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I recently saw an ad for male escort, and maybe this is a stupid question: 

Are there women in SL, that actually pay for such a "male service" ... and if yes, then why?

Not that I see anything wrong about it. I am just wondering, because I thought that all women in SL got a lot of "free offers" from willing men, all the time. - So I would like to know, why to pay for it?


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Muletta wrote:

I recently saw an ad for male escort, and maybe this is a stupid question: 

Are there women in SL, that actually pay for such a "male service" ... and if yes, then why?

Not that I see anything wrong about it. I am just wondering, because I thought that all women in SL got a lot of "free offers" from willing men, all the time. - So I would like to know, why to pay for it?


See my thread about what free stuff is worth.


((Would you prefer a free bike or, if you could afford it, a Rolls-Royce?))

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Muletta wrote: [...] Are there women in SL, that actually pay for such a "male service" ... and if yes, then why? 

Same reason as why men pay for female service. Objectively speaking, there should be no difference –and if there is, perhaps that’s an even more interesting question: why is there any?

Of course, that’s the theory. In practice, and whether the difference is justifiable or not, it exists, but perhaps this guy (or girl, behind the screen) just chooses to do what many clothing creators do: accept that they’ll have a much smaller clientele.

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Ren Toxx wrote:

Muletta wrote: [...] Are there women in SL, that actually pay for such a "male service" ... and if yes, then why? 

Same reason as why men pay for female service. Objectively speaking, there should be no difference –and if there is, perhaps that’s an even more interesting question: why is there any?

Of course, that’s the theory. In practice, and whether the difference is justifiable or not, it exists, but perhaps this guy (or girl, behind the screen) just chooses to do what many clothing creators do: accept that they’ll have a much smaller clientele.

If it is because of the same reason, that men pay for female service...what is this reason, then, you think?





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Muletta wrote:

MissTeriMahn, I have written the same reply to you four times now, but my posts to you will not show in the thread, for some strange reason.

I will get back to you, when I can.

THere is something peculair going on in these forums today. Perhaps your comments are being censored by the new anti-humour algorithm that they have installed alongside the ***bleep*** checker.


((FOr example the editor keeps converting the second letters of words into upper case for no apparent reason.))

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Yes, there are a lot of willing offers from countless men but a vast majority of those experiences may be inferior to a paid escort who has mastered the art of virtual sex in both visual and cerebral domains.  That's the hope anyway and what they should be supposedly selling.

My guess is they don't get much business just due to the natural differences in the sexes and take the sign down post haste while yet another takes a swing at the plate.   

I'm also guessing there's no stat tracking on that one.

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Spinwilly Saiman wrote:

Yes, there are a lot of willing offers from countless men but a vast majority of those experiences may be inferior to a paid escort who has mastered the art of virtual sex in both visual and cerebral domains.............

So you saying , it might be educational benefits then  :)

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MissTeriMahn wrote:

Muletta wrote:

I recently saw an ad for male escort, and maybe this is a stupid question: 

Are there women in SL, that actually pay for such a "male service" ... and if yes, then why?

Not that I see anything wrong about it. I am just wondering, because I thought that all women in SL got a lot of "free offers" from willing men, all the time. - So I would like to know, why to pay for it?


See my thread about what free stuff is worth.


((Would you prefer a free bike or, if you could afford it, a Rolls-Royce?))

The problem is though, that in this case, I cannot see if the "vehicle" is a Rolls-Royce or only a bike, until I have tried to drive it.


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I used to help train some of this rare breed, back in the dazzling days of limitless expansion and clubs that could amass every kind of sub-department in the name of attempted profitability.

Allow me to try and blow your mind.

I think it's pretty easy to imagine that many times, the offers a lady gets when wandering the Grid are not only unwanted, but also unbecoming. The sorts of partner any sane person would keep at the other end of a pole intended for aiding transit down a canal via boat. "Free" is not "good".

Random propositions are rarely designed to leave a 'winning' outcome in the mind of the target, it's usually all about gain for the proposer with very little respect paid to the lady.

Escorts (male and female) are largely immune to these problems (at least, if they're successful) - instead they focus on being entertaining, charming and aesthetically pleasing. Busy women seeking men can enter into a business arrangement knowing the outcome, without having to take awkward risks that could affect her existing commitments. This also means that she can concentrate on having fun rather than falling into [perhaps unwanted] partner-selection behaviour. Choosing a male escort for a Boyfriend Experience has been on the rise for years (at least since I was close to the industry, like 2008?) and is even more popular today.

Given Second Life's demographic, and the average number of daily created threads in the Lifestyles and Relationships sub-forum, it's probably not hard to imagine the economic potential of a skilled male escort. Plenty of people come here looking for a little extra spark.

Some links, which I will keep PG - but feel free to research any of the terms. :D

Wikipedia: Host Clubs

Wikipedia: Girlfriend (or Boyfriend) Experience

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Freya :) 

Thank you for telling me about your experiences in this matter. Without knowing, it seems to me that the best escort guys, must be the ones trained by a women.

Inspite I do not have any experience with male escorts myself, I don’t consider myself as prude. So I hope you don't misunderstand me, and it takes a lot to really seriously blow my mind, when it comes to what grown up people like to do together.

 I know of all the reasons you explained...when it comes to real life, where women can feel a kind of lonelyness, maybe they have passed their first youth, or maybe they as business women do not have time for relationships or deeper feelings. Maybe some women do not get the attention from men in real life, that they would like...I know all that.

But in Second Life, lonelyness, the lack of youth or attention should not be any problem. Neither should womens lack of beauty be a hindrance for attracting the attention of men. We can look like we want, and we can go places, where men will be more than happy to freely "make this kind of service" to a woman. - And I do not think that the "amateur men" here are all so bad, after all.

Curiously enough, I do not understand either, why a woman would pay an SL-male-avatar for only 15 - 30  minutes of "service".... What happened to the generally claim about women needs dinner, romance, sweet words in the ear and trust, before they jump on the poseballs?

- I mean, if women only want a quicky, lasting only 15 - 30 minutes, why pay for it? it would be much more easy for me to understand, if they pay for a really great long evening, with an attentive and handsome man, whom they don't need to get involved with, after the meeting….But 15-30 minutes with payment? I still don’t see the point, sorry.



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Muletta wrote:

Curiously enough, I do not understand either, why a woman would pay an SL-male-avatar for only 15 - 30  minutes of "service".... What happened to the generally claim about women needs dinner, romance, sweet words in the ear and trust, before they jump on the poseballs?

- I mean, if women only want a quicky, lasting only 15 - 30 minutes, why pay for it? it would be much more easy for me to understand, if they pay for a really great long evening, with an attentive and handsome man, whom they don't need to get involved with, after the meeting….But 15-30 minutes with payment? I still don’t see the point, sorry.



I think the 'service' is negotiable. Perhaps the client wants a bit of small talk in a warm embrace, nothing more.

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CheriColette wrote:

maybe ask for a money back guarantee is not satisfied Mutetta

Yes CheriColette... Of course it could be a solution. But opposite when men sometimes are paying for woman-company, I hardly believe that this is only about a matter of easing the pressure....which is more measureable with the man as a customer.... :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

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Venus Petrov wrote:


I think the 'service' is negotiable. Perhaps the client wants a bit of small talk in a warm embrace, nothing more.

Well, if so, it makes it even more difficult to understand for me, sorry...Because the paying woman can not be ignorant about, that the receiver of her small talk, is only thinking about the money he is earning, while he is only pretending some genuine interest in her welfare and her thoughts...

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Glad you liked my post!

I should add that I was trained by a guy (my partner at the time), to train other guys and girls, in the fine arts. There's no trick to teaching except for passion, and enjoying seeing people happy. Kind of a long story anyway, but super-fun.

I'm not familiar with the "service" you ran across, if they were indeed only offering 15-30 minute poseball sessions then this - to my understanding of the market - wouldn't be especially successful for long. I don't mean to gender this - no-one can have "fun", in my opinion, in just 15-30 minutes. It's not long enough to switch off. (Of course one of the oldest tricks in the book is the up-sell - start with 15 minutes until it slowly becomes 3 hours - it could be that?)

The trick of the business is that it's about good company, with witty, characterful people. Poseball bumping may be a part of it, but overall it's the "headspace" - the mental comfort - that people are seeking. I'd say this need for comfort isn't limited to Real Life, but you're also right that the ability to create the "boyfriend experience" with very few moral objections in Second Life probably slightly undercuts the market. There are plenty of people out there looking to recreate suburban living and that's where this need is served - in Second Life - for most.

Haha I certainly wasn't bashing the non-paid-for company either! Just that it can be difficult to match a professional.

I'd say it's probable that people would seek quick sessions in place of chasing SL relationships, when they don't want to invest the time (or risk) in spending time meeting people, finding good chemistry, etc. It also allows the woman to be more in the driver's seat, she enters into an environment where she can say "I want someone like this, and I want this to happen." - perhaps a change from relationship dynamics in real life where things are more driven by economics and socially-engrained tradition. I also imagine that part of it is people who want something most stable relationships don't often provide (e.g. swinging, maybe? Cuckoldry? These are things I know less about :P). But this is just guessing - in my lessons there were very different objectives. :D

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Muletta wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:


I think the 'service' is negotiable. Perhaps the client wants a bit of small talk in a warm embrace, nothing more.

Well, if so, it makes it even more difficult to understand for me, sorry...Because the paying woman can not be ignorant about, that the receiver of her small talk, is only thinking about the money he is earning,
while he is only pretending some genuine interest in her welfare and her thoughts...

How is this different than any other 'normal' relationship?

Virtual or otherwise.

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Muletta wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:


I think the 'service' is negotiable. Perhaps the client wants a bit of small talk in a warm embrace, nothing more.

Well, if so, it makes it even more difficult to understand for me, sorry...Because the paying woman can not be ignorant about, that the receiver of her small talk, is only thinking about the money he is earning,
while he is only pretending some genuine interest in her welfare and her thoughts...

A wise woman is not so foolish to expect that the service provider has a genuine interest in her welfare and thoughts. She is paying him for his time, nothing else.

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As a former male  escort myself  maybe i can enlighten you

The male escorts job is  to entertain you.  To be there for your every whim  without question.

You set the fantasy (and sometime where)  Want a cop?  A fireman?  A Cowboy? 

and best of all no string attached.   And it isnt just sex.    There is coversation, laughter  and some times we  are just asked to hold them. 

Some of the payment goes to club  where the escort works.

ANd man  the tips are usaylly in the 1000's

But tipping is option

hope i anwered your question



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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Glad you liked my post!

I should add that I was trained by a guy (my partner at the time), to train other guys
girls, in the fine arts. There's no trick to teaching except for passion, and enjoying seeing people happy. Kind of a long story anyway, but super-fun.

I'm not familiar with the "service" you ran across, if they were indeed only offering 15-30 minute poseball sessions then this - to my understanding of the market - wouldn't be especially successful for long. I
don't mean to gender this - no-one can have "fun", in my opinion, in just 15-30 minutes. It's not long enough to switch off. (Of course one of the oldest tricks in the book is the up-sell - start with 15 minutes until it slowly becomes 3 hours - it could be that?)

The trick of the business is that it's about good company, with witty, characterful people. Poseball bumping may be a part of it, but overall it's the "headspace" - the mental comfort - that people are seeking. 
I'd say this need for comfort isn't limited to Real Life, but you're also right that the ability to create the "boyfriend experience" with very few moral objections in Second Life probably slightly undercuts the market. There are plenty of people out there looking to recreate suburban living and that's where this need is served - in Second Life - for most.

Haha I certainly wasn't bashing the non-paid-for company either! Just that it can be difficult to match a professional.

I'd say it's probable that people would seek quick sessions in place of chasing SL relationships, when they don't want to invest the time (or risk) in spending time meeting people, finding good chemistry, etc. It also allows the woman to be more in the driver's seat, she enters into an environment where she can say "I want someone like this, and I want this to happen." - perhaps a change from relationship dynamics in real life where things are more driven by economics and socially-engrained tradition. I also imagine that part of it is people who want something most stable relationships don't often provide (e.g. swinging, maybe? Cuckoldry? These are things I know less about
). But this is just guessing - in my lessons there were very different objectives.

Yes, I liked your previous post and I like this very much too. You have here pointed out some things, that have made me look at male escort from other angles.... I now understand about the 15 minutes, and about the woman being in the driver seat, and the thing with paying for mentally comfort too.

Thank you so much for have taken the time to explain to me :matte-motes-smile:

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Muletta wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:


I think the 'service' is negotiable. Perhaps the client wants a bit of small talk in a warm embrace, nothing more.

Well, if so, it makes it even more difficult to understand for me, sorry...Because the paying woman can not be ignorant about, that the receiver of her small talk, is only thinking about the money he is earning,
while he is only pretending some genuine interest in her welfare and her thoughts...

How is this different than any other 'normal' relationship?

Virtual or otherwise.

Hahaha... Believe me or not, but there really are men, who have a genuine concern about the welfare of their woman, and some men even care about what their woman thinks and mean too. - If you haven't tried to be such a man yet, I will recommand you to give it a try soon :smileywink:


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Venus Petrov wrote:

Muletta wrote:

Venus Petrov wrote:


I think the 'service' is negotiable. Perhaps the client wants a bit of small talk in a warm embrace, nothing more.

Well, if so, it makes it even more difficult to understand for me, sorry...Because the paying woman can not be ignorant about, that the receiver of her small talk, is only thinking about the money he is earning,
while he is only pretending some genuine interest in her welfare and her thoughts...

A wise woman is not so foolish to expect that the service provider has a genuine interest in her welfare and thoughts. She is paying him for his time, nothing else.

Yes, but still I think it must be a kind of empty feeling for her, to pay a male escort for listening to her, instead of consulting a therapist, a vicar, or to get some real caring friends to talk to....But okay, if the listening is a part of a foreplay to the sexual act, I guess a vicar is a bad idea, after all...


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