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Questions on Experience

Prokofy Neva

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I see the Lindens rolled out the Experience thing. So here are my questions:

1. Are there modules available for free or for sale where dummies can just plug in an aspect of these Experiences, i.e. ready-made gathering game where you customize your own objects to be collected, just add the script, or a ready-made kill game where you make the monster and add script, etc. as you would add a door script to a customized door?

2. If not, can you have someone else script the Experience for your sim or can only you do it as the owner? Can  you transfer an Experience to another avatar? Can you put it on a sim without being the individual or group owner? What group permissions would you have to give a scripter so they could come and do this for you?

3. Can objects be dual use, i.e. for a non-premium member, they merely dispense an ordinary notecard from a give script, but for those with premium and Experience, the object does more, i.e. starts a collection game?

3. Aside from games, can this be used to make tutorials flow better? The problem I have for tutorials or help sims is that everything involves either clicking and having to say "yes" to get a notecard, or clicking and getting a speech from the talk script that must be read in chat, or a drop-down blue screen. So I wonder if there isn't a way to make this more seamless, you click and the speech is like a talk bubble of a cartoon character or you click and don't have to say "yes" to every notecard or things like that. To make it more frictionless.



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I don't know of any ready-made modules out there, but it's a matter of time before someone writes something like that.  In the meantime, any LSL scripter can write scripts for an experience.  The XT functions are all there in the LSL wiki, and are as well-explained as any of the other LSL functions are.  As with most of the functions, they could use a few more working examples, but those will come with time. To write XT scripts, you must be in the experience you are writing for, and you must be designated by the owner of the experience key as an Experience Contributor.  You don't need to own the experience yourself.  You can read about the details at https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Experiences-in-Second-Life/ta-p/2744686#Section_.4

At the moment, only Premium members can own an experience.  I suspect that's to minimize the chance that griefers will be getting experience keys, but who knows?  Anyone can participate in an experience, however.  If you've visited Linden Realms or last year's Halloween tour, you've seen how that works for Basic and Premium members alike.  You can certainly have plenty of scripts in an area that do not depend on the experience tools, as well as ones that do. If you expect that there may be visitors who do not want to accept the experience, you can write scripts for them that do not use any experience functions (llRequestPermissions instead of llRequestExperiencePermissions, for example), but I would expect that most people will accept the experience.  Some features -- especially those that involve KVP -- cannot be duplicated without experience LSL functions.

You can use experience tools for anything your imagination draws you to.  There are two major groups of functions, both of which have wide implications beyond games.  One-time granting/acceptance of permissions, of course, makes it possible to write "forced" attachments and teleports, among other things.  That means vendors that offer attachable products (think coffee machines or demos in clothing stores) and then immediately attach them, for example.  It means real portal-like teleporters that use llTeleportAgent, which has been of limited use until now.  The other major group of functions involves Key-Value pairs (KVP).  Those make it possible to store large amounts of data in world and make them accessible anywhere, and at any time, within the experience.  Instead of storing customer records off line in external databases, for example, merchants might simply create a KVP for each customer.  (Think of making improved gift cards or upgrade terminals, for example.)  The end result is, indeed, a more seamless, "frictionless" experience for visitors.



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Oh it is really rolled out? But I see only for premiums so it doesn't matter anyways.

Checking about that topic shows a cloud of vague infos for my opinion. Haven't seen many clear infos. Somewhere I've seen that contributors to an experience can be defined so you can at least hire scripters.

I guess you're too early especially for complete script systems. Either get a key and test yourself or wait a bit.


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Prokofy Neva wrote:

I see the Lindens rolled out the Experience thing. So here are my questions:

1. Are there modules available for free or for sale where dummies can just plug in an aspect of these Experiences, i.e. ready-made gathering game where you customize your own objects to be collected, just add the script, or a ready-made kill game where you make the monster and add script, etc. as you would add a door script to a customized door?

2. If not, can you have someone else script the Experience for your sim or can only you do it as the owner? Can  you transfer an Experience to another avatar? Can you put it on a sim without being the individual or group owner? What group permissions would you have to give a scripter so they could come and do this for you?

3. Can objects be dual use, i.e. for a non-premium member, they merely dispense an ordinary notecard from a give script, but for those with premium and Experience, the object does more, i.e. starts a collection game?

3. Aside from games, can this be used to make tutorials flow better? The problem I have for tutorials or help sims is that everything involves either clicking and having to say "yes" to get a notecard, or clicking and getting a speech from the talk script that must be read in chat, or a drop-down blue screen. So I wonder if there isn't a way to make this more seamless, you click and the speech is like a talk bubble of a cartoon character or you click and don't have to say "yes" to every notecard or things like that. To make it more frictionless.



Just to add to Rolig's summary.

In answer to Question 2, any premium member may own an experience.  

The owner may authorise anyone -- premium or not -- to create scripts for that experience by following the proceedure outlined in the knowledge base.     That is,


  • Set the experience to a group.
  • Create a group role with the abiltiy Experience Contributor
  • Invite your chosen scripters (whether they are premium members or not) to the group and assign them that role.

Your scipters will then be able to write and compile scripts for your experience provided they have the appropriate group tag active.

As to question 3, anyone may participate in an experience.  Their account status doesn't matter.  The first time they interact with a script set to your experience,they get a dialog screen asking them to allow the experience to do various things.   After than, all scripts set to the experience can interact with you without needing any further permissions.

That's lmited to animating you, teleporting you, tracking and controlling your camera, attaching things to you and probably a couple of things I've forgotten.   

So what you could do, in answer to your final question about tutorials, is use experience permissions to temp attach a HUD to someone, which would then display text either as hovertext or as textures (like a Powerpoint presentation).   The text could change on a timer, or if the wearer clicks the screen, or if the wearer is moving round the region and stands on a pad that triggers a new display.    There are all sorts of possibilities, though they're more to do with HUD design than experience permissions.

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Admittedly not germane to the original post but because of the overlap with using Experiences for tutorials, I'll just quote my own post from across the street. (Can't link to SLU or the whole post gets auto-deleted here.)

The "phantom cave" thing got me thinking differently about Experiences than I had before.

(I've been playing around with the Exp tools during beta; those who frequent SLRR stations on the Atoll may have encountered my walk-through telepad domes, and most of my SLRR traffic maps now communicate using KVP persistent store to replace a fragile kludge of http and llEmail. But I never found inspiration to build a "story" or "adventure" or "game".)

What I'm thinking now is that many "exploration"-based experiences would benefit from a kind of "guide" agent that tracks each participant's progress through the available content and offers assistance when they appear to get stuck. Game score-keeping might be the minimal case of tracking progress, but lacks that loop-closing offer of assistance. (Collecting statistics on experience navigation may also collect the same data but without helpful feedback to individual participants.)

This could be essential for tutorials, too, so maybe it's standard practice outside the realm of Experiences. I'm also vaguely reminded (again) of an overlap between such ambitious Experiences and the kind of dynamic model of user understanding that drives interactive fiction a la

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Let me see if I can extract answers from your answer, thank you.

1. So no one has made these for sale. That means it isn't going to get stress tested, really. Someone should do this.

2. So you don't have to be the creator of it, have it on your account, but you can be issued a "key" as a "contributor" even if you didn't code it? For example, if you are the land owner? Does individual versus group land come into play? I see on land menus now every single parcel has an "Experience" line. That suggests this could be on any parcel.

3. If you can see/participate in the Experience without having a premium account, then it means all you need is the latest viewer, correct?

4. I guess I'm still trying to figure out "where it is." It is not a script inside a prim. It is not tied to land. But it's server-side like all scripts? So basically, it's just a kind of script. So you can have an object, say a rack of swords, where someone clicks it and only gets a freebie or a notecard about something, but if they've opted into the Experience, they touch the same rack, while wearing a HUD, let's say, and they get the sword to use in a mini-game.

5. I'm glad you mentioned "experience beyond games." When you say "offer attachments," are you saying that instead of having to retrieve the coffee cup out of inventory and "wear" it, or instead of having to retrieve a demo prim or skin out of inventory, it will go right on you, once you opt in. Let's say you land at the store, and opt-in to that Experience and then seemlessly go through the store without any of that pull-from-inventory stuff. Not only for stores, but other things where you want people to be able to do things. For example at the Ross infohub, there is a temporary camel you can get by clicking a sign, then retrieving that camel from your inventory and wearing him. But you could do it so there is no extra steps, click, and you're already sitting on the camel, let's say.

6. It sounds like you're saying that it is just a more robust inworld or on-Linden-server system such as what merchants already have on web sites that keep track of customers and maybe award points to frequent customers or whatever.

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Let's see how well I can interleave some responses with your questions/observations ....

Prokofy Neva wrote:

Let me see if I can extract answers from your answer, thank you.

1. So no one has made these for sale. That means it isn't going to get stress tested, really. Someone should do this.

Well, that's the way it is with any user-created content.  Anything a LSL scripter creates is stress tested by the end users.  If you were to write a handy module of some kind and put it on Marketplace, anyone who bought it would be a certified stress tester.

2. So you don't have to be the creator of it, have it on your account, but you can be issued a "key" as a "contributor" even if you didn't code it? For example, if you are the land owner? Does individual versus group land come into play? I see on land menus now every single parcel has an "Experience" line. That suggests this could be on any parcel.

That's true.  The owner of an Experience might designate people as "contributors" for a variety of reasons other than being scripters.  If your creative team includes 3D modelers and animators, you might want to let them all be contributors so that they could modify/customize scripts in the experience.

3. If you can see/participate in the Experience without having a premium account, then it means all you need is the latest viewer, correct?

Correct.  Actually, you don't even need tghe most current viewer.  SL residents have been able to participate in Linden Realms (an experience) for a few years now, yet viewers that support editing an experience have only been available fairly recently.

4. I guess I'm still trying to figure out "where it is." It is not a script inside a prim. It is not tied to land. But it's server-side like all scripts? So basically, it's just a kind of script. So you can have an object, say a rack of swords, where someone clicks it and only gets a freebie or a notecard about something, but if they've opted into the Experience, they touch the same rack, while wearing a HUD, let's say, and they get the sword to use in a mini-game.

"It" is a feature of the LSL scripting environment, just as particles or HTTP messaging are.  Yes, an experience is server-side, as all LSL is. And yes, your example is a good one.  You might well create something like a sword or a gun that autoattaches and triggers an animation as long as the user is in the experience but doesn't do those things if used outside it or by someone who has not accepted the experience.  Another example:  In-world shops have ben able to use
for making demos for a few years now, but a demo still has to ask the user's permission to attach. You could create a demo system in a shop that autoattaches an item as soon as a person in the experience steps onto a platform, without asking.  A person who is not in the experience might still be able to use the demo vendor, but would have to give permission each time.

5. I'm glad you mentioned "experience beyond games." When you say "offer attachments," are you saying that instead of having to retrieve the coffee cup out of inventory and "wear" it, or instead of having to retrieve a demo prim or skin out of inventory, it will go right on you, once you opt in. Let's say you land at the store, and opt-in to that Experience and then seemlessly go through the store without any of that pull-from-inventory stuff. Not only for stores, but other things where you want people to be able to do things. For example at the Ross infohub, there is a temporary camel you can get by clicking a sign, then retrieving that camel from your inventory and wearing him. But you could do it so there is no extra steps, click, and you're already sitting on the camel, let's say.

Exactly.  Another example:  Imagine that you have a snowy region where visitors in your experience can simply walk out the door of the ski lodge and find that they are wearing skis and walking with a ski animation.  Or a jungle region where you not only see swarms of particle mosquitos but also find that you are automatically swatting at them every once in a while, simply because you have triggered the animation by walking into a transparent prim. (Maybe even unwittingly attached a prim that has the mosquito particle generator in it.)

6. It sounds like you're saying that it is just a more robust inworld or on-Linden-server system such as what merchants already have on web sites that keep track of customers and maybe award points to frequent customers or whatever.

That's certainly one way you might use an experience.  It would save a merchant to trouble of maintaining an off-line database and server.  KVP could also be used to get around the memory limitations of a greeter/counter script, or to push automatic updates to products anywhere on the grid, or to change the prices of items in all vendors in all of a merchant's shops anywhere on the grid at once.  If you can imagine a commercial function that is limited today by memory, time, or location, it's worth thinking of ways to improve it through an experience.


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Prokofy Neva wrote:

So would you have to make a separate new group for the Experience? What if you are on group land? Couldn't you use that existing land group?

Certainly you may use an existing land group.  Sorry I didn't make myself clear.  What matters is that you have a group role with the ability Experience Contributor, and then you assign your scripters that group role.

I don't know if it's relevant to your plans, but in case anyone else is reading this in search of information about Experience Tools, the experience can run anywhere on the grid, so long as the owner of the particular parcel where the scripts are to run allows that experience to run there.

So, for example, I've made a teleportation system for an estate comprising about 30 regions, which is set to their land group.  Three of us, I think, have Experience Contributor role in their land group.   

However, for convenience,  I have a copy of the teleporter at my home on a different region completely.   I can use it to teleport from my home anywhere on the estate for which I made because I've set my parcel to permit that experience.


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  • 3 months later...

As I understand it, when youy request Experience permissions it sould popup a window for you to say yes or no?

Can someone walk me through how this should work because its not working at all, I have an alt that uses experiences,I check the experience button in the LSL script window, and just wrote a basic script that says on touch RequestExperiencePermissions with the owner as a key, nothing happens....

What would be best is if someone had an example script with experiences already working.

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Without seeing your script, it's difficult to know what you expect to happen.  If the alt has already accepted the experience, then your alt won't see the request window, obviously.

Try something like this for debugging purposes:


key toucher;string experienceName = "Name of your experience";default{	state_entry()	{		if(llList2String(llGetExperienceDetails(NULL_KEY), 0)!=experienceName){			llOwnerSay("Please set this script to the "+experienceName+" experience.");		}	}	touch_start(integer num_detected)	{		toucher = llDetectedKey(0);		llRequestExperiencePermissions(toucher, "");	}	experience_permissions(key agent)	{		if(toucher == agent){ //should not be necessary but I include it in an attempt to suppress a strange error message you sometimes get in laggy conditions		llRegionSayTo(toucher, 0, "experience permissions granted");		}	}	experience_permissions_denied(key agent, integer reason)	{		if(toucher == agent){			llRegionSayTo(toucher, 0, "Experience Permissions denied.  The reason given is "+llGetExperienceErrorMessage(reason));		}	}}


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When a script uses llRequestExperiencePermissions, it is essentially checking to see whether you have already accepted the Experience.  If you have, permissions are granted automatically.  If not, it opens a window to ask you to accept the Experience. You should only see a window the very first time that you enter an Experience, After that, you will never see it again.  That's one of the big differences between Experience permissions and ordinary permissions. 

So, for example, if you have put the following script in an Experience....

default{    touch_start(integer num)    {        llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0),"");    }    experience_permissions(key Av)    {        llStartAnimation("Hop and Skip");    }}

it will automatically trigger the "Hop and Skip" animation (if it is in the object's inventory), if the person who clicked has already accepted the Experience.  If not, it will open a request window.

You do need to be sure to put your script in the Experience, using the checkbox and menu at the bottom of your Edit window.  It's also good practice to include a brief script snippet at the start of the script, to remind you to do that.


integer InExperience(){    if(llGetExperienceDetails(NULL_KEY)== [])    {        llSay(0,"This script needs to be in an Experience.");        return FALSE;    }    return TRUE;}default{    state_entry()    {        if ( InExperience() )       {            state running;        }}state running{    // Your rest of your script goes here}

 Edit:  Hah!  I see that Innula has the same advice.  Maybe two versions of the same answer will make it truly clear for you.  :smileywink:

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Thank you so much for all the help, I just for the first little bit of a response, from that last script provided, notifying me that I don't have the hop and skip animation. Seems that I needed to allow the experience in the land settings itself. so they don't work across SL unless you have each sim allowing the experience? , really sorry for being so clueless about this = \

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That's why I wrote "it will automatically trigger the "Hop and Skip" animation (if it is in the object's inventory)".  Obviously, your script cannot trigger an animation that it does not have.  :smileywink:

As for your second question, not all experiences are the same.  As a Premium member, you may create one Experience to be used as an Allowed Experience -- that is, an Experience that may be enabled on any region or parcel that you own. That's what you would normally want to do if your land is generally open for public access.  If you own a private estate, you might instead set your Experience as a Key ExperienceResidents who have opted in to the experience may enter the estate, and remain in the estate as long as they continue to participate in the Experience. Additionally, if the Resident attempts to teleport into the estate without the experience they will receive a notice that informs them they may be granted entry if they accept the experience.  Neither kind of Experience can be enabled everywhere in SL.

If you have not read and studied https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Experiences-in-Second-Life/ta-p/2744686 , you should do that.

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Yea I am happy , it worked perfectly, didnt meant to be unclear, It did what it was supposed to do and told me I didnt have the animation, I wasnt even able to get a heartbeat out of it before then. I think I understand now, I was hoping it would work anywhere in SL if permissions were given, now I understand it has restrictions...

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Just to clarify Rolig's final post, your experience will work on land you don't own, provided that whoever owns it allows the experience there.

So if you want to sell whatever it is you're making, you can do.  You just have to make sure that buyers know to enable "Nawen's Experience" (or whatever it's called) on their lands.

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  • 4 years later...

I am replying to this thread as I want to know how many of you achieved this with a full linden premium account. I find it really silly as a Linden writer to have to have a Premium Account to write this stuff it totally sucks , I tried your examples and none work . I presume this is because it needs experience key  I am writing to Tila about this as it seems disgraceful half of SL cant use this experience stuff. D

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8 hours ago, VirtualKitten said:

 I am writing to Tila about this

Good luck with that. 

Nobody needs to have a Premium account to use Experiences, nor to develop with them. Only Premium accounts, however, can be responsible for an Experience. That makes sense considering how powerful Experiences can be and how many resources they might use if exploited by an account with not much at stake. Hence, Basic account holders would need to find a Premium subscriber either to review their Experience contributions before accepting them in the subscriber's scripts, or one who implicitly trusts the Basic member to be a Contributor to their Experience.

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