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Searching for the answer to souls and Earth-religion on Second-Life

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I came to Second life to find friends and places in the world that have the answer for me. I spend a lot of time in the Angel's church in Lilith but I never see anyone there. I've contacted several in-game angels and we've talked, but we haven't progressed too far. Where in Second Life can I find the answer? Most especially, the answer to how few people there are in the world of souls.

My research on souls, biology, and religion has been going on for nearly 5 years, after I dropped out of the University of Washington. Since then, I have had at least 3 major supernatural occurrences happen to me, and I've been almost entirely alone the whole time. The people who I've met during these supernatural occurrences did not give me their name or their address/phone number, except one of them who only gave me the name "Gabriel."

My religion is very special because it has a lot to do with destiny.
-I've been told that every person in the world with destiny has at least 1 famous relative, and that's true for me. My grandfather is a very famous businessperson from Boeing and the computer industry, and he even has his own wikipedia page.
-My religion is about "how few people there are," and I think there must be at most 200,000 souls-people in the world, including me. That is very important to me, to discover what a soul really is: whether it's a town, or a zip code, or a soul-center, a supernatural sphere inside of my head, or something else. Of course I recognize that there are hundreds of millions of bodies in the world, or more. I'm also very researched on white matter in the brain, and the products that the body creates as a result of studying, researching, and making memories. This is fundamentally important to me.
-My religion is very smart and refined, and I strongly believe that the christian god isn't real, but that the Earth itself is God, and that "digging underground" and discovering underground cities and religious sites is the key to finding the potential of the soul and discovering the secret. If you just think about it: the human species lives all around the Earth's crust, but the only way for us to be united is by digging underground or looking to the Earth's core, which is what unifies all of us. The clouds and the atmosphere are completely separated, and get larger and farther away the more upwards you go.

I have been sending letters and emails to philosophy organizations, religious centers, major christian churches, and other relevant places for nearly 2 years and I haven't received a single physical response. My religion is very Earth focused and I don't have any single religious background, but I am leaning towards Scientology. My education in school is very Scientific focused, and I majored in Biology with the intention of becoming a Genome Scientist. I also have a lot of experiences and spiritual visions of DNA and Genomics, and I feel very scared to lose my gene and my chance on the Earth to survive and prosper.
Another spiritual experience I had was when I dropped out of school, and I went to a dream world where I was a magick user and a sorcerer, and I was completely astounded by how detailed the vision was and the deep relationships I developed there. The planet was called Terra and I not only flourished there but I eventually left the planet and became a God [in my dream/vision]. I feel certain this is proof of a soul and I've thought tremendously about it, and what it means, and how it was possible.

Even now, years later, I still lay on my bed and my imagination and soul goes elsewhere, trying to understand the world and communicate with other people. I was wondering just today if maybe the network that souls use to communicate is super-fast and high-tech, and I've been using it the whole time. I've seen many different movies and read many different books that discuss souls and the true essence of a person, and I feel certain that I know what it is, but I don't have the power to make it grow or to find other soul-people in the world. I also don't have a lot of money, and live very inexpensively. I like to think that with a phone, an internet connection, and a lot of postage stamps, I can discover the truth and find other like-minded people all across the USA or otherwise, and find the answer. Can you help?

I am a 29 year old soul researcher, and my defining quality is that I think I have destiny and that I am among the top 200,000 soul people in the world. I'd like to talk to anyone who thinks similarly, even if you're christian or you want me to look at the world differently. Please message me!

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you have to be careful in finding what you want to find, if we really want to find something supernatural we are gonna assign different events in our lifetime to what we are looking for, for example if i want to believe that i am very lucky, i would count all casualities and claim that they are related, and minor things that lean to prove my theory im gonna claim them as definitve clues to my objective, and the things that dont fit with my theory i could ignore, so i would have ensurance that my theory is true.

if you use the scientific method, you would not start with the results, you start with the evidence, after formulating an hypothesis, you start to experiment, if no results were found, you change the hypothesis, maybe you haven't found souls because there arent any, so maybe you need to rethink your hypothesis to one without the souls you are looking for.

you have to be aware that you might be wrong, maybe what you are looking for doesn't exist, its a risk you have to take when looking for a truth, maybe at the end is opposite of what you wished it was.

you can also be hallucinating, that's another thing to consider, you need peer review to make sure that the visions are not in your head, and about the things that are in your head, your dreams, you can not relate them to the real world just like that, dreams are mostly composed of memories being rearranged, so if you have memories of reading about angels and think are great, you may dream about them because you give them a lot of importance in your mind, is not that the angels appeared in your brain and they have a realtion with real life, is that real life influenced your brain and thats why you dream about it.

another thing you need to be careful of is pride. many people that have theories about a certain type of people that are superior to others, in their scale they are on the best side. usually racists believe that they are the superior race, some that believed in a doctirne that 144,000 are gonna be saved, they believe they are in the winning side. maybe you are not part of the best souls in your theory.

now, about your beliefs, you have to be careful on believing something without enough evidence, if you dont have enough proof, you can claim it as, "very possible", "somewhat possible", "very unlikely", not claim directly something as a fact because you wish it was. as long as your theory dont have solid background, you must observe it as how much likely it is.

your research doesnt need a god, the existence of gods are possibilities between many, i define a god as a person that have the power to change the laws of physics at will, the earth is not a person, its a group of particles sticking together being attracted more to the center of the earth based on their weight, the earth doesnt have the power to modify the laws of physics at will, the physics of the universe are the ones that modify the earth, therefore the earth cant be a god.

the theory that if we uncover various temples left behind by various cultures will unite humanity needs more explanation, first, what do you mean by united? physically? ideologically? physically we cant be according to our ego, we identify our bodies as ourselves, everything else touching the body is not us, according to our ego, we can not be united physically, now if you call union that a group of objetcs share the same space, lets say all the particles in the universe, the objects of the universe are not united, because there is space between them, now, ideological unity is very unlikely, because we are who we are based on our lifetime experiences, the situations that we encounter and how we reason and react to them, since every life has diffierent experiences, its impossible that all humans think the same. you also need to make the connection between uncovering a number of temples and how that would affect the thoughts of all humans.

be careful to not fall into traps in your quest for the truth, logic and reason are very useful tools, be prepared to find the unexpected even if its not convenient to you. the truth is not always fair.

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Miquh2Jounen wrote:

 I think there must be at most 200,000 souls-people in the world, including me.

That is an underestimate. I think you will find that there are much more than that number already locked up in lunatic asylums, added to which there are all those who haven't been committed and confined yet, like yourself.

Alec - the way SL attracts nutters who are happy to display their schizophrenia publicly for entertainment

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Posting this from one of my rants on my rant blog


So I've asked this question on Yahoo answers, no one has really answered, nor refutes a statement I made. So, if there was a heaven and all, there would undoubtedly be a soul in every human being right? I mean if god existed, and so did heaven, we would have a soul since if we were to die, this "soul" would be sent somewhere.

The statement I made was pretty simple, I read a interesting piece on brain transplants which involve removing the head of something and basically putting it on another body. I read that an actual brain transplant was performed on a dog, and it lived up to nine days before dying from infections.

Now that's pretty crazy, soon we might be attempting such a feat on humans because I read an article about a man in poor condition willing to do an operation like this within the next two years or so. The doctor is pretty confident.  Personally, I think it will go wrong, but  if it does go right, and this dude gets a new body, this would almost prove 100% that we DO NOT HAVE SOULS.

If we have no soul, that would mean there would be no heaven right or are we  going to claim the soul is now inside your brain and not your body? So much **bleep** goes on in this world, you'd think a god would have ended it by now or revealed that he existed whether it's jesus, or allah, or whoever.

The only hope I have of it being real with heaven and all, and the only somewhat evidence that "Jesus" could have been a real person once is the fact that religion has been around since the beginning of time, and the talk about Jesus has been going on since like the beginning of time, and if  his name has been passed generations upon generations, maybe  it's possible he did  walk this planet once.

Other than above, I see no solid evidence, nor will I ever think there will be. I'm agnostic,  but if the whole brain transplant thing is a success and if it happens, it will open a door to so many questions, and make people question. I'd personally say there is no god if it's a success.

I mean lets be honest people, back in the day you had the whole Jesus thing going on, and had the whole witch trials happening, in both events, Jesus could perform such miracles, and these "witches" could perform such magic.  How come you never see this happening today? I've never seen anyone on youtube or on the internet that could perform real magic, or turn water into whine without some catch or illusion like Criss Angel or David Copperfield, or David Blank does.

I think the brain is something powerful of course, but I think Heaven might only exist inside your head, so try to find a peace of mind, and be happy in life cause that would be Heaven.

Speaking of Heaven/Hell, imagine how many souls/people would be there? Billions upon billions and billions  of humans have died, and these places would be **bleep**ing crowded as hell. There would be no TV, video games, or anything cause how could it be created? I cannot possible see this sadly.

Oh and what bull**bleep** about forgiveness is too. Your run in the mil serial killer on death row only needs to come to god and pray for forgiveness and after a last meal, he will now be sent on his way to heaven.

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Scooby Mode wrote:


I mean lets be honest people, back in the day you had the whole Jesus thing going on,
and had the whole witch trials happening, in both events, Jesus could perform such miracles, and these "witches" could perform such magic.
 How come you never see this happening today? I've never seen anyone on youtube or on the internet that could perform real magic, or turn water into whine without some catch or illusion like Criss Angel or David Copperfield, or David Blank does.



(My bolding and highlighting) 

Where on earth do you get the idea that Witches EVER actually performed what you consider  magic? Witches were generally healers, and practicioners of folk medicine. They never turned anyone into a frog, or conferred with the devil. More likely, they attended births, providing comfort with herbs, and plants, treating common ailments, etc. Honestly, you sound like a bit of a nutter, too! (I'm also assuming you meant David Blane) 


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Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

Aislin Ceawlin wrote:

Where on earth do you get the idea that Witches EVER actually performed what you consider magic?

Where on earth do
get the idea that Jesus did?




I don't subscribe to that myth either :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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Way to take my words out of context, please for the love of god who probably don't exist, never reply to me again, or even hop on  a discussion such as intellectual as this when it's apparent you're retarded. 


Ok first off, TO THOSE PEOPLE IN THAT TIME, THAT DAY, THAT ERA, THAT GENERATION, THAT YEAR, THAT HOUR, THAT MINUTE, THAT MOMENT they thought it was magic, actually, they thought it was the work of the devil, or evil magic rather. 


To be technical with your small brain here, now bare with me as I try to keep this simple for you to understand. If I was to go and heal someone with cancer, techincally, that is indeed a form of magic, whether you choose to believe it or not is a different story.  Making something disapear with a snap of a finger=magic. Healing someone, and curing them with the disease completely gone within their body =magic. 


Also, obviously they probably never did such things as people thought, so sadly they got slaughtered, lots of innocents.


Now go back to bible thumping please, and get off this thread so we other people can have a good smart discussion:p

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Scooby Mode wrote:

get off this thread so we other people can have a good smart discussion:p

Physician, heal thyself.

I guess you didn't understand my previous comment.

Oh, and this thread is posted in the wrong forum if you want Answers . . .

Alec - the unhinged displaying their inadequacies for public entertainment

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Scooby Mode wrote:

Way to take my words out of context, please for the love of god who probably
exist, never reply to me again, or even hop on  a discussion as intellectual as this when it's apparent you're

If you really think this is an intellectual discussion... Anyone who uses that word in this day and age has just lost the discussion...

Ok first off,
they thought it was magic, actually, they thought it was the work of the devil, or evil magic rather. 

Actually, most of the witch trials were started because of jealousy. The accuser either thought the "witch" was a floozy who was screwing the married menfolk, in league with the devil because they had a black cat, an outsider widow who they could pin crop failure on, a folk healer,  or even a woman who could simply swim.

To be technical with your small brain here, now
with me as I try to keep this simple for you to understand. If I was to go and heal someone with cancer,
, that is indeed a form of magic, whether you choose to believe it or not is a different story.  Making something 
with a snap of a finger=magic. Healing someone, and curing them with the disease completely gone within their body =magic. 

If you think people actually cured diseases with a snap of their finger back then... Also healing a disease is not even remotely magical.

Also, obviously they probably never did such things as people thought, so sadly they got slaughtered, lots of innocents.

According to historians between 40 and 60 thousand people have been killed due to being accused of witchcraft, throughout history. Lets compare that to the 1-3 million people that died as direct result of the crusades... 3000 years of history compared to 200... Huge difference in numbers. Apparently, Christians didn't like the Muslims more than witches. Although to be fair, they consider both to be pagans.

Actually, thinking on it more, the bible states "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" as one of the ten commandments. Boy, God really doesn't like other religions, does he? Sounds like someone has a complex.

Now go back to bible thumping please, and get off this thread so we other people can have a good
smart discussion:p

BTW, I fixed your spelling and grammatical errors for you.. Seeing as you want a "good, smart discussion."

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I guess you didn't learn to read as I've not replied to you on this thread until now. Nor  have I replied to you on my recent thread I made. So I have no clue as to what you said.  By the way, I'm not the one who made this thread, not sure if you know that or not, but someone else did, and I'm simply replying back to it with my own thoughts. You have not added anything to contribute but tried to be funny, and failed. 


Scooby - Smarter than Alec responding back  to Alec's failed attempts.  Now please go back to your native language.


Alec - the unhinged displaying their inadequacies for PUBLIC* entertainment. (There I fixed it for ya since everyone else seems to be a grammar nazi these days, why not)?

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"BTW, I fixed your spelling and grammatical errors for you.. Seeing as you want a "good, smart discussion."  

Hypocrite much? What's with the 2nd period after you? Also, the last period comes after your quotation marks.


Nice generic male avatar you got there, you look very original!  


Since you called me out, fair enough, deserves a response from me. That post was made past 4:00 AM in the morning, lets just disregard that, and you should argue my main post on the first page as that goes along with the topic of the thread that got derailed by some girl who I replied back to(ok, the thread was derailed before that too).  


As for why the witch trials were started, it doesn't matter, that's completely irrelevant, don't even know why you brought that up. It's more about what people saw, and thought, especially heard at the time this whole event was going on. You're out of your damn mind if you don't think for a second there were rumors of women, demons, witches performing evil magic. Sorry, but this debate is pointless. I'm willing to bet that lots of  people people heard of stories with the word "magic" used.


As for curing people with the snap of a finger, that was not to be taken literally, but you took it that way, you're probably one of those losers who hold people politically correct to. As for that tho, yeah I know full well they didn't just snap their finger, and poof something remarkable happened although to be fair on that, there is some movies that dispict someone snapping their finger and something happens, but for the most part, other movies dispict a bunch of wand waving, and stuff, again irrevelant.  I threw that line in to get to the end of it because if you were to make something disappear like Criss Angel does, that's magic. Again, you must not be a bright bulb if you can't see that. Obviously it's also an optical illusion too, again don't hold me politically correct cause I know what it is, but  it's a form of magic, or is it really that hard to understand? 


The main rebuttal the woman above replied back tho was on the witch trials saying they didn't perform magic, and were healers, so lets get back to that. Yes, they were healers no doubt according to what people believed, BUT THEY PERFORMED A FORM OF MAGIC.


Now to own you on that, lets look up the default definition of "magic' shall we?





  • 1.used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers"a magic wand"synonyms:supernatural, enchanted, occult

FROM Merriam dictonary 


Full Definition of MAGIC

a :  the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces
b :  magic rites or incantations
a :  an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source
b :  something that seems to cast a spell :  enchantment
:  the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand
employed in magic:
magic spells; magic dances; magic rites.
mysteriously enchanting; magical:
magic beauty.
of, relating to, or due to magic.
producing the effects of magic; magical:
a magic touch.
verb (used with object), magicked, magicking.
to create, transform, move, etc., by or as if by magic:
I magicked him into a medieval knight.

That definition alone is all that needed to be said in reponse to your troll bait, but I'm bored, so why not? So those supposed "women" doing all this healing wasn't a form of being supposedly supernatural? Last I checked, they were performing something, and again, takes a bit of magic to just off and heal someone. It's a supernatural thing to do, just because they didn't wave a wand around and say hokus pokus, or turn someone into a damn frog doesn't make it any less magical, it's just a different form.

Also, I know they didn't really probably do magic, nor do I think Jesus Christ  turned water into whine  if he existed, I think people over exaggerated what they saw back then, but that's my opinion, and no one in this world will be able to prove if  Jesus really could do all those things because we never saw it happened, nor do we have a time machine.  Also, I will give you credit tho on them using the whole "magic, evil witch thing" just to kill them cause they were cheating, and so all the guys needed a reason.


Also to your last post about how many died. That's irrelevant, I just said lots died, that's all that needed to be said, I really don't need a  historical lecture on this as I have already had that, the main topic was about souls, and god, but got derailed, and I was only responding to  the woman who replied back to me saying that that witches didn't perform magic.


It's a form of magic, I'm done arguing, even  looked up the definition for you, that's more than enough, but you're probably going to be in denial of what is, and what isn't.


So yeah, healing someone with powers is performing magic, ever heard of healing magic? Useless kinda debating someone in denial LOL. I bet you probably don't even consider light forms of BDSM if it don't involve the traditional things that is shown on TV, but that's another whole topic all together.


TL, DR, damn I'm good! Just owned  three people on the boards today, who's next?  

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I really do empathize at your efforts to get your post EXACTLY correct. But each and every time you hit Post or Update, the forum software sends out tons of emails to everyone that is subscribed. So when you make 20 edits in 10 minutes, that's 20 emails times maybe 100 users .. or 2000 emails.

And each one differs from the previous by a period, a comma .. a single fixed typo.

PLEASE slow down, consider carefully what you've written before you commit the changes .. and have pity on us that have to weed through all those spurious and useless email messages.

Thank you.

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Haha, that's awesome, and no, I was mostly adding more to the definition like the adjectives, and sentences. Don't even think I needed to make a post that entirely large, just the definition alone proves my point exactly. Me tho? I can post pretty big, my blog is crazy with those big posts of rants, but at least it's different than your typical fashion blog that seems to have a new one popping up every other minute. 

But sorry tho! I also doubt this thread will go back to the OP's first orginal post, regardless of it being in the wrong sub section here on the forums, but it is a general topic however.  


This stuff is interesting tho! How's it useless, what do you have going on in your email that could possibly be more important?! 

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Have you ever stood behind someone in the checkout line at the store, and they insist on paying for their purchase in pennies (or similar tiny denomination money)? You know how annoying it is as they meticulously count out each and every one. Each time the amount they owe decreasing by .. nothing of any real import.

Well when I get 8 emails in a row, and each one differs by just a tiny bit (and mind you, I'm doing the comparison purely by eye, so my perception is what counts, not the reality) then I get flat out bored and immediately "mentally mark" any further posts from the same person as "monotonous drivel". Thus even if they DO say something worthwhile, I ain't liistenin' no mo'.

So I'll turn it around on you: I have absolutely nothing more interesting going on in my email. But those shotgun email updates reduce the interest factor of your words below even my totally uninteresting other email stuff.

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