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What makes an avatar looks good?


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Hello everyone,
I am wondering what is the most important thing that makes an avatar look good or professional not noobish.
I want to work on my avatar but not sure where to start ! is it the skin, shape or clothes. Or mix of all.
And dose those expensive clothes and skins are the good one? (expensive in comparison with other shops)
I think there is no one answer to this but tell me what do you think is the key feature in making your avatar look professional

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The combination of everything a person decides to wear, how it looks together, makes an avatar to look good.

For me, avatar looks good when their shape is proportional - head doesnt seem too small compared to the width of the shoulders for the males or with the size of a single breast for females. Also, it is nice to see hands and feets that are proportional with the rest of the body.

Then its a matter of style and personal preferences; quality skin is a must, same as the shoes and hair (kinda like in rl isn't it? lol) and details, how you put your outfit together, what accessories you have, what colors did you combine? None of that needs to be expensive because these days you can find really high quality freebies. OK except the mesh bodies, no freebies there haha

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Like those who responded already,  I agree it is a combination of things that makes an avitar look good..  definitely body proportions that are within normal looking limits, and that does give a pretty wide scope as there are attractive real folks of all shapes and sizes so is there in SL.  The thing that was important for me when I first made my avitar is the face, the basic structure of the facial features will look different depending on what skin is chosen so skin shopping can take quite a long time, unless you opt for a shape and skin combination (but then you rislk looking like a thousand other avitars out there).  Some skins will flatter the facial features and some will not so trial and demos are the only way to go with that.  Then of course there is the hair,  finding flattering styles for women and there are tons out there..  for men not so much choice, but then some men can look amazing just plain bald.  But again it all depends on what looks good with the facial features and also the skin tones.  And finally it is the clothing that is selected, however, having said that,  a great looking avie can look good in almost any clothing, or without as well, male or female.  

The bottom line to looking good comes down to this,  personal taste,  and a lot of patience to either create your own body shape, or find one you like,  then the search for a skin that compliments that.  Most women seem to be naturally good at this, and so are a lot of men so it all depends on the effort (and sometimes the lindens) you want to put into your appearance. But if I had to say one main thing,  it would be the body shape and skin combination.

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Im not an expert  but to me skin, shape and an AO are the things to start with.

Mainly your skin and shape...ive found it so hard to find a good skin and shape and a lot of looking around and researching. Im settled on one skin and shape at the moment that is pretty decent.

Im still fairly new even tho my account is old but skin to me has been the hardest.

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Natural human shape, quality skin, quality hair, quality clothes, good AO.

The AO (animation overrider) is very important too for the overall image what an avatar gives to observers. Even if everything else was great and the AO was bad, filled with silly animations, then the overall image of the avatar would not be great.

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Coby Foden wrote:

Natural human shape, quality skin, quality hair, quality clothes, good AO.

The AO (animation overrider) is very important too for the overall image what an avatar gives to observers. Even if everything else was great and the AO was bad, filled with silly animations, then the overall image of the avatar would not be great.

That's very speciesist of you to say.. Human.. pffft.. What about us whatzits? One day i am a lycan, the next a dragon, hell some days i shift many times.. The number of thirsty women who ask for sex with my non human avs scares me.. For some reason the 4 meter tall minotaur gets the most asks..

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For a human, skin, hair, aproportionat shape, ao that doesn't have you running or skipping around/side splits/etc when you are just standing. Oh, and not the Oracul female free AO that has the animation that makes you look like you're looking at your feet trying to figure out what you stepped in. That AO, though nice, is so totally overused. 

For a non human, decent texturing for the skin..no cut and paste textures from animations like the Sonic, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc. You want an AO that's appropriate for what your shape is. I have a neko alt that one of her "stands" has her sitting down on her heels. That wouldn't be appropriate for a human but totally works for a neko. 

You can get a lot of quality free stuff for a human avi. You have to work a bit more to find it for non-humans.

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Luxmai wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am wondering what is the most important thing that makes an avatar look good or professional not noobish.

I want to work on my avatar but not sure where to start ! is it the skin, shape or clothes. Or mix of all.

And dose those expensive clothes and skins are the good one? (expensive in comparison with other shops)

I think there is no one answer to this but tell me what do you think is the key feature in making your avatar look professional

I don't know a lot about not-human avatars, but when the avatar is a human I will say as other already have mentioned: A good AO, and an overall harmonious appearance...good proportions.

Hight is also important to me. Unless one deliberately wants to look like a tiny or (what is the name for the very large human-avatars?) the hight should be so, that men generally are taller than women...Like in real life, I don't like to dance with a man who is almost a head smaller than me.

The size of the head does also matter to me. Some men have great shapes, but their head looks like they have stolen it from a pin :matte-motes-smile:

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Muletta wrote:

Luxmai wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am wondering what is the most important thing that makes an avatar look good or professional not noobish.

I want to work on my avatar but not sure where to start ! is it the skin, shape or clothes. Or mix of all.

And dose those expensive clothes and skins are the good one? (expensive in comparison with other shops)

I think there is no one answer to this but tell me what do you think is the key feature in making your avatar look professional

I don't know a lot about not-human avatars, but when the avatar is a human I will say as other already have mentioned: A good AO, and an overall harmonious appearance...good proportions.

Hight is also important to me. Unless one deliberately wants to look like a tiny or (what is the name for the very large human-avatars?) the hight should be so, that men generally are taller than women...Like in real life, I don't like to dance with a man who is almost a head smaller than me.

The size of the head does also matter to me. Some men have great shapes, but their head looks like they have stolen it from a pin :matte-motes-smile:

How tall is your avatar? My human av is 6.5 feet tall. or 1.98 meters tall. Are you an Amazon? If you are like most of the female avs i have met you will tower over me.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Muletta wrote:

Luxmai wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am wondering what is the most important thing that makes an avatar look good or professional not noobish.

I want to work on my avatar but not sure where to start ! is it the skin, shape or clothes. Or mix of all.

And dose those expensive clothes and skins are the good one? (expensive in comparison with other shops)

I think there is no one answer to this but tell me what do you think is the key feature in making your avatar look professional

I don't know a lot about not-human avatars, but when the avatar is a human I will say as other already have mentioned: A good AO, and an overall harmonious appearance...good proportions.

Hight is also important to me. Unless one deliberately wants to look like a tiny or (what is the name for the very large human-avatars?) the hight should be so, that men generally are taller than women...Like in real life, I don't like to dance with a man who is almost a head smaller than me.

The size of the head does also matter to me. Some men have great shapes, but their head looks like they have stolen it from a pin :matte-motes-smile:

How tall is your avatar? My human av is 6.5 feet tall. or 1.98 meters tall. Are you an Amazon? If you are like most of the female avs i have met you will tower over me.

Compared to other female avatars, my hight is rather average...so no, I am not an amazone.

I am aware of, that the average hight for avatars in SL is very different from real life, and some make their avas after rl-hights and some make their avas after SL-standard. When these two hights meet at a dance floor, it sometimes can feels awkward :matte-motes-smile:



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Height thread detected! Everybody down! :o


As far as I'm aware there is no SL standard - there are people who pay attention and people who get it wrong. The average "SL height" exists because getting it wrong is far easier than getting it right. I don't really hold these errors against people, although I do look down on blind conformity.

That said, height as a dimension has never really bothered me (unless there's not enough of it, then I bump my head). Consistent and proportional scale (across the avatar) and attention to detail is way more important, and I've a personal preference for divergence. Normal is boring! By far the best advice I could give anyone is to do something special and personal with your avatar - grab attention, get people to ask questions, make statements!

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Height thread detected! Everybody down!


As far as I'm aware there is no SL standard - there are people who pay attention and people who get it wrong. The average "SL height" exists because getting it wrong is far easier than getting it right. I don't really hold these errors against people, although I do look down on blind conformity.

That said, height as a dimension has never really bothered me (unless there's not enough of it, then I bump my head). Consistent and proportional scale (across the avatar) and attention to detail is way more important, and I've a personal preference for divergence. Normal is boring! By far the best advice I could give anyone is to do something
with your avatar - grab attention, get people to ask questions, make statements!

It is kind of funny, what each of us pay attention to, when it comes to other people/avatars.

As said, hight is important to me, but in return I find the mens black freebie hair, which a lot of newbies start to wear at first, and which a lot of women dislike, rather charming...

No matter how we look like, fortunately there will always be someone, somewhere, who will think we look great, I think.

Ohh, hahaha...I wasn't aware that hight-threads are a kind of dangerous zone to start wading in here, sorry.

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Hehee, I think height's a polarised topic entirely because it matters to some people (not a bad thing!) during interest selection. It's only dangerous here because of the volume (quantity and amplitude) of opinions. Some expect a certain height differential, others are used to their genetic gifts and aren't so used to being average size in a world where 100 on the slider means "normal". This gets even more blurry when you try and make things technical - since height also exists as a functional variable for avatars and affects things like camera angles and building scales/efficiency.

I mostly tease, though. I've been de-fanged. :D

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

... hands you a li'l bag of fangs she's pinched from Progeny vampires.

Database-y fangs! My favourite! :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

Fangs very much! Just what I need to sink my teeth into some fresh controversy. Hohoho.

Now no-pun is safe! 

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Hehee, I think height's a polarised topic entirely because it matters to some people (not a bad thing!) during interest selection. It's only dangerous here because of the volume (quantity and amplitude) of opinions. Some expect a certain height differential, others are used to their genetic gifts and aren't so used to being average size in a world where 100 on the slider means "normal". This gets even more blurry when you try and make things technical - since height also exists as a functional variable for avatars and affects things like camera angles and building scales/efficiency.

I mostly tease, though. I've been de-fanged.


Hahaha - If I was as high in real, as I am in SL....I think I could be nominated to get my own little space in The Guinness Book of Records. 

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Muletta wrote:

Freya Mokusei wrote:

Hehee, I think height's a polarised topic entirely because it matters to some people (not a bad thing!) during interest selection. It's only dangerous here because of the volume (quantity and amplitude) of opinions. Some expect a certain height differential, others are used to their genetic gifts and aren't so used to being average size in a world where 100 on the slider means "normal". This gets even more blurry when you try and make things technical - since height also exists as a functional variable for avatars and affects things like camera angles and building scales/efficiency.

I mostly tease, though. I've been de-fanged.


Hahaha - If I was as high in real, as I am in SL....I think I could be nominated to get my own little space in The Guinness Book of Records. 

This is just a guess but that would mean no dancing for me then..

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

... hands you a li'l bag of fangs she's pinched from Progeny vampires.

Database-y fangs! My favourite! :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

very much! Just what I need to
sink my teeth
into some fresh controversy. Hohoho.

Now no-pun is safe! 

... takes the fangs back.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Muletta wrote:


Hahaha - If I was as high in real, as I am in SL....I think I could be nominated to get my own little space in The Guinness Book of Records. 

This is just a guess but that would mean no dancing for me then..

Ohhhhh .... :matte-motes-impatient:   I am sure I would love to dance with you Drake.

If I meet you inworld some day, I will immediately do an exception, and shrink my hight, so I can look you deep in the eyes, while we clear the dance floor together in a tremendous tango. :matte-motes-smile:



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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Natural human shape, quality skin, quality hair, quality clothes, good AO.

The AO (animation overrider) is very important too for the overall image what an avatar gives to observers. Even if everything else was great and the AO was bad, filled with silly animations, then the overall image of the avatar would not be great.

That's very speciesist of you to say.. Human.. pffft.. What about us whatzits? One day i am a lycan, the next a dragon, hell some days i shift many times.. The number of thirsty women who ask for sex with my non human avs scares me.. For some reason the 4 meter tall minotaur gets the most asks..

Yes. I was specifically talking about human avatars. Other kind [non-human] avatars naturally may look whatever they might like. They can look amazing too when well done - whatever form and shape they are.


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Proportions are more important than absolute measurements.  A human woman should be 7 1/2 heads tall.  Eyes should be 1 eye width apart and 1/2 eye width from the side..  The corners of the lips should be directly under the pupils or 2 eye widths across.  They can be slightly smaller (1.72 to 1.5 eye width minimal) for a pouting look.


Face proportions chart:



Body perportion chart:



"Art" body proportion chat:



These are the instincts mother nature has given us in regards to what is the perfect size. It is always importnt to know the rules so you know how to break them.  The shape of the lips as I mentioned about can mean different things just by increasing or decreasing the width slightly.  Eyes are another good example.  When we are surprised, excited or in awe, we open our eyes wide,  Slightly increasing the eye size makes an avatar look more open and inviting because they look like someone who is having fun.  Make the eyes too large and they look frightened.


Anyway, it should be clear that I feel that proportions are the key elements in a good looking avatar.  Clothes, skin and even the animations all hang off of foundation of the shape.

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