I would be in a bad spot by now. But he helped me before it was too late, however when I herd that he got suspended from Second life I began to worry that I may not see him again. And this friend wasn't only good to me, he was very good with a lot of people in my hangout, and was also a builder, of a lot of fun creations that was useful to all of our residents, he also brought a few people to second life from other games as well, and just made our fun and creative community grow very fast, and every moment anyone that was apart of his second life, felt it worth wild to be on second life, and give a reason to log in every day or anytime they could.

and I was aware there was a certain individual that was trying to prevent him from being on second life, they constantly harassed him and attempted to turn a few friends of his (that I also knew) against him, and to make his second life a living hell, for what reason, I can't even try to assume. But I know there are some evil people in the program. Many times people mistake kindness for weakness, thus causing a certain individual to attempt to rid my friend from Second life. ImperiumLuporum is the type of person that makes me want to even have something to look forward to logging into Second life. they're good people, and some people know this and just want to attack. I know most of any resident in second life knows about how griefers want to take people like my friend away from second life, so they can rule the land and cause nothing but chaos, so they won't have people like my friend there to say “it's going to be fine”

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This completely upsets me... i dont have many friends on sl because i chose quality over quantity.. ImperiumLuporum Resident is one of the very few people they keep me on second life... and id hate to see this happen.. if stuff like this happens to the wrong people.. im loosing trust into linden labs.. i just hope this gets looked over and we get some answers..

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As mentioned by Cappahoven above, a certain person who had a personal problem with my friend Kamen (aka ImperiumLuporum) has put a lot of effort into trying to shake up our group, starting with talking to his friends behind his back and spreading lies and rumors, and then continuing with him going as far to use his many premium accounts to spam AR against my friend, all over issues that are completely unrelated to the TOS. This person just wont stop his assault against Kamen and our group of friends, even after many attempts to disassociate with him, he has become passive aggressive and is stooping so low as to cause something like this to happen.

Beyond all the drama that has been sparked up recently, Kamen (ImperiumLuporum) has been a dear friend to me for many months, and is even part of the reason that I decided to stay in the SL community. It's always a good time when hes around, and he's always able to lift your spirits. He has helped so many people here. It would be a real shame if such a decent person like this was no longer allowed onto SL, it's definitely at a loss to the community.


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Ya, it really saddens the whole DasCoyote community to see this happen to such a well known figure and friend. Dr.Kamen(ImperiumLuporum) helped me and would always raise my mood when I was on.  Some people harassed him endlessly and threatened action reports on him and it really is upsetting to see these bullies win and take from the community such a good person.

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CallMeChuckles wrote:

[ .... ] Is there anyway to contact Linden Labs, in order to tell the the truth about what actually happened?

No, there isn't.  And Lindens never come to this resident-to-resident Answers site either, so they will never see all of your testimonials.  Administrative holds come in many different flavors, most of them quite mild.  The mildest ones, in fact, are not much more than a "time out".  Linden Lab will sometimes simply give disputing parties a day or two to calm down outside of SL, especially if there's more than one side to a story.  Unless your friend was accused of a serious TOS violation, the worst he probably got was a suspension for a few days or less.  If he was accused of something truly nasty, Linden Lab wouldn't ban him or give him a long suspension unless they had very solid evidence -- not hearsay -- to justify it.  For right now, your best move is to step back and relax. 

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If there's nothing wrong done by the banned user LL wil see that, no need to start a thread with all support posts, it will not help anybody, and Lindens will not change their mind about it.

If there was nothing to investigate, there would be no administrative hold.

Be very carefull in defending others, they can do things you never expect from a friend. You only see the cute avatar.

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I recently acquainted two people...

One; ImperiumLuporum Resident, your standard Second Life player who likes to have fun.

Another; less-fun person, whom shalln't be named.


This other player went to great lengths purely to show distaste for the first.

ImperiumLuporum Resident does not deserve such treatment by any means.

I find this disturbing and am no longer friends with the unmentioned player.

Most ridiculous.

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